Pampa Daily News from Pampa, Texas (2024)

PAGE 4- -THE PAMPA NEWS- News Readers Bargain Counter. Read It Ind Reap! THE PAMPA NKWS Phone 666 322 West Poster Office hours 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.

Snnday hours 7:30 a. m. to 10 a. m. Cash rates for classified advertising Words 1 Day 2 Days 8 DayB Up to 15 .45 .75 .90 Up to 20 .67 .95 1.14 Up to 80 .87 1.45 1.74 16c each day after 3rd insertion If no Change in copy is made.

Charge rates 6 days nftcr discontinued Words 1 Day 2 Unya 8 Days Up to 15 .64 .90 3.08 Up to 20 .68 1.14 1.37 Up to 30 1.U4 1.74 2.09 The above cash rntes may be earned on ads which have been charged PROVIDED the bill is paid on or before the discount date shown on your statnmeiit. Cash accompany qut-of-town orders. Minimom size of any one add ia 3 tinea, up to IB words. Above cash ratffl npply on consecutive day insertions. "Kvery- Other-Day" orders are charged at one time rate.

Everything counts including initial) numbers, names and address. Count 4 words f6r "blind' 1 address. Advertiser may have answers to his "Blind" advertisem*nts mailed on payment of A 15c forwarding fee. No information pertaining "Blind will be Rlvon. Each line of agate capitals used counts as one find one-half lines.

Ench line of white used counts na one line. ''All Classified Ads copy and discontinuance orders must reach this office by 11 a. m. In order to be effective in the pamc week dny Issue, or by 6:30 p. m.

Saturday for Sunday issues. Liability of publisher and newspaper for any error in any advertiaement is limited to cost of space occupied by such error. Errors not the fault of the advertiser whteh clearly lessen the value of the advertisem*nt will be rectified by republication without extra charge but The Ftunpa News will be responsible for only the tint incorrect insertion of an advertisem*nt. ANNOUNCEMENTS of Thanks CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thaiVks to otir many friends for thc-ir kindness and words of sympathy duritur the and denth or our father ami KraixUalher. Kspecially we wish thank the Skellytown llnptint church, the I.eFors Haji- tist church, and The Texas Company niui for their kindness ami beautiful floral offering.

H. P. Taylor'and family. G. Taylor and family.

C. S. Tiffany and family. Notices CALL us to come for ymir car. We'll and lubricate it, fill the tank with Skclly Gait' and return it to your llurba- Skeliy, Phone PHILLIPS 60 Hrwhiets.

Also freah line of meat? and groceries. Lane's at ft Points. Phono 955-1. a motor tune up See Hoy Chitium at P. K.

One-Stop. JEWELS to look Clt-ms to cool; with! REVERE COP1MCH CLAD STAINLESS STEEL WARE. See it at Hillson's Hardware. ARE your eaves and troughs capable of carrying off the rain from your roof? If not'let U3 put them in condition for sprinK weather. Pea Moore, ph.

102. "WE repair nil electrical appliances. Plains Maying, 1C-M. Call for Coolciy Hichardson. or yard plowing with email rubber tired tractor.

Photic or call at SPECIAL prices on gasoline. White 10.9c. Green lead 12c, Regular 14c, Ethyl IGc. Long's Service station Amurillo highway. ravel-Transportation PASSENGEUS want, ride to Oklaliuma City and Tulsa.

Cars ici'iwr to Lublmrk and San Armelo. Share expensi 1 831. Travel Uureau. and Found LOST: Westclox pocket watch on jrold chain with padlock key No. 20-18.

Wilson- Bohannon Co. Reward fur return to Pani- pa News. LOST; Black rubber nasolim; hose. 10 ft. lonp.

2 inches Notify Kerby Oil 1702 W. Alcodc. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted WANTED: Woman. or colored, to read tea leaves. Apply CM Mill Cafe.

WANTED: Kxxpcrii-m-cTMady cook. Must slay nights. Apply in pci-sou at Virginia Hotel. 5110 N. Frost.

Male, Female Help Wanted WANTKU: Married oou l7, no FiTiTi Woman lo work. Kent and pay. Must be experienced. Apply 825 BUSINESS SERVICE Service IF YOUR refrigerator system Kives trouble have an experienced man with ample supply of parts to service it with. Payl Grossman." Ph.

2110. and Heating SEPTIC -tanks and cess pools cleaned. State A good used piano, at $30.00. A trcod tent, now is the time to buy it $20.00. Storey 1'Iumb- Paperhanging WANTED: Paper Hauler and painter.

Apply office Green Top Cottages. 123.W. Urown. and Sanding SMOOTH, 'uhininB floors, easy to clean. For; Banding'estimates call Lovcll's.

Ph. 62. IP you are eoing to remodel wliy not start atj the top with your roof. Let us show you our methods. Cabinet Shop.

and Gardening BEAUTIFY your yard or ccmetary lot with our lovely evergreens, lart-rc variety, low prices. Letrtf'a Corner Market, 328 Cuyler. Hauling, Driveways Let us fix up your driveway with gravel, your yard or garden with manure. Dirt hauling, all purposes. Vincent Flaherty, Phone 2325.

LATEST eijuiprm-nt experienced men to handle the Job. furniture repair to Furniture Co. I'hone 136. Parlor Service SPECIAL S2.50 Oil Permanent for $1.00 Monday and Tuesday only. Klite Ueauty Shop, 318 S.

Cuyler. ph. 70S. HJAKK your appointment for orWed. to have our lovely S3.50 pcrnic- nant wave fcr $1.50.

Knbody's over Crystal Palace. Phone OUU best $5.00 oil balance of this week only. Shampoo and wave set 50c. Imperial liwiuty Shop. 320 S.

Cuyler. SPECIAL Tuesdays un.fWcdnesd'ayH each wk. I-'rco Dandruff Treatment with each btiampoo and set. Lelu's Ueauty Shop, ph. 207.

MERCHANDISE Mattresses FOH your mattress problems, we have mattresses, all sizes and kinds. Heing reliable, dependable, efficient 20 yre. exp. Prices rinht. Pr.

033. Avers, Sons Goods VOK SALE: Um-d cheat of drawers $8.75. fJreeser 18.00, Sewing machine $10.00. New bedroom suite Moore'a New aild Weed furniture 413 S. Cuyler, Ph.

266. NOW is the time to buy that aluminum tub 'Washer you havu always wanted. Do net put It off. Use your own uood judij- 111011. Buy now.

Low price. 1'lalns. Maytssr, 110 N. Foster, phono 1G44. MERCHANDISE Goods FOR SAI.K: Used washinit machine $19.50 We have reconditioned usrd electric re- for rent at S5.00.

Thomp cnn'a Hardwnro ph. -13. RUC, SALE: New 0x12 Axminister S.12.M 3x12 Fiber (latent drsimii) to S12.H5 9x12 r.iiinloum $3.75 and i. Yard lino Icuin to yard. od ler hrnter W.

Ton. 10 2 LIUIORAL i-ViKKJaTrpTsTr Ik-rt Curry. 112 K. Cuyli-r. FOR SALE AT BIG SAVINGS 1939 Ft, Electrolux 1938 5 Ft.

Electrolux 1940 Hiigg Vortex Fnnn Wn.shpr Pursley Motor Co. 113 N. Ballarcl Things to Eat TAKB her out. lo the Ilaked Knnilwichi's. DraiiKhl.

every niKht. HHvetk-re Cafe on IJor highway. LIVESTOCK A coniplrU 1 line of field and Knnlon sord. The bi'st in baby chick ford. Sec us before you buy.

Pnmpii Feed Store, ft'22 S. Cuylcr. ROYAL bnirnl nlfnTaHh Curler cash per i-wt. One sack limit. Monday and only.

Plenty baby chicks. Khode Island Krd and Huffs. and over's Feed Stoi'e, Phone 792. FOK SALK: Six year old Jersey milch cow with old calf. Inquire 308 Ma Ida St.

See C. K. McMinn at Lively Mens Store. PLANTING lime is here again, onion onion plants, bulk pardon seeds. Lawn criiss seeds, clover, IllueKrass, Ber- nuda.

Viporo, Copper us, cotton seed meal, meal. Harvester Feed Co. Phono 1130. meet or bout all advertised competition. Oray County Feed Co.

828 Foster. Phone 11G1. Chicks 10,000 dny old and started chicks of all impulnr breed. Call and see chinks. We feel Him- they will please you.

Phone 11G1. W. Foster. Cole's Hatchery. 1ABY CHICKS, all popular bret-dH.

Mun- iun's blood tinted irliicks livo mid tfrow. luy the Ijust. Harvester Feed Co. 800 W. Equipment TOR SALIC: row John Deer Lister with itttachnients.

Also one field cultivator. Sec them at McDonnell's Implc- menl ph. -185. ROOM AND BOARD Rooms RENT: Strictly private front bcd- well furnished, adjoining bath, tele- ihonc privilege. 721 N.

Somerville. nice sleeping room. Close Gentlemen only. 414 W. Browning.

YOU can't miss sleep night after night and lot ragged ncrvi-s. Choose a place H'fir ynur work it will ba ((in'ut ind Try American Hotel. 1KUKOOM for gentlemen only. Private lath. Telephone privilege.

Call 1031. 903 Francis. JOMFOKTAIJLK bedroom, twin beds op- ionul. Niiv large closets. Outside entrance.

to ilownlown district, quiet neigh- Hirhimil. Ph'nie KENT: Desiralile bedroom, Adjoining iath. Gentleman only. On pavement, 704 East Francis. Phone 1392.

and Board VERY dfsirnljk 1 ruom with excellent boarel 11 private home for gentlemen. 51S N. omorvillc. ph. 10'Jli.

DESIltAflTTE first'llnnr rooms with excel- cnt nn'als. Kooins convenient to bath. 3 docks from court house. 21'J N. West.

Ph. 128-1. FOR RENT REAL ESTATE for Rent RKNT: Modern 3 ruom furnished loust'. Newly di'coratnd. utilities paid.

Ap- ily N. Sumner, ir.lSW. SK in nc'wly ilrcuratt-d unfiirn. house S20.UU. R.

tinfiirn. mod. liouse on Warren $12.50. K. vinfurn.

duplux nn $20.00. It. at 422 Hanks will reasonable to two families. 3 R. furn.

lup. on Francis $30.00. John L. Mike-Hell, h. me.

KENT: Conveniently arranged 5- modern house with basem*nt and curaito. 1004 N. Duncan. Apply at 1022 N. Duncan.

KENT: Three room modern furnish- house. Hills paid. Apply 702 Franis. RENT: 4 room redecorated, well "urnished house with garage. 428 N.

Wynne. 'OR KENT: Two room furnished, house, iath and wash house. One block from lavement. Garage, Saw Shon. 12 East Field St.

FOR RENT 2-room modem house, well furnished including Electrolux refrigerator. Close in. All bills paid. To couple only, $5.75 week. PAMPA PAWN SHOP or Duplexes LAKGK 3 room apartment, bills paid, un- 'urnished.

Rent reasonable. Garage. 914 N. Duncan, or Milliard. RENT: Three room modern apartment.

Furnished. 1'rivate bath. Vcne- lian shades. Hills paid. Apply 722 W.

RENT: Three room furnished apartment. Private biith. 1'h. 17U or 157S. 610 East KiiiKsmill.

FOK KENT: Nicely furnished 2 rooms and bath. Frigidaire, bills paid, couple only $25.00 pur month. 717 N. Hobart street FOIl RKNT: Three room newly decorated unfurnished apartment. 1'rivutu bath.

Gur- Wqlc-r bill poiiK Call 1705. FOK KENT: Two room furnished apartment. Adults only. No PL-U allowed. In- iiui 1.

FOK RENT: ToTmi apart- mciit. $12.00 per month. Hills 502 Sonifrville, JtENl': Nicu furnished apartment. 1'rivate bath. only.

Electric i-nition, chwi-in. 413 N. Ycuger. "ft'-r 5 p. m.

FOR KENT: Twu room "funiished apart- South naHard. FOR RKNT: Fivo and llTrce "room" JffT- apart.iH.ntH. Conviunlly arranged. HiIU paid. neighborhood.

1200 '3. NICELY furnishi-d room" uiuituira upETu ineiit. I'luiity Iniiltins, tt-li-iihanu, hurd- 807 Kast llrovvning. FOK KENT Tw.V'n.oTn'apan'.mTnTsT'n^- arc- including electric n-frigi-rution. Hills paid.

Close in. 117 N. FOR lu cd upartnii-iit, private bath. $20.00 per month Hills not paid. 715 N.

llobart. Shown by I'hone 51-1. TWO room furnished near school. $10.00 month 3 room furnish; ed liouse. Ullla paid, $20.00.

Apply Tom 1'laco. Canadian highway. Property STORK and Montgomery Ward's ut 211 N. (Juyler, Apidy C. J-.

Hucklcr, Uc an Co. I'hcinc FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Property r'GU KAL10: Twu room stucco houHe will built-in cabinet. Mce Harrison at JIaniptoi Camplii'll Garat'i'. WANT to ucll my urnall In 4 rooii modern liouse. Aujily 4.11 N.

Carr Btr FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Property VOR SALK: CJond cnvcrcd wniron housp triiilor. Inquire- 4 miliM west on 152. One north. NF.WIA' (k'l-riratrd R. rnnd, house, vene- nn MimK Two floor furnaces.

HOLC Inan. Will trade for farm. Price $3000.00. 't n. close in on Rrowninfr $11000.00.

Almost lieu- .1 R. stili-rii with R. mod. in rear H. mod.

house to move $110.00. by flf.O well limit r.toro blilit. lo im.vp snr.O.OO. A. of land in Whorlor Co.

per A. Cood lot $100.00. FOR SAF.K: Three room honr.e Call at li)20 1C. Urowninn or phone Foil SAI.K: Ti room modern hiitiip war Winnlruw Wilson si-hnnl. Hardwood floors, floor beautiful yard and trees.

JCast llroM. Trade or Kent: Six room duplex. 211 Craven Avenue. Write J. F.

Hrckner, Clayton. New Mexico, llox 102. FOK Residence, fi rooms, 2 1001 N. Somervillo. I'honi- 1881.

FOR SALE 4-room modem house and 1 ncre on Miami Highway. 3-room modern liouse on N. Faulkner. I have many houses listed with me which are not advertised. some splendid buys in Oray and Roberts county farms.

JOHN HAGGARD First Na.t'1. Bank Bldg. Ph. 909 Property 'OR SAIiK at a sacrifice: Eat-A-Dltc Cafe cross from hiKh school. Doinfr Kood business.

$300. Owner leaving city. 312 N. Cuy- FINANCIAL to Loan LICENSE L-O-A-N $200 Time is nearly up to buy your auto If you are short of cash; let us buy them for you and you can repay us in small easy pay- nents. SALARY LOAN CO.

Room 3, Natl. Bank Bldg. Ph, 303 $5 $50 For Auto License, Taxes, Etc. Any employed man or woman can set the money tkey need, quickly, and 'without red tape. No security or endorsers.

PAMPA FINANCE Co. Over State Theatre .09 Vi S. Cuyler Phone 450 'Our Aim Is To Help You" Let Us Help You With Your Insurance Problems To insure is to be be ar sighted and be able to 'njoy "peace of mind." Why not right now to carry adequate protection? Let us help you work out a plan suited to your par- Mcular needs. Aut0 Truck IN Household Furniture H. W.

WATERS Insurance Agency .19 W. Poster Phone 339 Ground Floor Smith Building AUTOMOBILES for Sale SALE: 2S Hoick four door sedan. 25.00. Good condition and lots of transportation yet. Phone HO.

YOUR want ail section is correct up to he minute directory of 'everything' thal'n on in our city. Kind what you nmt quickly, economically in the want ATTENTION Mr. Mrs. Car Owner. We are very fortunate in securing the services of Mr.

Ernest 'Baldwin who is in charge of our Service Dept. A man who has been in the auto service business in Pampa for .0 years. A man who believes In lonest dealing and courteous serv- ce. We maintain a complete service department and body shop for all makes and models of cars. COME IN and ask about our special Wash Lubrication Service You are iSvited to visit our service at all times.

Pursley Motor Co. Dodge-Plymouth Dealers 211 N. Ballard Phone 113 See These Bargains 1937 Packard Coupe 1935 Chev. 4-d. Sed.

185 1931 Small Buick 100 1934 Ford V-8 Truck 95 All thoroughly reconditioned and ready to go. 1041 STUDEBAKEE Champion. Like bargain. CONSUMERS SUPPLY CO. Studebaker Sales Service N.

Freight Depot Phone 791 No New Car Is A Bargain While These Last At These Prices 40 Chev. Club Sedan $650 40 Chevrolet Coupe $550 40 Chev. Spec. Twn. Sed $650 39 Chev.

Town Sedan $500 37 Chev. Town Sedan $325 38 Chevrolet Coupe $375 36 Chev. Town Sedan $275 CULBERSON CHEVROLET Phone 366 AUTOMOBILES for Sale I'HONE, lirinR or send in your want nds. Phone GOG. IMG nUICK coiipp S150.

1034 liuick 40 Sorit-s sednn $100. 1929 "Model $50.00. Take thrm from C. C. Mntheny'a.

923 W. Vaster. Phtnw 1051. 1940 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Deluxe equipped including radio and heater.

Has only 10,000 actual mile.s. Carries a new car guarantee. PAMPA BRAKE Authorized Chrysler Plymouth 315 W. Foster Phone 348 1939 OLDSMOBILE 4-door Sedan 70 series 6 cylinders. Equipped With radio nnd heater, exceptionally clean car.

Yours for $695 Lewis-Coffey Ponliac Co. PONTIAC 8 220 Somerville Phone 365 Buy A Used Car That's Like New 1940 Pontiac 2-dr. Good rubber, heater, defroster; 1940 Ford 4-dr. A-l condition; 1937 Chev. 2-dr.

hew paint, good tires. See these before you buy. MOTOR CO. 1 Blk. S.

Slop Light on S. Cuyler SEE YOUR BUICK DEALER FIRST 1939 Dodge 2 door Sedan 1938 Dodge 4 door Sedan 1938 Pontiac '6' 2 door Sedan 1937 Olds "6" 4 door Sedan 1937 Plymouth 4 door Sedan 1937 Plymouth Coupe We have a large selection ate model buicks to choose from. 8UICK INC. Used Car Lot Opposite Post Office 1817 Strikers Beat Up Workers, Police Drive Back Pickets CHICAGO, March 25. Roving groups of what police Capt.

John Stege called "Goon Squads" assaulted numerous work-bound employes icar the International Harvester ornpany McCormick works today. Several thousand CIO members and sympathizers, meanwhile, paraded streets near the plant, yelling and jeering at non-striking American Federation of Labor and unaf- iliated workers filtering into the factory through half a dozen gates. Stege said he did not know how many workers were beaten up but that there were "a lot of "em." Police pursued the attackers and Stege said that "10 or more men" lad been arrested. Seven hundred policemen were on luty at 5 a. m.

preceding the 7 a. m. plant opening but when the sporadic violence increased Stege ordered a reserve force of 300 into action. They drove crowds of CIO nen, and sympathizers back a block from the gates. A 9 a.

m. check of the number to work, as announced by a company spokesman, showed there were 3,804 on the job, and a few coming in. The total was some iOO more than reported yesterday, formal for the big "day shift is 5,344. The plant normally employs about 6,000 for all shifts. There were ho pickets at the actual gates today, and picket shacks iad been torn down over night.

Naders of the Farm Equipment Workers organizing committee' had ssued a call for a "mass mobilization" of CIO unionists at the plant today. Thomas S. Staion Bies Here Today Thomas S. Staton, 58, died this morning in a local hospital following an operation. He had been a resident of Pampa for three years and was manager of Cochran's Drive Inn.

Survivors are the widow, two daughters, Mrs. James W. See, Ellen- Vill, N. and Mrs. Clarence N.

Cochran, Painpa, a son, Tom, of Tulsa, a sister, Mrs. Nora Wallis, Grand Saline, and two brothers, J. H. of Jacksonville, and George of Wills Point. The body lies at rest at Duenkel- iarmichael Funeral home.

Funeral arrangements are pending. Presbyterian Men To Have Dinner At Church Wednesday The first Men's Brotherhood dinner in the new Presbyterian church will be held on Wednesday night in the Fellowship hall at 7 o'clock. After the dinner the evening will be spent with games of all kinds. All of the men of the church and their friends are invited to attend. Green vs.

Unripe When blackberries are green, they are red. When one speaks of fruit as green, it generally is taken to nean "unripe" and has no reference to color. Most unripe fruits are more or less greenish. Deep Excavation The world's largest man-made excavation is an iron mine at Hibbing, Minn. The mine is 350 feet deep, miles long, and 1 mile wide.

Tests have shown that the German Messerschmltt Me-109 has a speed of 354 miles an hour at 16,000 feet. The planes have a range of 450 miles at full about one hour and 15 'minutes' wide' open. NEW YORK, Mnrch 25 few rail.i nnd specialties exhibited rallyinK in today's stock market while many lenders wore creepinit over nn.irrcK- ulnr route. Low-priced utilities accounted for a sizeable slice of the day's volume of around 450.000 -shares. The majority of these power company stocks were about where they finished Monday or a.shade in arrears and Rt.

or near their low levels for the year or longer. Commonwealth A Southern opened on 2l.noO-Hliaro block, unchanged at eventually Sleeks cdixinK forward at intervals included Santa Fe, Atlantic Cast I.iuc Pennsylvania, Southern Pacific. Great Northern. Pere Marqiiottc Prefcrreds. General Steel Cantlnc preferred.

Gulf Mobile and Ohio Preferred, Montgomery Ward, U. S. Steel. American Can. Douclaa Ail-croft.

Standard Oil of N. J. nnd Owcns-Illinoin. Hackward the cr part ot the session were Bethlehem, United 'Aircraft. American Telephone.

North American. Y. Shipbuilding, Sears Roebuck, Du Pont and J. C. Penney.

Rail loans inched in the bond department. Commodities lost their risinir steam of yesterday, but crains did better. Al Chem Dyo Am Cnn Am Smelt Am Anaconda III Aviat Corp Itnrnsdall Oil Ilendix Aviat lle'th Steel I Horden Chrysler Colum Cortsol Oil Cont Cnn Cont, Oil.Del Corn Prod GurtiM Wright Douglas Airc Kl Pow Ll Freepo'rt Sulph (Jen Eloc Gen Motors Goodrich Goodyear Greyhound Houston Oil I Int Harvester Int Hydro Lorillard. Mid Cont Pet MontRom Ward Nat Dairy Prod Ohio Oil Packard' Mot I Pan Am Air I Penney Pet III Phe.lps DndKC Phillips Pet Plymouth Oil Pure Oil RCA "III Sears Roeh Shell Union Socony Vac Sou Pac I Stand Brands SO Cnl SO Ind SO NJ Stewart Warn Stone-Webster I Tex Corp Tex Gulf Sulph Tex Pao Tide Wilt Trans West A Union Carbide Union Oil Cnl United Airc United Gas Imp US Rubber US Steel Walfjreen Warner Bros WU Tel West El Mf White Mot Wilson Co Woohvorth 3 154 1 .1 KW'i 13 162''i 44 24 107 25 7 3 8TJ, 10 12 77'4 10 20 64'5 22 4 25 6V. li 37.1& 7 18 8 tlV 20 0' 73 119 3 3 37 68 32'T, 12 38 43 54 ssy, 24W 24 2 19(1 ia 8 7 1 3 8 154 sr.y, Kill'.

25 3V, sv; 3 5 77 19 64 18 1 18 li UK- gni 0 47 i 31 38 9 21 7(5 4 12(4 3 7fl 3 11 13 1 14 If 11 23 4 37 7 2 21 130 10 13 2 24 23 4 7V5 3 K'Y 4 27 10 1 7 78 28 as 14-V, IV' 4 71 9 2t's 37 35 43 47 17V, 38 "li 7 2 1 )', 36V, 6'i 91,:, 1 12Vi 12 B7 1 13M, 16 38 19 12 41 20 1 2 8 ZH4 7 2 20'4 36'4 7 30 34 12V4 (JO 4 20 03 ii 14 30 1 28'X, 88 IA 4'A 10 36-4 36V, 5V, OVj 12Vi 06J' 20 21VS 94Vl 15'A Am Cyan Am Gas I.I Bellancu Aire Brewst Aero BridBpt Maeh Cities Service El Bond Sh Fail-child Aviat Gulf Oil Lone Star Gas Niair Hud Pow Todd Shipyds II NEW YORK CURB 7 4 1 2 1 4 55 2 5 2Q 17 17 3 S-; 8 S'Ji 3 2,1 V. .96" CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO, March 25 Butter receipts 9G4.37G; firm; market unchanged WBS, receipts firm: current re- dirlies checks stor- aeo extras ether prices unchanged. loilltry live. 36. tructa stroni-l broilers, His.

and down. White Rock 23; sprint's Wl'-i r( 21 2.J, VVhite Rock 24 turkeys, hen 22 other prices unchanKed. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK KANSAS CITY, March 25 (AP) (JJS- Hogs: Salable and total slow, weak to 10 lower than Monday's averaue top S.QO; good to. choice 180-250 Ibs. 7.7095; 260-330 Ills.

7.15-70; 140-170 Ibs. 7.3585;. BOWS 6.60-7.00: stock pigs 7.25 down. Cattle: 'Salable 3,200, total 3,500: calves, salable and total 400: fed and year- UIIKS openhnr alow, steady to easier uoing very slow op steers with weight; she. stock and bulls steady to weak little done early on vealcrs and killlnc calves stocker and feeder classes scarce, fully steady: several leads medium and good grade fed steers early 9.35L10.75 two loads at the latter price 1,400.

three, loads common Mexicans 8.25; choice steers held to 11.75; medium 1 and good fed heifers 9.0010.50; a load of good cows 7.60; a load of choice 924 Ibs. feeders 10.60. Sheep: Salable and total 'no early sales asking stronger best fed lambs held above 11.00. OKLAHOMA. CITY LIVESTOCK OKLAHOMA March 25 (AP) Salable and total calves 700; killing clasaes opening around steady: trade less active but prices little changed; odd hend and -small, lots fed.

yearlings to 10.60; one lot light heifers 10.00: good mixed lots to 9.75; most sales common, and medium stcevs and yearlings 8.00-9.60; cows largely 6.00-7.00 'few good fed kinds to 7.60 and above; canners aild. cutters. bulls mostly 6.2575 odd helld good heavies to 7.25-50 vt'al- fr top 12.00; slaughter calves 6.60-10.00; stocKera mostly 7.BO-10.60. Hogs'; Salable 2.600; total early sales to shippers and and citj' butchers steady to 10 shipper'top 7.85; small paid 7.76; bulk unsold; packers jiddjng 7.06. and down; packing sows 6.5075; stock, pigs footed Sheep: Salable und total 1.000; old crop fed woe led lambs 85 higher; top 10.60; nost good and choice lots.

10.25-60; few light spring lambs to 12.00; others mostly CHICAGO WHEAT CHICAGO, March 26 High Low Close May 8 July 85 Sept. K6V1 FORT WORTH LIVESTOCK FORT WORTH! March 25 (AP) Sulablc and total calves, salable 1.300; total slaughter cattle slqw, steady to spots Unycr.j calves unw stockers firm common and medium beef steers and yearlings 7.00-9.00, good few yearlings to 10.50 mil club offerings common to good cows 6.25-7.60, cunnors and cutters bulls. 5.50-7.25; good und choice killing culviw 9.00-10,.5ft, common and medium 7.25-8.75 culls 6.50-7.00; good and choice stock steer calves 10.60-12.50; loud 832 Ib. feeders 10.50 und load 770 Ib. 10.75.

Hogs, salable and 2.700, total mostly lower than Monday's uverugc; top 7.85; good und choice 180-300 Ib. 7.75-85; good and choice 160-175 Ib. 7.35-70; stacker pigs strong to higher. 6.00 down packing sows steady to 25c lower, mostly 6.2550. Sheep, salable and.

total all classes steady; woolod fat lambs 10.00-100, hitter price for club lambs; fall shorn lumba 9.50, recently shorn Iqinbs 8.00-60: medium grade woolcd. yearllnga 8.00, shorn yearlings 7.00-28 sljorn aE.o<J wqthera 6.00; wooled feeder lambs 11.60 down. The Consolidated model 3) flying boat'carries 56QO gallons of gasoline and a commercial -adaptation could carry. 3d: berths to 60. day gers.

WD School Trustees Hold Annual Banquet HIGHLAND POET HORIZONTAL 1 Famous Highland poet. 10 Grandparental. 11 To ascend. 12 Room recess. 13 Article.

14 Bed laths. 16 Goddess of discord. 18 To appear. 20 One that snubs. 22 Postscript 24 Thick slice.

mistake. 26 Huge serpents. 45 Stated. Answer to Previous Puzzle 30 Right precedence. 32 Rubber pencil ends.

33 Coin. 34 Relating to vision. 35 Decays. 47 Laughable. 49 Loves excessively.

51 He was a by birth. 53 Great lake. 54 Singing voice. 55 Duration. 37 Type standard 56 Fiber knots.

3S Money drawer 57 He is called 40 To sob. the poet 42 Makes a of his race. 58 Showy in dress. VERTICAL 1 Sim god. 2 Egg-shaped.

3 Ruby spinel. 4 Exalts. 5 Three. 6 Morsel. 7 Consumers.

8 Memento. 9 Heaven. 14 He is the author of "Auld Lang Syne." 15 To choose. 17 Grief. 19 Places sacrifice.

21 Stitched temporarily. 23 To undermine 25 Things which give stability. 27 Either. 28 Born. 29 He wrote of things and people 31 To alarm.

36 Calm. 39 Legal. 41 Tiny skin openings, I 43 To bellow. 44 Bristle. 46 Church title.

48 Parts of mouths. 50 Habitual drunkard. 52 To scatter. -TUESDAY, MARCH '25, 1941 KPDN The Voice Of the Oil Empire Special To The NEWS WHITE DEER, March annuaUbanquet given by the board of trustees for the faculty of the White Deer Independent schools was held Thursday evening at the high school cafeteria. Superintendent George A.

Heath was in charge of the program. Two numbers, "Hear My Song Violetta" and "I Hear a Rhapsody," were sung by the high school chorus, directed by Glenn P. Davis, and James Beck sang "Can't You Hear Me Calling, Caroline?" At the close of the banquet, Mr. Heath presented each member and ex-member of the board of trustees with a -billfold. Mr.

Daws, in behalf of the faculty, then presented Mr. Heath with a life membership in the Texas State Teachers association, and J. R. Nicholson, president, in behalf of the board, presented him with a life membership in the National Education association. Special guests were Dr.

and Mrs. J. A. Hill of Canyon; former members of the board, E. C.

Sliuman, John Kotara, G. T. Colgrovc, and W. B. Carey, Mrs.

Kotara, Mrs. Colgrove, and Mrs. Carey. Present members of the board are J. R.

Julius Meaker, Biggs Horn, W. H. Price, E. 1 E. Crawford Floryan Haiduk, Dallas Bowsher, and J.

W. Wells, secretary. ANSWERS TO CRANIUM CRACKERS Questions on Editorial Page 1. William S. Knudsen and Sidney Hillman, associate directors of the office of production manage ment, are the "arsenal twins." 2.

Archibald MacLeish Is librarian of congress; W. A. Julian is treasurer of the U. S. 3.

Chief Justice Hughes was secretary of state under Harding and Coolldge; Associate Justices Murphy and Stone, as well as recently re. tired Justice McReynolds, are for- mcr attorneys general. 4. Vice-President Wallace, pres ident of the senate, has been working out with senators in the senate gym to keep them physically fit. 5.

Lord Halifax is the new ambas sador from Britain; Nomura, from Japan. Kichisaburo International reallocation of radio frequencies will become effective Saturday, March 29. KPDN will move from 1310 kilocycles to 1340 kilocycles jujst few points up your radio dial. TUESDAY AFTERNOON .1 of a Concert Master. A Time Tunes.

of Happiness. Be Announced. 4 the In 5 Kun He Announced. of Frank Farrcll, With Tex 0 Dancctimc. the Name of that Song? 0 :30 Vesper 0 Picture.

Used Car. 7 -Malcolm All Kcnuest Hour. WEDNESDAY Hollow 7 Captain and Shine. AlonK. Am IV and—Studio.

Club of the Air. Doing Around Tampa. 9 9 Cain's Circle Ranch WKY. 10 Jubilee. Moods.

of Melody. of All Grim's Report Dance and Shelton of Quiz. With Tex DeWeoe. Tabloid. of Martha Song Time.

of Food. and Views the Barbecue. Melodies. Violins. He Announced.

College. 4 A. of Happiness. 4 Orchestra. the Twin Is Be Announced.

Gospel With Tex Dancotime. 5 nt tho Nnmc Sonu i Vesper Picture. Used Car. All Request Hour. nn Mcv i nml Radio Guide Salute.

Greeks Hear Churchill LONDON, March 25 Minister Churchill, in a special message to the Greeks on their in- today Greek dependence day, reiterated Britain's resolve independence. to sustain FURNITURE SACRIFICE G-ft. Electrolux; 6-tube Pliilco Radio, Console Model; Baby Bed; Chest of Drawers. Will Sacrifice, Leaving Town. PHONE 1436-W KEEP YOUR CROWD TOGETHER Charter a Safe MOTOR COACH Rates Are Surprisingly Low Call Your Bus Station (871) For Information CARS Our present stock of cars makes it imperative that we move them NOW.

We are pricing them all at rock bottom prices, so you had better come in and select one of these really fine used cars while the stock is complete. -Many thrifty buyers have already taken advantage of our low hurry, get your Select One of These Fine Cars Lot Open Evenings 35 Ford 38 Ford Coach. 34 Ford 36 Ford 39 Ford Coupe. 37 Ford 39 Ford 37 Ford Coach 34 Ford Coupe. 33 Ford 39 Ford 40 Ford 32 Ford 34 Ford 35 Ford 33 Ford 38 Ford 37 Ford Coupe 37 Ford Sta.

Wagon 350 50 225 .425 150 450 325 50 50 425 575 85 85 125 50 325 225 350 38 Ford Coupe; $325 40 Ford Coach 625 36 Ford Sedan 150 39 Mercury Sedan 650 40 Mercury 785 39 Mercury Sedan. 575 39 Mercury Sedan. 550 35 Chev. Coach 85 31 Chev. Coupe 50 34 Chev.

Coach 75 39 Chev. Coupe 375 38 Chev. Coupe. 325 33 Chev. Sedan 150 40 CRev.

Coupe 575 34 Chev. Coach 50 38 Chev. Coupe 325 33 Ply. Sedan 50 38 Ply. Coach 325 36 Ply.

Coach $135 36 Packard Sedan 275 37 Ply. Sedan 150 39 Ply. Coupe 425 38 Nash Sedan 375 36 Ply. Coach 225 35 Inr. Panel 125 31 Ford Truck 75 35 Ford Panel 125 36 Int.

Pickup 175 36 Ford Pickup 125, 36 Ford Truck 185 36 Chev. Pickup 165 34 Chev. Pickup 75 38 Ford Pickup 275 37 Chev. Cpe. P'up.

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Pampa Daily News from Pampa, Texas (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.