Statesville Record and Landmark from Statesville, North Carolina (2024)

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Statesville Record and Landmarki

Statesville, North Carolina

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0B3S83 na STATESVILLE 0 RIDAY OCTOBER 27 1905 VOL XXXII NO 26 AOVEKTISBnPN Heating Stoves Coal Hods UUCJWSI ire Dogs Shovels and Tongs Ziegler Bros Ladies'1 Shoes? DRUG STORE SOMETEING NEW AND UP TO DATE Money Saved is Money Made IN URNITURE: New line of China Closets and Sideboards RUIT TREES OR SALE BiniuE Chairs and BiniEj Extrusion Talks ull Car of Mattresses Call and See Them Statesville Housefurnishing Co IL DEITZ You Can Not Affnrd has MACHINERY HKD REALSTATE he 2 'rt'v A launch containing ten men all of Philadelphia collided with abarge in tho Delaware river oiT Beverly late Sunday afternoon result ing in the drowning of seven of the occupants of the little boat William Wanamaker head of the Grin of Wanamaker and Brown and the brotherof John Wanamaker died at his day night GREEN HIDES DRY HIDES TALLOW BEESWAX WOOL Also ull Suits AVill pay high est market prices in CASH ull Line Of I I Consultation and examination ree OICE: ill Ea st Broad Street HOUKS: 9 12 a and 2 5 tn Miller The SHOE MAN To keep cn straining your eyes and suffering with head ache when 1 can make yen glasses that will nelieve the strain and step tie headache Ik number all examinations are REE CHARGE and glasses will be furnished at a reasonable price if you need and want them A Blur Yield uf Cotton Tarboro Southerner We know of one farmer who made 18 bales of cotton on ten acres and his friends are of the opinion that when the picking is over and the cotton all weighed he will have made 20 400 pound bales on those ten acres This is due todeepplowing rotation generous fertilization and proper cultivation Beas preceded the cotton Cow lot manure was spread over and then other fertilizers This land was fer tilized a second time with marked benefit repaying the expenses the farmer says 6 to 1 The cotton crop could easily bo doubled without increasing tho acreage by such methods as tho above While doubling tho produc tion all desirable iftwobales to the aero can be produced it is better to work ten acres and get 20 bales than to work 20 acres for tho same number of bales Tho other 10 acres can be used for something else The Landmark Toilet and Shaving Soaps Toilet Waters Dental and Talc Powders The Governor Kefuae to Pardon Murray But Module the Sentence Raleigh Dispute!) 21th After a long examination and a re markably thorough consideration Gov Glenn refuses to pardon Murray convicted of killing his undo at Durham and sentenced to two years on the road The Governor says from all the testimony he is ful ly satished that Murray began the difficulty and ought not to complain of the verdict when it might very properly have been murder in the second degree The sentence is neither inhuman nor severe He modiGed the sentence to two years in the county jail on account of the condition of the leg ULL TRAGIC MEANING are these lines from Simmons of Casey la Think what mlnht have resulted from his terrible cough it he hud not tuken the medicine about which he writes: "I had a fearful eoujth that disturbed my night's rest I tried every thing but nothing would relieve It until I took Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds which completely cured me" Instantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases prevents grip and pneumonia At Hall's Druggist: guar anteed 50c and JI 00 Trial bottle free And many other things that go to make good old Winter Time only a name BAMBOO TABLES STOOLS CHAIRS AND BOOK CASES There are four verses Verse 1 Hair Vigor makes thehairgrow Verse2 Hair Vigor stops falling hair Verse 3 Hair Vigor cures dandruff Verse 4 Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair The chorus is sung by millions Before tning Ayer's Hair Vigor I had very thiu and very poor hair But I continued to use the Vigor until my hair greatly improved In every way I hare ued it off and on for the past ten Mas Drummond Newark a certain SLce is tetter then any otter Shoe at the A same price why not wt ar it? I put this question to the Ladies of Statesville and surroundirg country and ask ern why they all wear my DON'T BORROW TROUBLE Il Is a bad habit to borrow anything but the worst thing you can isisslbly borrow is trouble When sick sore heavy weary and worn out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia bilious ness Brights disease and similar Internal dis orders don't sit down and brood over your symptoms but fly tor relief to Electric Bitters Here you will And sure and permanent forget fulness of all your troubles and your body will not be burdened by a load of debt disease At Hall Drug Store 1'rlee Wo Guaran teed Ladies ceme and sec this famous Shoe It will doits own talking All styles all shapes all sizes all widths to Gt and suit any Lady who appreciates good Shoes PRICE $200 to $350 DR iL BASS Veterinary Surgeon I now located on the WHkbnrorondinnorth Statesville opposite residence of Hon Turner where he can be found at night Office at Henkel Live Stock Co stables Sept?) 19 Made by Ayer Co Lowell Mass Also manufacturers of 9 SARSAPARILLA '4J PILLS CHERRY PECTORAL NORTH CAROLINA APPLES Important Bulletin Issued hr the Agricul tural Department The State Agricultural Depart ment has issuedabulletinoa ling the Apple apiredand edited by Harold Hime State Horticulturist Mr Hume says in iis introduc tion: is no region in the United States where better apples can be grown than in the mountain region of western North Carolina The fruit is unsurpassed in appear ance in color in edible quality and in keeping quality Their keeping quality is unsurpassed if rightly handled but too frequently they re ceive such treatment and reach the market in such condition so covered with spots and bruises so pxirly se lected that they will not keep natural markets of western North Carolina apples are the towns and cities in the region east and south of the district in which they are grown yet many of these mar kets are closed to our apples be cause of the way in which they are prepared for shipment and the way in which they are shipped Apple dealers in these same cities prefer to send hundreds of miles away to western New York and other apple DR CHAS WALLER OSTEOPATH HERE'S A NEW DAMAGE SULT II Anderson Republican ex State Sena tor hne KoBina Harkin and Others for IS20000 Damage Because They ailed to Give Him the Office Promised Asheville Gazette News 21th A telephone message from Hender sonville this afternoon conveyed the intelligence that matters have taken a somewhat sensational turn in the Republican household Hon II Anderson who at one time repre sented Henderson county in the State Senate seconding the nomina tion of Air Pritchard for United States Senator last Saturday ad dressed an open letter to the Repub licans of the State deprecating the acts of the Republican organization in setting up the claim of political kinship to Marion Butler This af ternoon Mr Anderson instituted suit in theSuperior Courtof Hender son county for $'20000 damages against Republican State Chairman Rollins Collector II Harkins District Attorney A Holton and Marshal Millikan An "officer left Hendersonville this afternoon for the purpose of serving summons upon the gentlemen mentioned who it is understood were taken wholly by surprise as few were aware that Mr Anderson contemplated so drastic a move against bis political associates While the complaint has not been Gled friends of Mr Anderson have given an intimation with reference to the basis of the action The story is to the effect that when the contest arose over the position of collector for this the Gfth internal revenue district Mr Anderson who was a candidate for that position was given assurances that if he would permit the slate to go through as framed up by the patronage dispensers he would be given equally as These assurances sothe story goes were not of the stereo typed variety to which little impor tance is attached but were actually given in writing and Mr Anderson is said to have withdrawn his appli cation endorsed the other candi dates on the slate and then to have gone in the even tenor of his way making his business arrangements and incurring certain obligations in the assurance that this just as would come along in the fullness of time Since that writ ten contract was made about Gve years have elapsed and Mr Ander son will set up the claim so it is un derstood that notonly has the agree ment not been kept but no effort has teen made to keep it This action is of course a novel cne While taking its waythrot)gh the courts the case is expectedtode velop a large political side and there is some talk to the effect that the ccmplaint in the case will contribute an intensely interesting chapter of the political annals of the State Mr Anderson has engaged as counsel a number of attorneys some of whom are of State wide reputation XX XXXXXJX AJUXJJU CHARLOTTE will be In States ville at Statesville Inn SATURDAY NOVEMBER Ith foroneday only HL practice Is limited to Eye Eat Nose and Throat and itting (U wes sept I 19QS "IiW DENOUNCED The President Denounces Those Who Are Morally Dishonest But Who Manage to Keep Within the Law and Thus Escape Punishment Baltimore Sun In his speech at Atlanta last week President Roosevelt said: are men who do not divide actions merely into those that are honest and those that are not but create a third that of law hon esty of that kind of honesty which consists in keeping clear of the pen It is hard stated the President to reach astute men of this type save by making them feel weight of an honest public indig nation should treat with a peculiarly contemptuous abhor he asserted mau who in sheer cynicism debauches either our business life or our political In these pithy sentences the Pres ident struck at the root of one of the greatest evils in this country Itis a theme which the pulpit has taken up of late and one upon whichitcan not dwell too strongly or too fre quently While moralists and theo logians have only an academic knowl edge of the subject the President has practical and far reaching knowl edge of what he happily character izes as The Presi dent of the United States is sworn to execute the laws of the land He sees what he considers violations of the law by captains of industry He instructs the officers of the Depart ment of Justice to investigate and prosecute Although the methods of the men whom he would prosecute are hurtful to public interests they have kept within the statutes and cannot be punished They have stretched the laws to the extreme limit but they have been careful not to go so far as to bring themselves within sight of the penitentiary Morally hishonest they have never theless been honest within the letter of the law No one knows better than the President of the United States the extent to which such men bring the law into contempt how far they undermine the faith of the masses of the people in our institu tions The courts are powerless to deal with persons whoare lawbreakers in spirit but not in the letter Mr Roosevelt recognizes this fact and suggests as a punishment that they should be made to feel the weight of an honest public indignation thatthey should be made to feel that they are held in peculiarly contemptuous abhorrence But such men it seems are impervious to public indignation requently they imagine that they are special instruments of Provi dence to establish some greatindus try and that to cry out against them and their methods is wicked perse cution of the elect Having amassed great fortunes by they do not lack friends and cham pions in high places friends who not only defend certain obliquities in business as essential to the Indus trial greatness of the country but actually identify these methods with religion In these circ*mstances Mr remedy will not cure the evil The man will be placed on a pedestal hailed as a philanthropist and benefactor and honest public indignation will be utterly' unable to penetrate bis self esteem or deprive him of the adoration of his fellows Thepresi dentof Yale University in a thought ful address a few months ago urged that such men should be punished by social ostracism that self re specting persons every where should refuse them recognition that the doors of decent society should be closed to them This is easier said than done The little fellow who violates the law openly goes to pris on and society turns its back upon him for all time He is sure to get his deserts The man who comes within a breadth of breaking the statutes and nukes millions be cause he stretches the law to the utmost limits is not only immune from punishment although he may have harmed the public a hundred times more than the convicted law breaker but he is apt to be ad mired for his shrewdness in busi ness Nevertheless President Roosevelt is to be commended for his bold ar raignment of the morally dishonest who heap up riches by practicing just enough honesty' to keep out of the penitentiary NEW CURE OR CANCER All furtuee cuneora are now known to curable by Bucklen's Arnica Solve Jas Wal ters ot Duffield Va writes: "1 had a cancer on my lip for years that seemed incurable till lluvklcn's Arnica Salve healed it and now It Is perfectly well" Guaranteed cure forcuts and burns 25c at Hall's Drug Store ZHAVE for sale new or second hand Ma chinery Including Stationary Portable or Traction Engines either Steam or Gasoline Stationary or Portable Boilers Saw Milla Corn Mills Cotton Gins Presses Wood Working Machinery Water Motors and Wheels etc Also some tine farming lands well watered and within easy reach of Statesville Also some well located houses and lots at right prices Call write or 'phone A OVERCASH No 105 Broad St I or 105 ront St uKllbiHllU Hi WANTED PHANS To GET HIGH ft re often frutmcd by udten breakdown due to dysi't(a or constipation Brace up and take Dr Kind's New Life rill They take out the material which are rloifinrf your ener gies and give you anew start Cure headache and dizziness too At drug store 25c guaranteed Advertised Letter ollowing i a list of letters remaining in the postoffiee at Statesville for the week ending October 23 h)05: Miss Lucinda Allison Anney Miss Eliza beth Anderson no Brady Show Case Go Prink Mark Edwttnb rank Gay Mrs Mala Hudson Rev Jones MLss Millie Johnson Mrs Johnson Miss Geor gia King Miss Jvn a Owens MLs Carnlc Bayer Mrs xMlnniejSthiovn Mrs Netty Tay lor A Van Alstlnv MixaEUuw Wilson Persons calling for any of the above will please ask for advertised letters" LONG PM DR REDJV PHIER Office houn8 to Ida 6 to 7 and by apvointmeht Office over Statesville Drug Company Phone office and residence U4 Jan 3 1906 YADKIN SUPERIOR COURT The Guud Work pf Judge Long and Solici tor Hammer Good Effects of the Watts Bad State of Affairs at the Coun ty Home Correspondence of The Landmark The fall term of Yadkin Superior Court adjourned for the term ri day October 2J having been in ses sion Gve day In many respects it was the mospnterestingand busy term Yadkin has had for some years There noj cases of a very seri ous nature such as murder arson etc but quite a number of cases for retailing Gghting etc were dis posed of in most instances to the great satisfaction of the law abiding citizens Judge Long presided So licitor Hammer prosecuted Crummel was foreman of the grand jury Solicitor Hammer left no stone unturned so far as he was concerned to bring all lawbreakers to justice He was successful in al most every instance There were ten defendants in one bill of indict ment for an affray and Solicitor Hammer was successful in convict ing everyone of them notwithstand ing the defendants had able counsel Greenberry Myers a very bad character getslS months on Iredell roads for an assault on a woman I believe It was remarked by nearly every one present at: court that Judge Long makes an ideal judge He presides with easeand dignity He commands respect for the court in such a way as to cause one to have a high opinion of the courts of jus tice because of the fact that not on ly the law abiding but the offenders themselves are made to feel and realize that courts are not establish ed to punish folks but to see that justice is meted out and society pro tected from the misconduct of the lawless and rude It is my candid opinion that if all our judges were such as Long and all the solicitors were as vigilant as Hammer at the recent term of court blind tigers i would be few and far between in thisState It wmuld be arare thing I to see a man drunk in public as it is now in this county except among the very lowest element of society i Among the many admirable quali Gcations possessed by Judge Long for his position there are none more commendable in my judgment than i his ability and carefulness to dis i tinguish between offences commit i ted knowingly and willfully and i more technical and what might be i termed accidental violations of the law I am quite conffdent that the term of court just closed will have a wholesome effect upon the morals of i this county Judge lectures and reproofs giver the young men i and others who were brought before him for violations of the law will bear fruit for the good ofsocietj I do not wish to be understood that the judge conGned himself to mere i lectures but that in almost every instance of conviction a One was im posed commensurate with thecrime There were about $300 in Ones added to the school fund at the re cent term of court more I think than Eas been collected at three terms of court for the last Gve years and yet I heard no one express dis approval at any Gne imposed The crowd attending court was not so large and was very orderly One man and his wife were on a drunken spree in a back lot and cursed and shot a pistol three or four times on Monday night of court They were before Judge Long next day for a nuisance and were Gned $100 and required to give bond in the sum of $200 not to be seen drunk any more for 18 months As an illustration of some of the good effects of the Watts law there were on exhibition at Yadkinville during court week some Grst class well and nicely Gnisbed wagons manufactured in this count' by an ex distiller driven out of the liquor business by the Watts law He is a happy prosperous man now in the wagon business whereas before bis life was unenjoyed not knowing what moment some officer would drop down on him and have the doors of the penitentiary open for him I could mention many more instances of the good results of the "Watts law but enough for one chapter The protracted meeting at lat Rock begins the Grst Sunday in No vember Rev Beach the pas tor will do the preaching Respectfully Hainptonville Oct 231905 The grand jury reported a bad state of affairs at the county home Inmates so they reported have been whipped and in various ways cruelly treated Judge Long ordered the keeper Mr II Bry ant discharged and placed under a $500 bond for his appearance at the next term of court to answer the charges preferred against him by the grand jury Without Commission ON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2nd 19i'5 we will offer for sale at Statesville a lot of Apple Peach Pear Plum and Cherry Trees at a mere fruition of what you have to piy for them when bought through agents This will be as tine a lot of trees as were ever placed on the market If you want the verj best trees at the lowest price ever offered in this section please he prompt In calling and remember the day Thursday No vember 2nd at Statesville We will also offer a lot at Mooresville on Saturday November Ith STARTOWN NURSERY COMPANY 21 1W5 Newton The Davidson Soph Knocked Under to the aculty Charlotte Observer 2Kb Dr Henry Louis Smith president of Davidson College spent last eve ning in the city en route to Red Sprirgs where he will attend the meeting of the Presbyterian Synod and while here talked with an Ob server reporter of the trouble atthe college last Saturday when the sophom*ore class threatened to leave the institution unless three members of the class who had been dismissed for Lazing be reinstated In explanation of the row Dr Smith stated that all hazing at David son College whether sevtreormild is punished by dismissal young men weredismisscdSaturday said Dr Smith as is often the caso with young men class spirit and sympathy took pre cedence of sober rtason and there was a great deal of talk about the class leaving in a body if the decis ion of the faculty were not reconsid ered and annulled Better counsel prevailed howeyer andnoso called ultimatum was presented to the fac ulty Of course no such action on the part of the class could Lave had any ir flumce in altering the decis ion of the faculty While they have the warmest sympathy for the young men under their care they recognize that in their hands is placed by the trustees the entire control of the college and in theirbandsit willre main They appreciate and commend the good sense and moral backbone of the majority of the class which recognized what was right and car ried the day sophs areback at work and everything is moving harmoniously at the he concluded The Landmark inadvertently stated Tuesday that six boys were expelled The number was three It is a fact that every member of the sophom*ore class in college at the time except two signed an agreement to leave unless the ex pelled men were reinstated but they thought better of tho matter The Landmark A handsome bronze tablet to tho memory of the late Rev Dr Joseph "Wilson for many years pastor of the irst Presbyterian church of "Wilmington and father of tho distin guished Prof AVood row Wilson was unveiled at tho irst Presbyterian church in Wilmington with appro priate exercises Sunday Tho ad dress upon the occasion wasby Rov Alexander Sprunt pastor of tlie irst Presbyterian church of Charleston ing picking and packing of apples are well understood ami procure I their supply of apples that will keep until they are used to procuring a i near by product that will spjil on their hands things are not as they should be and our growers must awake to the fact that if the apple I region is ever to come into the prom inence that it merits the place is its own for tho taking the product must be put up in Grst class shape well grown well picked well grad ed well packed marketed in invit ing shape i "The object to be held in view in preparing any fruit for market is to grow that fruit as nearly perfect as possible and then to put it into the hands of the consumer in all its freshness as nearly like what it was as it grew on the plant as passible IInd to do this the methods used by i many western Norin Carolina apple growers need to be radically chang ed changes are necessary for two reasons: irst because it will bring more in money returns ta the individual grower and second tho reputation of the region as an apple produieng district will receive the credit that it merits object of this bulletin is sim ply to contribute some information which may assist in bringing about these essential changes in GIRLS UIIILU linillLUI ti)ld tn UDderwear Mit Write ur apply In person tbe MALtNK MILLS Salem Vet JO BE MISTAKEN! 'Vr0U wlU find Cleaning Dye Ing and Repair Shop on Broad street up stain over Kimball's grocery store next door below Drug store You can save money by calling to see me and have your old Clothing cleaned dyed and repaired for the winter STEELE Oct 20 Im My all and Winter Stock is now complete My shelves are loaded with Bargains for Cash Hager Oct 10 1905 STOCK OR SALE Q25OO STOCK for sale (1100 per share) in Bloomtlcld Mfg Co An opportunity to se cure a good investment Mld in blocks of five or more shares Write or apply to ERNESTO AITHER Statesville Oct 20 19D5 i it i ii imu'iii I' ir i Ji mu ii iMj nn NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS Morrison Pioduce Provision Co STATESVILLE a AXISMA The Song of the Hair STATE XKWS At Durham Sunday a colored woman named Delia Jenkins was using a gasoline stove when an ex plosion occurred and the woman was so badly burned that she died a few hours later At a marriage feast at the home of a colored man in Mecklenburg coun ty Sunday night Hd Small shot and fatally wounded Will Clinton who hassincedied Small escaped The Observer says this is the fourth negro that has been killed by a ne gro in Mecklenburg in the past four weeks Two barns and contents were de stroyed by Gre at Mocksville at noon Monday One belonged to Mrs Hardison widow of the late Rev Mr Hardison while the other was the property of Mr Henry Graves Both were small buildings and the loss will not exceed $390 A pass ing traction engine set Ore to the buildings Near Wallace Duplin county Sunday Will Carter colored iff years old tried tocriminall yassault a six year old daughter of Mr How ard James The child was saved by a colored woman who was in charge of Mr children while the family was at church The negro was arrested and taken to Golds boro to prevent lynching Miss Agnes Miller daughter of Mr Miller of ranklin town ship Rowan county and Mr Henry Turner of Salisbury were married in Salisbury Tuesday morning Mr and Mrs Turner went to Washing ton on their bridal trip and on their return will live in Salisbury Mr Turner is an employe of the South ern at Spencer Walter Neilson the young white man who was charged with aiding the eleven Buncombe county prison ers to escape from jail and whoinade no denial of tho charge was convict ed in tho police court and sentenced to two years on tho county chain gang Mrs Bob Duncan who was also charged with aiding and abet ting the escape was acquitted of that chargo but is under arrest on a charge of perjury To run your Watch when it needs cleaning and oiling as you are nly doing it an injury by so doing Remember we do all kii ds of Watch and Jewelry repair ing and tho work is ALWAYS ready when premised APPLE Jeweler and Graduate Optician Hotel Iredell Block Statesville COTTON SEED MEAL COTTON SEED HULLS COTTON MIXED EED Produces more milk more butter better milk bettei butter The best feed summer or winter Sold by Gro cers and eed Stores If your dealer handle it call on us Respectfully Statesville Oil and ertilizer Co THE LAZENBY MONTGOMERY HARDWARE Oct 24 1905 STATESVILLE eedl ULL LINE COLGATE PERUMES I mIx1' Winter Nece 1 I Ladies' ine uolwear kuer Read Ponder and Reflect! Mission Tables Desks and Chairs rpTTT? I fl fl i 2 41 IB I.

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Statesville Record and Landmark from Statesville, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.