Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (2024)

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2.How to enhance/disenhance

3.How to repair Weapon/Armor Max Durability

3.1.Memory Fragments

3.2.Artisan’s Memory

4.Enhancing Armor

5.Enhancing Weapons

6.Enhancing Accessories

7.Other Equipment

8.Force Enhancing

9.Cron Stones

10.Valks’ Cry/Fairy’s Blessing

11.Exchanging Blackstones for Failstacks

12.Storing Failstacks (Naderr’s Band)

13.Cleansing Gear

14.Devouring Gear

15.Enhance vs Durability

16.Enhancing Titles


To start enhancing equipment you will need “Black Stones”.

There are different Black Stones for different types of gear.

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (1)Beginner Black StoneUsed to enhance Naru Gear – Story quest gear
Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (2)Time-filled Black StoneUsed to enhance Season Tuvala Gear
Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (3)Black StoneUsed to enhance gear up to +15
Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (4)Concentrated Magical Black StoneUsed to enhance gear from PRI to PEN
Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (5)Flawless Magical Black StoneUsed to enhance Blackstar Gear
Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (6)Flawless Chaotic Black StoneUsed to enhance Fallen God Armor and Labreska Helmet

Tips/Important Information before you start:

  • Failing an enhancement gives you a +1 “failstack” which will give you an increased chance of success the next time you enhance. Failstacks are consumed when you successfully enhance an item.
  • You can use cheaper equipment (such as Reblath Armor or cheap accessories) to get fail stacks. This is a process called “failstacking”.
  • Fail stacks are not shared across all characters. If you need to enhance an item and don’t want to use your fail stacks, use an alt character.
  • You can use “Force Enhancing” to guarantee your success with a 100% chance, but this will use a lot of max durability on the item.
  • You can only have a maximum of 90% chance of success with failstacks but this isn’t always easy to achieve.
  • Weapons and Armor can be enhanced from +1 all the way up to +15 and then will go PRI (+16), DUO (+17), TRI (+18), TET (+19), and finally PEN (+20). These are the names of the “enhancement levels”.
  • Accessories can only be enhanced to PRI (+1), DUO (+2), TRI (+3), TET (+4), and then finally PEN (+5).
  • Some other items, such as fishing rods, can only be enhanced from +1 to +10.
  • Armor pieces have a “safe enhancement” of +5. This means you have a 100% chance of success until you reach +5.
  • Weapon pieces have a “safe enhancement” of +7. This means you have a 100% chance of success until you reach +7.

This guide will go into the basics of Enhancing. If you are looking for guidelines for failstacking, check out our Gear Progression and Failstacking Guide.

How to enhance/disenhance

To enhance any piece of equipment, summon your Black Spirit then click “Enhancement”. Right-click your gear and a Blackstone then click “Enhance”. You can also click the Black Stone in your inventory to open up the Enhancement window directly.

To disenhance a piece of equipment you will need to go to a blacksmith and click “Extraction” then “Blackstone Extraction”. Right-click the gear you want to disenhance then click “Extract”.

This will destroy the piece of equipment but you will get Blackstones back.

Disenhancing an item that has not gone past its safe enhancement will always give you all of the Blackstones back. But after that, it is random what amount you will get back. For example: If you disenhance a +4 armor piece (safe enhance is +7), you will get all 4 Black stones back. If you disenhance a +11 weapon (safe enhance is +7), you may only get 9 Black stones back, despite putting more into the weapon.

How to repair Weapon/Armor Max Durability

Each time you fail to enhance an item the max durability will decrease.

It’s important to note that you will never actually lose your weapon/armor by enhancing it. If your maximum durability reaches zero, it will just become unusable until you repair the max durability.

  • To repair the item’s max durability again you will need the exact same item but unenhanced, and it will consume the item.
  • If you have upgraded the grade of the item, you do not need the same grade of weapon and can use a green grade instead.
    • For example, if you are enhancing an Ultimate Tadd Shuriken, you can use a normal Green grade Tadd Shuriken to repair the max durability.

Go to a blacksmith and click “Repair” then “Maximum Durability Recovery”. Place the item you want to repair in the “Recovery Target Equipment” slot and the item you want to forfeit into the “Materials” slot. Then click “Recover Max Durability” to confirm. Each item you use will increase the max durability by 10.

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (9)Memory Fragments

You can also repair your max durability using Memory Fragments instead of using the item. Durability recovery amount varies by item’s grade:

  • White = Recovers 10 (Amount increases 3x if used with Artisan’s Memory)
  • Green = Recovers 5 (Amount increases 3x if used with Artisan’s Memory)
  • Blue = Recovers 2 (Amount increases 3x if used with Artisan’s Memory)
  • Yellow = Recovers 1 (Amount increases 3x if used with Artisan’s Memory)

You should only use Memory Fragments on boss armor (Blackstar, Dim Tree, Red Nose, Bheg’s Gloves, Leebur’s Gloves etc.) and boss weapons (Blackstar, Kzarka, Kutum, Nouver, Dandelion).

This is because obtaining another of the same item to repair its max durability will cost a lot and is hard to do. It is more cost-efficient to save any Memory Fragments you get for just those items.

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (10)Artisan’s Memory

Artisan’s Memory is an item that can be obtained through various events, or bought from the Pearl Store/Loyalty Store.

Using the item when repairing your max durability, will increase the max durability recovery by x5.

  • So for example, if you use Artisan Memory x1 with Memory Fragment x1 on boss armor, it will repair 5 durability instead of just 1.
  • You can also use it with items to repair 30 max durability.

Enhancing Armor

Helmets, chest, gloves, and shoes can be enhanced using a Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (12) Black stone to increase their defense (DP). The “safe” enhancement for armor is +5. This means that there is a 100% chance of success until you reach +5. After this, the chance of success becomes less likely and if you fail to enhance the armor, the max durability of the item will decrease by 5 each time.

Once you get to +15 you will need to use an item called Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (13)Concentrated Magical Black Stone” to enhance your armor to PRI (+16) and higher. If you fail to enhance after DUO (+17) your enhancement level will be reduced by one. For example: if I have a TRI (+18) item and fail to enhance when going to TET (+19), it will go back to DUO (+17).

You can craft a Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (14) Concentrated Magical Black Stone by opening the Processing Window (L) then selecting “Heating”. Use the following materials:

    • Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (15)Sharp Black Crystal Shard x1
    • Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (16)Black Stone x2

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (17) Sharp Black Crystal Shards can be obtained through 3 different life skills:

  • Gathering
  • Farming
  • Hunting

Enhancement chances in the table below are based on BLUE and YELLOW (boss gear) grade armor.

Base Chance
of success
% per FS
Base Chance
of success
% per FS
+1 to +7100%+142.86%0.29%

Enhancing Weapons

Mainhand, Offhand, and Awakening weapons can be enhanced using a Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (18) Blackstone to increase their damage (AP). The “safe” enhancement for weapons is +7. This means that there is a 100% chance of success until you reach +7. After this, the chance of success becomes less likely and if you fail to enhance the weapon, the max durability of the weapon will decrease.

Once you get to +15 you will need to use an item called Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (19)Concentrated Magical Black Stone” to enhance your weapon to PRI (+16) and higher. If you fail to enhance after DUO (+17) your enhancement level will be reduced by one. For example: if I have a TRI (+18) item and fail to enhance when going to TET (+19), it will go back to DUO (+17).

You can craft aEnhancing Guide - BDFoundry (20) Concentrated Magical Black Stone by opening the Processing Window (L) and then selecting “Heating”. Use the following materials:

    • Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (21)Sharp Black Crystal Shard x1
    • Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (22)Black Stone x2

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (23) Sharp Black Crystal Shards can be obtained through 3 different life skills:

  • Gathering
  • Farming
  • Hunting

Enhancement chances in the table below are based on BLUE and YELLOW (boss gear) grade weapons.

Base Chance
of success
% per FS
Base Chance
of success
% per FS
+1 to +7100%+142.50%0.25%

Enhancing Accessories

Rings, earrings, necklaces, and belts do not have a “safe” enhancement. In fact, they have a high chance of failure and only enhance from PRI (+1) to PEN (+5).

Enhancing accessories requires two of the same accessory and if the enhancement fails, both of the accessories will be destroyed.

Accessories also have a “soft cap” failstack. Once you reach the soft cap, the increased chance of success will drop.

For example, to work out your chance of success when enhancing a DUO accessory with 50 failstacks, you would use 10% base chance + (40 failstacks * 1%) + (10 failstacks * 0.2%) = 52% chance of success.

Enhancement chances in the table below are based on BLUE and YELLOW grade accessories.

Base Chance
of Success
% per FS
Softcap FSIncreased % per FS
after softcap FS
Max FSHighest Chance
of success

Other Equipment

You can also enhance horse gear, Silver Embroidered Clothes, wagon parts, ship gear, fishing rods, fishing floats, hunting matchlocks, and various other equipment using Black Stones.

These work slightly differently depending on the gear. Check out our Gear Progression and Failstacking guide for a list of what failstacks to use on these.

Force Enhancing

You can force enhance gear to enhance it with a 100% chance of success but it will require more Black Stones and will also reduce the Max durability by a set amount. Force Enhancing is only possible up to TRI and most players will not use force enhancement and will use failstacks instead to increase their chance of success. This is because force enhancing usually ends up costing more due to the Black Stones needed and the cost to repair.

Black Stones
Max Durability
Black Stones
Max Durability
+1 to +5Force Enhancement Unavailable
+62-10Force Enhancement
TETForce Enhancement Unavailable

Cron Stones

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (24)Cron Stones can be bought from a Black Smith for 3 million silver each, and are used to prevent an item from losing an enhancement level if the enhancement fails.

Cron Stones can usually be used on:

  • Weapons that are DUO (+17) or higher
  • Armor that is DUO (+17) or higher
  • Accessories that are PRI (+1) or higher

The amount of Cron Stones required is a fixed amount depending on the item and enhancement level. You can check our Cron Stone Cost List for the amount of crons needed for gear.

Regardless of whether the enhancement succeeds or fails, the Cron Stones used will be removed. You also only gain +1 failstack while using cron stones.

Cron Stones can also be used on accessories to stop them from breaking if unsuccessful. However, its enhancement can either remain the same OR decrease if you are unsuccessful.

  • Accessories have a 40% chance of dregrading if you use cron stones.

Cron stones can also be obtained by “melting” pearl store costumes.

This is the most cost-effective way of gaining cron stones, since players can buy a full costume set from the central market.

  • 1.63 billion silver per costume, 993 crons per costume = 1,641,490 silver per Cron Stone
  • Buying Cron Stones directly from a Black Smith = 3,000,000 silver per Cron Stone

To “melt” a costume, you must go to a Blacksmith, click the extract option, and select “Outfit Extraction”. You can choose whether you would like to receive Valks’ Cry or Cron Stones. Doing this will destroy the costume piece.

Pearl Costume PieceAmount of Cron Stones
Premium Costume Box (total)993
Classic Costume Box (total)801
Main Weapon162
Awakening Weapon192

Valks’ Cry/Fairy’s Blessing

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (26)Valk’s Cry and Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (27)Fairy’s Blessing can be used to add +1 to your total Failstacks. Valk’s Cry and Fairy’s Blessing can only increase your total failstacks by a maximum of 10 combined.

So for example:

  • you can use a maximum of 10 Valks’ Cry to increase your failstacks by 10
  • OR you can use 5 Valks’ Cry and 5 Fairy’s Blessing
  • OR you can use 10 Fairy’s Blessing
  • OR you can use 1 Valks’ Cry and 9 Fairy’s Blessing
  • ETC.

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (28)How to obtain Valks’ Cry

  • Buy from the Pearl Store (F3) > Loyalties, for 100 Loyalties (limited to 5 per family per week)
  • “Melt” pearl store costumes to obtain Valks’ Cry (more info below)
  • Can also be obtained through various events

To “melt” a costume, you must go to a Blacksmith and then click the extract option and select “Outfit Extraction”. You can then choose whether you would like to receive Valks’ Cry or Cron Stones. Doing this will destroy the costume piece.

Pearl Costume PieceAmount of Valk’s Cry
Premium Costume Box (total)331
Classic Costume Box (total)267
Main Weapon54
Awakening Weapon64

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (30)How to obtain Fairy’s Blessing

Exchanging Blackstones for Failstacks

You can exchange Black Stones for Failstacks (up to +30) in the Enhancement Window. This is useful for obtaining low failstacks quickly without any RNG.

  • Open the Enhancement Window (by summoning your Black Spirit or right-clicking a Black Stone in your inventory)
  • Click the [+] sign next to “Additional Enhancement Chance”
  • Select the Black Stones and the size of failstack you would like to obtain.
  • Click “Apply” to consume the Black Stones and gain your failstack.
  • You can still use Valk’s Cry, as normal
Black Stones RequiredFailstack

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (31)

Storing Failstacks (Naderr’s Band)

There are two ways of storing Failstacks, the first way is to use Naderr’s Band. This allows you to store up to 16 different failstacks which you can then access from any character in your family.

  • To unlock Naderr’s Band, first, speak to your Black Spirit on a character that is level 58 or higher.
  • The Black Spirit will have a quest for you in the Suggestions tab called “[Naderr’s Band] Magic of the Dark Energy”.
  • This quest is only available once per family and will unlock Naderr’s Band on all your characters.
  • The quest will lead you to Tarif to obtain a follow-on quest, before completing it at the Tarif Storage Keeper.

Next, speak to your black spirit again to unlock Naderr’s Band, and then make sure to right-click the Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (33)“Naderr’s Parchment” item in your inventory.

Naderr’s Parchment is required to unlock slots in your Naderr’s Band. You are given one free slot and then must purchase additional slots from the Pearl Store. These can be found by opening the pearl store (F3) > Function > Naderr’s Parchment (1,100 pearls each, max of 14 purchases). You can also buy one Naderr’s Parchment for 10,000 loyalties (one purchase per family).

Once you’ve unlocked Naderr’s Band, you will have a new UI when enhancing. Click the button with the two arrows to open Naderr’s Band, then simply click the slot to store a failstack. You can then click the slot again to put the failstack back on your character. If the character already has a failstack, it will swap them. Naderr’s Band and any stored Failstacks can be accessed by any character in your family.

The second method of storing failstacks is to use a Blacksmith’s Secret Book. These can be useful if you don’t have any Naderr’s Band slots left. These can be bought from any Blacksmith, but you will need to make sure you buy the correct book.

  • If you have 20 failstacks or less, buy the Blacksmith’s Secret Book – 20: 100,000 silver
  • If you have 30 failstacks or less, you must buy the Blacksmith’s Secret Book – 30: 400,000 silver.
  • If you have 40 failstacks or less, you must buy the Blacksmith’s Secret Book – 40: 1,000,000 silver.
  • If you have 50 failstacks or less, you must buy the Blacksmith’s Secret Book – 50: 2,000,000 silver.
  • If you have 80 failstacks or less, you must buy the Blacksmith’s Secret Book – 80: 10,000,000 silver.
  • If you have 100 failstacks or less, you must buy the Blacksmith’s Secret Book – 100: 20,000,000 silver.
  • Failstacks over 100 cannot be stored this way and must be stored using your Naderr’s Band.

Once you have the correct book for the size of failstack you have, speak to your Black Spirit and choose the “Enhancement” option. Then click the “Extract” tab along the top and switch to “Blacksmith’s Secret Book”. You can also click the book in your inventory to directly open this window. You can now select the book and turn your failstacks into an Advice of Valk’s, which can be placed into storage and used by any character. Simply right-click the Advice of Valk’s to turn it back into a failstack on the current character.

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (37)

Cleansing Gear

Players will often try to build failstacks on cheaper items. If the item goes to +15 whilst you are trying to failstack, then you can go to a blacksmith in town to “cleanse” the gear. This will put the gear back to +14 at the cost of 100k silver so that you can build stacks on it again.

RegionsNPC Names
VeliaTranan Underfoe
AltinovaMevo Muranan

Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (38)

Devouring Gear

  • You can “Devour” gear to destroy an enhanced weapon or armor and it will give you a failstack increase instead.
  • You can only Devour armor that is +6 or higher, and weapons that are +8 or higher.
  • Items must be at least green grade to devour.
  • You can fail to Devour an item if you already have failstacks.
  • The more failstacks you have, the lower the chance of Devour being successful.

To Devour an item, summon your Black Spirit then select the “Enhancement” option. Next, click “Extract” to open the Devour window.

The image below shows two examples of devouring an item based on your current failstacks. Click the image to enlarge it.

The table shows failstacks gained if you are at 0 failstacks.


Enhance vs Durability

When you are enhancing green gear between +1 to +15 you have the option to either use “Enhance” or “Durability”. These options must be selected in the enhancement window but enhance is the default option.

  • Enhance: Selecting this option doubles your enhancement chance from your current failstacks, making the gear easier to enhance. Use this option if you are trying to enhance the gear and don’t want to failstack.
  • Durability: Selecting this option will decrease the amount of Max Durability you lose when you fail, but it also increases the chance of failing when enhancing. This option is used when building failstacks on green-grade items.

Enhancing Titles

Enhancing titles does not affect your chance of success/failure.

Success TitlesDescriptionRequirements
ConfidentWhat’s this? I’m feeling a little more confident?Successfully enhance item 7 times
Elion’s BlessedCan’t anybody else do this? Hahaha!Successfully enhance item 11 times
Didn’t Even Break a SweatBecoming stronger is nothing to me!Successfully enhance item 25 times
Black Spirit’s FriendI used to feel awkward around you…Successfully enhance item 50 times
Alright!A successful enhancement once again. Yes!Successfully enhance item 100 times
Blinded by LoveAt first I thought the Black Spirit was kind of ugly. Not anymore. You’re the most beautiful creature on earth.Successfully enhance item 130 times
Explosive PotentialWhen did you realize that my armor is more than just the property of someone famous?Successfully enhance item 155 times
Enhance-ologistIf you really put your mind to enhancing something, the whole universe will helpSuccessfully enhance item 180 times
Sparkle SparkleMy equipment sparkles. Fantastic. Hey, don’t stare at it like that.Successfully enhance item 205 times
Steel-WingedLet’s scream loud enough to break through the enhancement level.Successfully enhance item 230 times
PRI DUO TRI TET PENEvery road leads to one. Every equipment must travel down one, as well.Successfully enhance item 260 times
PRI DUO… What?I thought the enhancement was over, but I guess it’s far from it.Successfully enhance item 510 times
Failure TitlesDescriptionRequirements
DepressedThese things do happen. It’s not a big deal, but it is a little sad…Fail to enhance item 4 times
Hated by the Dark SpiritAaarrggghh……….Fail to enhance item 10 times
How much?Enhancements? Don’t make me laugh. I’ll pay you money for it! How much? Shut up and take my money!Fail to enhance item 25 times
Contract Revision RequiredYou said something about a contract as soon as I woke up… Is this what it’s like?Fail to enhance item 50 times
Enhancement BlunderElion, Aal, Kzarka… Please… Oh, god! Failure, again!Fail to enhance item 100 times
Enhancement Failure for DummiesCroxus from Olvia called for me one day and introduced me to the kids this way.Fail to enhance item 130 times
Black Stone IllusionistSee this Black Stone in my hands? I’m gonna make it disappear like magic!Fail to enhance item 155 times
AAAAAAAAAH152… 254… I can’t count anymore. I’m beginning to feel dizzyFail to enhance item 180 times
Doubting the Black SpiritI think the Black Spirit is hoarding Black Stones behind my back. Did it need something?Fail to enhance item 301 times
Embraced by Black SpiritWhy do you keep hurting me? I’ve given you everything. Why do you keep making me cry?Fail to enhance item 357 times
Shaking HeadThis is nothing for me… I can overcome greater obstacles than this.Fail to enhance item 425 times
Everything According to PlanYou thought I wanted a successful enhancement? Wrong! I was planning to fail.Fail to enhance item 480 times
Father of SuccessFailure is the father to success! I’ll be stronger through these hardships!Fail to enhance item 530 times
Mother of SuccessFailure is the mother to success! I’ll be stronger through these hardships!Fail to enhance item 532 times
Broke up with the Black SpiritIf I see that bastard again, I’ll go berserk!Fail to enhance item 1499 times
Black Stone DonatorIf I had a quarter every time I used a Black Stone, I’d be able to buy Calpheon and Valencia.Fail to enhance item 2002 times
Enhancing Guide - BDFoundry (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.