TO SEAGHORC Express Servica to Sea Isle City, Ocean City; Avalon, Peermo'nt, Stone Har bor, Angiesea, wiidwood and Holly tJcacn and ACRI1RY DARK AND I ONf. BRANCH. I rA.W Buffalo rfExehanea Street 8taUon). tO P. M.
dally. Arrivel PhlUdelp HEALTH -i (Bxoad Street BUUon, vsi a. m. awiy. i ConnecUag train leava PH 1LADELP I yOB CAriSMAI, mianuuu AINU UULbi rjaum.vjnm Tea.va FmiaaelDma taiarae oin-uv yt TST.FVCITT.
OCEAN 6ITY. pointed Senator to fill an unexpired term he began to develop- mdst extraordinary tendencies for a Democrat He discovered that he was In favor of a protective' tariff, of the ship-subsidy bill and other measures which were exclusively those of the Republican party. A few months ago Senator Tillman challenged McLaurin to resign from the Senate, Baying that he would do the same, and leave it4o the people to say at the primaries which one represented Democratic- principles in South Carolina. McLaurin at first accepted this challenge but afterward withdrew his resignation, taking advantage of the Governor's unwillingness to accept It. Democracy means something In South Carolina, where the matter of party obligation does 'not set as loosely as It does In some Northern States-r-3ew Tork.
for instance and the Democrats of the State chafed under the affliction of having a Republican, masquerading as a Democrat, misrepresent them at the National CapitoL Hence it was. that the executive committee of the Democracy of the State asked Mr. McLaurin to resign forthwith. The vote by which this resolution wad carried is significant. Out of a total or 30 members of the executive committee present only five opposed the resolu i HARBOR.
ii li Philadelnhla (Market Street bunaays. IF. i PhHadelphia (Broad Stjeet Station), 8:8 i -Mi weekday; A an.v train tnn at tnterlaken for Asbury Park. I The PennsylvanTa RallrSad trfesfrom Buffalo run into Brosd DEtAWA RIVER BRIDGE ROUTE, aJao trains fo, Asbury Par Ocean CjV9 ana LongBranch leave this station, so that passengers fpr these xcMr.g btjfet Keeping ca buffalo to philad elpbi a PARLORARS PpmLADEHL T(i TaTLANTIC CAPE MAT, SEA fsLS i vn nrmiM CITY. i 1 Lxi.i.7aAi.T i -o wrnr j.
b. wviriy, r--. General Manager, vreu. 307 MAIN STREET, ELIC0TT SQUARE, BUfVLU ILROAD i THE RC30RT5 Atlantic City, Gaps i HIA a follows: ijbj l. w.wi ja.
jl wewour: i AVALON, PEERMONT AND Wharf). jL ML weekdays, p.Dnirr i 5 M. GEO. W. BOTX B.
F. fkaskr. Gkni Pass. Agent Pass. Astfht a "a T- JL A sVAf i T9 6 TV Bnffaloi! 1st and Arkansas In Alabama, out! of a total of men of vcjting age: jthere are illiterate negroes, or ay trine over one-fourth of the wnole.
'If, Wherefore. Alabama should fjlsfranfchjse all her illiterate Snegroea, khich hody proposes to dfo (for the possession of property would let in nkany of em), and if she WTre to be tunished 1 ffor it by a feductu4 of her representattjn on the lines laid down by the Fourteenth Amendment, she might lose twojjbr her nine representatives in- Congresij and two of her eliven electoral In Arkansa. outof medjover 21 vears old. 39.02 are colored ilHtjtfates. or not 'milt one-eiehtn of the iivhole If Arkansas disfranchised all col- ored illiterates she mlht lose ne of her seven representatives I and one of her nine electoral votsl or she might not lose any.
Taking these figures I as a gui de. it anntini nrnbahle that it all the 'puth- em States should folloiw the eampl of Louisiana and Mississippi, of voters disfranchised woulJjfeot be great enough to cause 4ny of representation in VirgjniaL Wettj Virginia, Maryland, Kentiticky, TeWAessee or Florida. jThere mignt he a jss of one member apiece In North qirolina and Texas and of two lnJ South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi ji' anl Louisiana. 0n the the tijirr.ber of reprsentfttives cut off throughout the South cp)uld hardly exceed Wior 13. It is scarcely likely that the Republican party will take ui such aJfarlckly Issue for such small returns.
if RADWAT8 RBAJDT RELIEF bas'jftood u. rivaled befors the' public for fifty yri as a Fain Remedy. I It-inatantlyl relieves an! quickly curas all Spraina, Bruises, Sore ifHuBcles, Cramps. Ii Bums, Sunburna, Mosquito Bites, Backaches, Headache. Toothache, Rhmatira, ocuraisia.
intertaiiy. A CURE FOR ALL! SUMMER COMPLAINTS Dyseoteryi Diarrhea, Cholera Miarbosx. Radway-s Ready Relief in water iMnUl in a few momenta cure Crarepa, BpasiMs, Sour Stomach; Nausea, Vomltisv, Heartbtjrft, KerJ ouaneaa. Bleapleasnen, Sick Headaqie, Colto. Flatnlencv, and -all Pain.
vr KniuniHu.n& ua- imno woris that win cum Fever and Acue and i mil other Malarious, Bilious, and other fevers, Maided by. Tbr li not a1 remedial aa-ent In KAfAi 8 riu.a, so outcKiy aa HA WAT-a READT Fifty tents bottle. II Sold by drwgiata, SABWAI KewllTork. fTVHE1 PEOPLE OF THE STATE NEW JL TORK. To Eilxabets S.
Orr. Iilllle N. Brewster. Ella J. Iioch.
AlbeH Orr. George 0. Orr, William C. Orr. and Charles sHenry Orr, persona or! corpora tions Interested In the estate lit George Orr, late of the cltv of Buffaiii in rha County Erie, Static of New jlork.
de ceased. Ijas creditors, legatees. next It kin. widow: Tou, and each of you. are hereby cited notified and required to lie and appftar before the SurrogaU of said County of Ei at the Surrogate's Office, In the City of Buffalo.
In aid County of Erie, on he nth dafi of September, 1S01. at ten o'clock 'n the rtlrienoon of that day, then and there attend im judicial fcettleme.it of the account of El'aabeth S. Orr. admlnlatratrit of the estate of theSjaald de, ceaaed. that It any of the abbi-je named persons are Infanta, that they then i and there show cause why a spedlal g-uardloia should not be appointed to appear, represent: and act for them, in ithe proeeedifigi for such Judicial settlement.
I Uj, In Testimony WThereof. ifl'e have caused 8jl of our Surrogate Court to ba hereunto affiled; Wltneas. Hon. iLoifls WUj Marcus, (L.S.) Surrogate of our I said County -I Etlie. at Buffalo.
K. Kid day ot July, 150L -f LrOfOS B. HAKT. Clerk of the Surrogateji Court. To above nluned Albert Orr, rfceora-e CS.
Orr. William C. Onf. and Chat-tea Henry Orr: 1 I The fores-olna; citation ia aet-ved Upon yoa by publication, pursuant to An ordet of Hon. Louis W.
Sdjj-ircua. Surroirate of Erie County, made on the, loth day of July. 1 EUXAOETH 8.1 ORR. JlytOtaugM COUNTY QOCRT. ERIE COUNTr-rMaris Lothropi acmlnst Boffalo BnlMtpg A In vestment Company, et alj Action No.i l- In purs-uanoe or a Uiagment andlaecree of forecloaure and sale only aranted I 'by thla i-furt, and entered la th4 Erfle ConjAy Clerk Cm re on tbl ISth Am-r of dersla-nad referee duly appointed in tkls action for such' purpese, will eKpoee tot sale ni sell at public Suction the highest bi-Jder theaytofc at he Buffalo tnli Estate Exchan Room, Xo.
tl Pearl Street i in the City of Buffalo, County ef Erie and Stat of New I lOrk. on tn day of Acgust. at ten 1 In tne forrooon df tnat davj the real. estate ar.d rrlortaaced premises directed In and -by said Judgment, to be ertdj and taereln de- i scnoen iqiicws. as ma tneresx aa wan I be sufficient a pay- the abaouat due jupon said Judgment.
tf-1t: i Mrral Hr.1 In the Clrr ef Pufate. Cm4tr et Erie and State of New -Tor. att Iwte rH (firm Lot No. ourteeoJ la tewasntjj rajtre seven, and being firtaw tatiaHiaoi4 ibdivllon lota Kumbeib eo a sitM. We lisrluai aeeordtna; rot" a aaaa.
ae- Inter at ifc; "part of said term le fea aakx of the first pan. Mr c. ff. Fv aiw, Jnaa WW. and tn Rrta.e5)cr.B under Cover NK SI.
Jiety Sv, M. tbe por-l tlon of euMlvtasaa X. tv B' x-k to Celw Kv iM Farfci View. Avenu. Hi Dated.
Buirsle THOMA! W. rEtOIAM. (fMinpaa, i I. i mtttura -'AvtmrnKr. Address.
Entrap Sb.tWft. T. 1 3- Pure sat OOtTSfTT COtTtT. TOrltf ruiataM. In- CoasjMsv.
at ak. Arl4 Nv. t. In MraaSM a MaMit ot forecloeur sad aata uky graatwJt or thla Court, and at taf ftrt Cwuiiiy Clark' si Ofllea wi th" ta Jhalf tl. sf 4rait4 ao-i Una fiw aura aataeaa wfti nmt fw aata and a ptu i aKa i mw.
therefir at liIMi. Real Eatstt" Kirhenge Rm. Nn. it NrwL la this City ifi Buffalo, CVoaly and Stale of New Tork. ad aar JLttanmt.
iin si cni o'etocH In tW ftwaatysai the real etat and itrtsaad premise, directed tn nd try said Jvdfcnnt to Im km and Inereln de-acrtbed aa eoows. aa aaocb. tnerof aa will na sumciean nay am antoanc oue Jadcment, I ji' AH that tract ft nardel of land the City ct jBuffalo, Couhty pf Erl UDoa Said' i fitaate hi and Stttti of New bounded hnd descrl at tol4 Beginning at the point of jntersellbn ef th cortbeasterly Una of Paf-k View Avwnua wltM the southeaateriy line of ZitMet- Street, rnn-l ntng thence southeasterly and aloncji'aatd Una of park View A vena one hundred: and ten feet, therroaj northeasterly and parallel to saldl Una of Zittal Street one hundred and tea fee. thence nortawesterly and parallel (djfsaid Una of Park- View Anu pn hundred and ten: fett to atd Una of Zittel Street mf thnc outhwesteriy and nlort al1 llntj of Zittet Strcn ens hundrd and ten feet to th place of beginning. liji i Dated.
Buffalo. N. jjuly 1 OEORbB W. WE.YAVn. I (THOMAS W.
Referee. I IPIalntlnTa lAHtarnev. Address. Elllcott Square. Btifalo.
K. T. Wmw. extra column Last I while in conversation on that most interesting topic, the Pan- ikmeriican Exposition. I was asked! what schemj I could recommend to iensure an attendance oi a quarter jot a million people jt the grounds on? any one) given day.
My answer was 1Venj Quickly, but ijjmust coif8 that It was not original myself was Indebted to THE TIMES for the ii suggestion. Have a Buffalo I'replied, Xhe answer was made on the spur! of 'the moment, and Was only half 'in earn est at jthe time. But since, then I have thought over the matter Considerably, anjd th longer I think, tjhe inore's'trong-ly thej Idea appeals to meJ i I Why not have a Buffalo Day? striked me that It win bjs highly Inappropriate if we' do not have one. Sep tember 26th has been designated as Cleveland Day. jOne of the veryj biggest ofjevfebts during the Columbian Expo sition! IWas Chicago I can conceive of no argument adverse to the making one of the greatest, if of Buffalo' Dayj not absolutely the greatest event of the Pan-American.
Its date I would fix the summer about October 1st, when heat jwlll be over, and the time of the equinoctial storms past, so 'f: may be reasonably sure of having settled weather. i '1 Buffalo has a population' of more than 351,000 persons. It is fair to assume that -ou the date mentioned there will also be from 50.000 to loojooo strangers within our gates, irrespective of any special inducements offered. The announcement of a Buffalo Day, with a program of extraordinary i might result in bringing even! more 1 than that number Into town. Thus -we would i have a basis jof nearly or quite ajhalf a million of people toWcjrk upon, Every resident.
of Buffalo, who Is possessed of civic pride! should make it; a point to go to the Expositipn on Buffalo Day and to take his wife and children, with him. Ever store, very facto-ry, every office, should be "close d. those which the exigencies iofj the occasion would conjpel to be open, so jjthat all employes should have a holiday and a chance to join the tliroijig wending its way toward the gates. lit but half'the people of Buffalo should thus turn out, reinfpr'ced by a hundred thousand the quarter million mark would be reached, But, even though tl attendance miglt not exceed that Df some othef notable even thoagh it should not reach 160.000, we should! have a Buffalo Day. Judging by the readiness with which so many firms have ac quiesced in this request to close on Mid way, Day, there can be no dbubt but that civic pride would irduce jen times as many to do HKewIse dn Buffalo Day.
If it were deemed wise to make elab orate preparations for the occasion, I would suggest that a parade be held. typify thi city; -In every wayt civic and- military bodies, school children, labor unions, fraternal organ izations, social chibs, business associations, etc. the procession to be enlivened with floats showing the diverse character of Buffalo's industrial re sources; the local theaters could also have floats, emblematic of the attrac- tions at their various houses, the whole maling such a monster falo has never fcaare parade as Buf-wilnessed, but entirely and solely composed of local features, even to the bands of music in line. Let us show to thie visiting thou? sands Buffalo can exposition by herself. feupply quite an Such an occa-oppottunlty- pf siori would be1 the best! advertising our local advantages ever presented, and would create a friendly spirit of rivalry among our1 business firms that would no dojubt result in a been pageant such as.
has! seldom equalled in this country or abroad. Af ter the parade every hei should spend the balance of the dayl apd evening at Mm i- have a Buffalo the Exposition grounds Bj all means, let! us! Day. VICTOR ROVILLE. SNAPSHOTS a 1 m- "welcome Wisconsin ana. Daily attendance is asing! Exposition expenses are being rapidly cut down.
Politicians are busy building fences and gathering ammunition. i Schley's friends shoull stop talking; it is 'the time for action, words. i i 1 phe rumor that King Edward had a bad case of hydrocephalus la authhorita-trjely denied. i Mont' The S's havfe tl floor. I pill Yes, I am reading the controversy.
4 jrhe duty of Judge, Sevens was plain and the' result must be accepted as a complete vindication of young Fosburg, I -I- If young people who have run away from home, to see the Exposition will lejave their address at this office, THE TIMES will do the rest I i 1 -ill- A "dressmakers "trust" is1 preparing to take up the. thread bl the baste tlielr opponents arid report matters progressing just sew-seiw. I Cleveland Plain DeaSer predicts tljiat the Russians will find Senator Clark, who has gone, the copper business in tpat counw F'raps. i I Miss Maxy Preblfe Andersdn; who jwill christen the new battleship Maine to- day. comes of a famous naval family.
She is a great granddaughter of Commodore Edward Preble, who having 1 distinguished himself as I a yomg man in the American navir during the Revolution, commanded I the Ironsides-4a the expedition! against; the Barbary pirates. His grandlson, Edward DwrinK Preble. navigator of thjj Kearsaxgc i at time of ttf iU WIUj the Alabama. I .11 '1 I Neglected" colds lead to somethinor always serious. They run into chronic bron chitis, pneumonia; or consumption.
Dcn't Take AyePs Cherry Pec-; toral and stop your cough. ZSSJt, JL99. 4, Yr, ci. Ka. i j.
.,1: BddCougfis i SOME DEMOCRATIC HARMOJTIES. For honest Thomas' Jefferson 't 1 i I was and am for still; I 'Likewise: for Andrew Jackson And David Bennett H11L i- With mK; ilka thess before To sho me Where Tin at. rm safe In my assertion: I am a Democrat," I David Bennett Hill. j. FoJ-mers Mayor, of Elmlra, If.
T. 1 1 represent a party Whose principles That make itsireputaUon 1 is the rose, i With Croker aid the Tiger To teach me where lm. By Jove, thereiis; no nusiw" I am a Democrat. Robert A. Van) Wyck Mayor of New Tork City "As single taxi exponent, -I take I a foremost stand.
And I am alsoi Ruler In Three-cent Fairyland. With plain Topijotinsonism To show mes wKere rm at It cannot be disputed. I am a Democrat." Tomj Johqpbnjt Mayor of: Cleveland, Ohio. i I "I love my patty truly. Its chief W4nt to be; I do unto my Ineighbors As they do imtp me; i This Golden HiilW of action Will keep jwners rm at, And therefore; I am certain I am a Democrat." Samuel Jones, Mayor Toledo, Ohio.
I i ii I Tve got theei Men and Brethrti My party'a great renown Sis such that many persons 'Havsaid IiOwn the town; It isn't true, put merely I know where I am at. And knowing this is knowing I am a Democrat" Carter Harrison. Mayor jpf Chicago, X1L .1 li i "Oh, Matchless Leader, hear me, Tour cause is still my own. And' are BUlli a-hustllng To seat you on your throne. With such a lofty purpose And principle as that Tm happy In announcing I amla Deifeocrat." Thomas Taggart, Mayor jot Indianapolis, In "Mine lis a golden platform.
I know no other kind. And running; on that ticket, I could not fall behind. With itoble David Francis To put mc where I'm. at. Who dares dispute my statement I ami a Democrat Rolla.Wejjls.
Mayor; of St Louis, Mo. i "Go tq, ye varying factions, -Tour squabbling Is in vain, Th6 only way to triumph Is getting on my train. The Pppulistlo Greenback Is always where I'm at, And, brethren; by that token, I I ami a Democrat." James BJ Weaver, Mayor of Des Moines, Iowa, On the side: I Jackson 8a. Torn, what's un? Jefferson Give It up. Never touched mik.
iw. in tne xork SPIRIT OF THE PRESS anted Sherlock Holmes. Vmm tha ilhanv 'TIim T'nlim Conan Doyle should resurrect Slierlolk Holmes and place him at work on the Fosburg trial. There is work in this case for a aosen idetectives with hindsight foresight, omniscience and mlnd-readlng powers. Mark Hanaa'a Bee.
From the St Paul Globe. From this time on Hanna is a marked man. iNo longer will he keep step with a strenuous and positive individuality, but irresolution, with uncertain step and doubting will amble at his side His political crimes will be committed in the dark his thrusts will be made in the back. He will be outwardly as mild as the cooing dove. Oh, the power of the busing Dee.vtns nee, the bee, the; Fresi aenuai Deer' 1 Rlkefcllr'a Hmm.
From, the St. Paul Glebe. Prof. Triggsi of the University of Chi cago, informs the public that hymns are aoggerei. wny does not tne professor at tempt I to discover something I new? It neeas no proiessor from tne great Rock efeller university to tell us that Young Trlggs! had better beware a professor who tells thqi truth, and such a bare trutn, 19 liable to lose his head.
Rockef l. ler Is a Baptist and loves the good old hymns; such as "Sowing the seei in the iron mine. Sowing the seed in the' bright sunsnine- wnat win tne nront. be. Oh what will the profit be? Sewing the seed in an oil sowing the seed Tin the fires of hell; Oh, what will the harvest ne, un, wnai wni tne narvet be? AX AD A PROSPERS.
the Baltimore Sun. 1 I Canada's foreign commerce indicates great prosperity. Her aggregate trade in the ten jnjonths ending April 30th was or 1.0M,113 more than tne year Derqre. ine imports were U42.942.420, or! $361,339 less than in the previous yeaq Exports totaled A branch of the Royal Mint is to be i established in Canada at Ottawa to coin her large gold product into BrH ish sovereigns The 24 Government sav ings banks had ilo.725,040 of deposits. Canadian industries are becoming more diversified, with profitable results.
The attention given by the Government to the exportation of Canadian fruit and dairy! products Europe has brought large wealth to the farming interests. what o- rrr jj! From 'the Houaton Peat. ij That those who controlled the conven tion saw fit tj indirectly repudiate 4r. Bryari Is regrettable, but by no means as significant as might appear at first blush! That this repudiation will be repeated by other Eastern States may! be expected. Controlled as the Ohio convention was by aspirants for places Ion the National Democratic ticket, who have never been in sympathy with Mr Bryan, other; conventions dominated ty sUinilarly placed indlvidtials, in States seldom dropping into the Democratic column, will doubtless follow the Ohio Drecedent.
What of it? They may pass the silver question over! in silence and treat Mr. Bryan as a has been, but not one; of tneml will offer to capitulate to the Bin-gle standard. They may give voice to a desire for a new leader, but not of them will propose the abandonment of a single principle ne nas defended. Nor will theyvcause the millions who followed Mr. Bryan to defeat to regret enlisting undr his banner, nor change their) belief that his election would have checked the growth of influences that are threatening the life of the Republic.
1 1 HOW'S THIS? it; offer One Hundred Douara Reward for any cases fof Catarrh that cannot be cured Jy atarrn uie. i J. CHKNfl rrop. xoiedO, O. Wei the undersigned, have known PL J.
Cheney fori the last IS years, and believe him perfectly nonoraoie in ail business transactions, and financially able to carry tut nnv obligation made bv thetr firm West Truai, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Walirag. Kliwan-ft- Marvin, Wholesale xoieoo, v.
i Hall's Catarrh Cur Is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or the Price 75c perbot- yny Iffla are the' best. rfREMEsfs IbOK ENTinv Af irtim wiU take place July JOta and 31st. Ex cursion ucaeis on sale, via New Tork Central, at rite of round iFaii InformaUon at ticket office. 377 Mala 8t t31 'CHlCAjGO-ASTD THE WEST, The modern coaches. cafe-Parlor 4a ra and iPnllmans are the best.
Grand Trunk trains leave Buffalo 5:35 A. M-. 1. ai.3 and 'P. M.
Ienigh depot.) City office 2s Main Street. JuIytiU J'H- "I Tne offer pf Inferior good for. stand-ardiartictesiits a practice that can be ended if the public rejects all Imitations of reputable, advertised goods, or substitutes for them. kalr. whih pftn mars the prettiaai Vet A xi.i4uciv:ir,, jest cure rir corns.
4 4 4-4- Mi am lot Lf ttita world: Ilka a thadt I slide beside it ane look oit'f-Lord LytWnJ I Thsi Lesirlngt9 communicate with the undersigned, may write on both sides Jt tfta paper if desl ed and may. II a laay. crcssi-write but nit write crossi The unfortunat author cannot visit you In the flesh but will haunt youi, If thereunto1 reduestedL i Gusses! questiohlni the authenticity of penury or attributing nis wora to another be eojisidered insults. Communication 1 Intended for I exhibition to Oom i Joseph Elllcott must be written uom josepn jsuicott must pe wnmn in Specially prep ired asbestos paper with ympathetlc Ink. The heat will bring out he characters without destroying the ion SVI I the page.
i HiBtorlana wHting of eariy driys of Buf-falo-lwlll baf set Jight as to their facts on My. wh- hat a bunch of nice neonle 1 sawi in the IroaboiS the other dav; all old ltimjers, wieli known in Buffalo, all likeji brethren Id welling together in unity UthOugh of dive -s political faiths. There was Din McM llan. ex-State Senator. ex-Counsel to "the New York Central Raijway and: new United States Judge in iN Mexico and ex-Judge Robert C.
ptus andj Frank Gilbert and quite a bunch of me i who stand, and have stoMj and alwa ys will stand, I for something! of worth in this community 'and hey wfre all mi king much of McMillan. And what a thing it njivst be to cornej back -it 1 prestige tol the town whf rejyou Hav always enjiyed prestige arid hobno with your old friends and- get a realising sense of ihow much thejy ncire' fo jou, as is thej; case with McMillan who came so close to losing hisjl judgeship by in inadvertent error of sthipid depa-tment clerk; in Washington, the sto of which Was told in an ijeastern magazine. Which is briefly that, when McMillan was decided upon, thej lAlttorneyGeneral told his head flujhkyi to fill in the name of "the man frqrn Buffalo," jand of course. Col. Alex-aader comes! from Buffalo and there wai another min named Alexander who was running! for "the office, and the head flunky; got the 'two men's names mixed upland when Attorney-General Griggs, his)! chief, told him to fill in the name of "the man fro Buffalo" for the lap- polntrjkent df ustice to the Supreme Mexico he thought in Court of Ne-1 an addle-pate' sort or.
a way, tnat there cpuldnrt any man from Buffalo er, 0 he nllea in I the name, or the lezander from Santa Fe who Mas look for the Judgeship in- stad bf that Dan McMillan and took it tip (o th President who signed it and sefit It oveV io Congress for confirmation and It came mighty near being confirmed for it passed the House of Representatives and was before the Seriate when ithe error was discovered arid it was withdrawn. 1 bh, i dean dear, talking of Judges, thjere Is an excellent grood story to my mind about one who climbed to the Cdurt of Appeals, bench with the same agility displayed by Judge Hazel in climbing on jto the 1 mahogany of the Uhited States District Court and the judge! I refer io is Werner of Rochester, who pow weairs the black silk gown of a justice of the Court of Appeals of the State; of New York, and who exemplifies, In hlsl judicial person! the salient but gratifying fact that in these United States of America any man from the seat of a delivery wagon or the bottom of a sewer ditch can look upward and see the stars bt place and power twinkle bkigbftly for pirn If he has the ability lay down his spade and mattock apd' go hunting them; for Wernek- got up Just as Hazel got up, only, perhaps, hje i startedj 16wer and got highei)', for time ''was, and would you bISv it, that this little man drove a delivery wagon Or Sidney, Shepard Co. of th city oft ind that before that time hie; i cleaned out offices and excoriated cuspidors, always doing the Job thoroughly and ell, in the city of Rochester and studied law between times and finally was admitted to the bar. i 'II. hjen, being an extremely active) little man! and i "standing in" considerably with the ibovs.
he made many friends bujtl jnot a very good living in Monroe County until some one suggested that he! might i make a pretty good county judge: I aim not at all sure that Werner did not suggest that himself, being a or great perspicuity ana gooa with an excellent knowledge 4f i humad Character particularly his wnj and, I by hook or by; crook, somehow! or ohr. he got the nomination end he was elected county judge of Mon- iety I County, and having! got his foot upon the bottom rung of ithe ladder he started climbing and he has clomb pntil he than got as high; judicially as most men) dare to, hope for, with perhaps only one possibility above him. that of Justice of the United States Supreme Co and his, salary is some IJCqOO or imre per year, but he has to lodge and' find; himself and buy his own Bilk: dresses And, years agone, when he was driving that delivery wagon he met Miaa1 j3oller of Buffalo, and he fovea her! id the passion was reciprocated, but a stern parent held up the admonitory hands of official protest and paid, "Najy, Nay" to the aspiring little kallant, win one day got down off the jseii of 1n delivery wagon, took his horse into le barn and unharnessed it. jled it into its stall and (went back, to fth -office and cashed in. self-discharged.
BUt he wiasj ambitious and bad two incentives: i Honorable ambition and hon- s4 llove, and he went back to Rochester, iasi above! stated, and got his first step and it wis while he wasNcounty Judge he came back to Buffalo and laid hi; Judgeship and his fortune, what there was Df it, very little it was, and hisj hearjt throbs, at' the feet of his Inamorata, and won over the stern parent, an. they were married, a fact which has been Judge vTprner's blessedness from hat day to this. For an Honest man who knows howl to! appreciate her and to tenderly nur ture and care for her. a good wife is the! immediate Jewel of the soul and a nobler or etter thing cannot be said for American manhood and manliness than this- bo generally -remarked by strangers our shores that the American mien arer notable for their goodness to tlh( American women. As long as; this lasts and chivalry still grows in: tender; at manly breasts this nation BY EAT! HQ I I lassHtnde that follows the m.
ing of hkajvy. animal foods in summer unfitting the matt for business and the woman fop her household and social duties. Is the natural revolting of the human stysitem against an unwholesome diet The enertrixing effect of Wheat- Meat as! aldai'y food daring the heated season is In i direct contrast stomach welcomes it; the digestive or gans periorm ineir inneuozu easily and without! exertion. The complexion is Clearer, Uhe body cooler, the brain kc- M' There! I no. one In the family too jrounj qr too old to appreciate Its value a3 a nourishing, wholesome, reUshable food.
It lis different from any other toiod you ever ate crispy and nutlike. Wheat-Meat reqirres no cooking comes alU prepared, ready to eat. i cream if ou like. S-jul bst grocers at cents pound package a full iMdSTLY ABOUT I i Keep Cool TODAY'S IXDEI. Pags 1 Latest Local and General New.
Page Western New Tork. Canadian and General News, People's Column. Pa Society. Women's Work, Club. Women.
Pas 4-Editorlal, Jan Schlmmelpen-nJnck, Snap Shots. Spirit of the Press. Pairs 5-General News, Boys and Qlrjs, Labor. Pag Sporting News. Pa- 7 Latest Markets, Want Adver- I tleementa.
Pa 8 Latest General Trews. NOT AT ALL SIMILAR The Buffalo Review, Inspired, -no doubt, by thftrvontemplation of the piti- able plight into which the local Republican Rarty has fallen, seeks to find some consolation in an attempt to show that the local Democracy finds itself in much the same boat. It would have the public believe that J. Ellas Is the It. Mahany of the Democratic party, 'and that tie.
like Mahany, Is en deavoring to smash the of the party organization. It la further stated that Mr. Elias' activity is "worrying" John Cunneen. the chairman of the Democratic General Committee. But the parallel won't go.
There is no comparison whatever between the situation of the Republicans and that of the Democrats. In the first place, Mr. Ellas is not antagonizing the organization of his party, for the sufficient reason that tbo -organization has ot Shown Itself hostile to Mr. Ellas. There has been no occasion for the manifestation of any such hostility, and why should there be? No one, probably, could be found to dispute the fact that air.
Ellas is a Democrat In good and regular standing and as much entitled to seek the nomination for Mayor, if he chooses, as any other Democrat. The attitude of the local Democratic leaders has, so far, not been prescriptive with regard to the candidacy of any man. It is recognized that this Is the time for the exercise of party methods widely differing from those of the Republicans as. possible. While Messrs.
Warren, Greiner and. the rest are doing their utmost to, smother Mr. Mahany's candidacy and force, Mr, Knight into the nomination, the Democrats are calmly considering the merfts and Qualifications of a number of men, the ultimate choice among1 whom will be left to the voters at the primaries. "With a large number of excellent, available men to choose from there is qmall danger that the Democracy will not be- able to unite upon a candidate who will easily defeat whichever man the divided and demoralized Republicans put forward? for the Mayoralty. AN OUTRAGE Notwithstanding" the fact that Samuel E.
Laird was arrested last Thursday on a body execution as the result of his -'burning saffcoal in the Markeen apartment house, great volumes of black smoke and soot were pouring out of that building yesterday. The result was the arrest of the engineer of the building. Mr. Laird's experience apparently profits him nothing. But before the present proceedings are finished he will probably find that his neighbours have rights which he is bound to respect.
There is no valid objection to the burn- ing of soft coal in manufacturing lo-" entities, but to deluge a beautiful residence district with soot is nothing short of an outrage. SECY. LONG'S "PRECEPT" John D. Long. Secretary pjt the Nav, yesterday addressed to Admiral George Dewey, president of the Court of In- qulry which will investigate the case of Rear Admiral Winfleld S.
Schley, a "precept" for the guidance of the-eourt. This precept may be called the indict merit upon which the object of Long's aversion will be tried. For this pro ceedlng, although euphemistically called an investigation, is in reality a trial of the most serious kind. Admiral ScWey's official position la not in jeopardy because the case is outlawed; but his -reputation for courage', fidelity and seamanship more dear to him than -any post of honor or profit is at stake. Although he Court of Inquiry is sup-'posed to have a free hand to investigate the whole course of Admiral Schley during the Secretary Long in his "precept, assumes the position of a complainant, and directly or by insin uation makes charges against the un fortunate Admiral for any officer must be deemed -unfortunate who incursthe enmity of a cabal headed by the sec retary of the department in which1 he serves.
A conspicuous example of 'Long's animus is shown In the para graph in which he directs examination into "the circumstances attending, and th reasons for the disobedience by Commodore Schley of the orders of the department contained in" its dispatch dated on May 25, 1898, and the propriety of his conduct in the premises. Here is an assumption by Long' of the 'Admiral's guilt at the very outset. But. fortunately, Admiral Schley will not be tried by the Secretary of the Navy but by a board of officers, who, it is to be hoped, will not be swerved by the pre judices of the Long-Sampson clique, M'LAURIN REPUDIATED aiuiuu5a me action of the South Carolina State Democratic Executive Committee in inviting United States Senator John H. McLaurin to step down and out, was wholly unexpected yet there was nothing in the move that need occasion surprise.
McLauria has long been a Ihorn in the side of the regular Democracy of South Carolina. He was. a protege of Senator Tillman who. made him what he is today. When -the farmer class, headed by Tillmanl began a movement to wrest the control of party affairs from the so-called aria.
tocratlc class, as represented by Marion rsutier and Wade Hampton. Mc Laurin Joined in "the 'movement and it was supposed that he was a Democrat of tho kind who believe la Democratic principles and vote with the parf But titer McLaurin had beer ap- For Five Years on Cure Ail Soaps and Patent Medicines. 79 Kill rt Sqain, Byfftlo, N. The Oldest Established Specialist in Buffalo, CURES IN NINETY DAYS. tb kl m.T.a living at Blasdell N.
and employed as a swltchntan by the (Lake Shore R. gives a Jsigned statement which says: "For aboAt five years I hive suffered from a continual eruption and irritation of the skin jof my face. Mattery pimples and blackl heads made my face appear unsightliy and owing to my constant consciousness of it, I felt backward and reserved, puring these years of my affliction I was ever seeking something with which to cure myself. There was never a soap nor a face wash! I saw advertised which I did not try. Patent medicines found in me a good customer, but they did me no good.
Dr "Walker being reoominended to me as a reputable specialist tor the cure of a4l chronic blood ajid nervous diseases, consulted him with the! happy result following that I immediately began to improve under his treatment and now, alter tnree montns- treatment, i find thatif this wonderfully successful physician) has cured what five years of otner meoicine tanea to ao. i H. MILLS TIME HAS PROVED tutvond fha ihadow of a doubt that Xr. Walker's imethods are far in advance of the ordinary doctor, hence the remarkable cure effected in cases given up as hopeless by others. Thousands qr testi moniais eatnerea irom year to year ui test this great fact.
TOD A rnn can S-eT the henent or tms expert' er.ee FREE. If you are suffering from the miserable, wearing symptoms wnicn are coexistent witn Constipation, I Dizziness. 1 Chilly Sensations, Stomach Troubles, Headache, Back che. General Weakne Despondency If you buffer from CATARRHj ASTHMA. pttLrk.
BRIGHT 8 DISEASE BLAD DER TROUBLES, RUPTUREJ LIVER COMPLAINT, MALARIA, CHRONIC SKIN OR BLOOD DISEASES jrou may know wnere to loox witn perfect oer tainty for relief and cure. All! Promises Faithfully Kept i for symptom blanks I If living VYiHC out of the city. Thousands cured at! Jhpnje; through correspondence Charts for Treatment Very LOW. DAILYi OFFICE HOURS-9 AL M. TO 8 P.
M. TO a m. Consultation In Person or Free by Letter will be blessed and safe. "Tha bravest are the! tenderest, the loving are the true," sang Bayard Taylor in nis "Song of the Camp." si "Am i my brother's naively remarked cam arter navmg penormea the surgical operation on his little bro ther, in! reply to a Question of the Omnipotent One as to the whereabouts of the Mast named young gentleman Thus mSght poor Charlie Feldman ap-positelyf and innocently remark to the mighty powers that rule the destinies of the Republican party and who are reputedl to have stated, unofficially, that, because he is a friend ol Charles F. Kingsley of the Review, who Is stirring up' the high and mighty nes who carry llhe i Republican party In their vest pockets, and who tell it what is good fojr it and what is pernicious, and who tell it what it must take or leave alone, ind what dainties Will cloy its stomach, that he shall not have the nomination for-Corporation Cduncll be cause df that very friendship.
Is Feldman Kingsleys keeper? NayJ Pauline, I think not, but certainly Klngsley is Feldman's friend, and if a man must be slaughtered for his friendship he is dying In a gooa cause, aitnougn per-rniiviT do not think there is any dan ger off Mr. Feldman expiring! because of. the I animosity of- the allied powers who have declared their displeasure at him like the ancient Doges of Venice, and Who have turned down their thumh like so many Roman JEmperow throned in curule chairs to signiry to the gladiators that the sentence is annihilation. Bless their dear souls they couldn't annibUate anybody except themselves. jJAN SCHlMMfeLPENNINC.
Tk. VS.4 d.a ihMM 3ignatnrd of A PERTIXEST TESTIO! From the Evening Journal. nari in the simple Question involved in thej! great issue between trusts and which is going to be fought out in this country What is the object of a nt tional industry? i We do not propose to discui the mistakes Jof the unions, their occasional violence, their sometimes unreasonable dAmanids. Wpldo not propose to discuss! the weakness of employers, their occasion al avirice and haughty contempt for the rights Of their partners, the wora-ingmen. We Isubmit to readers this question: Is it Better for the United States! that the steel industry, with all the minor industries depending on it.
should; support in comfort a million human beings, the steel workers, their wives and children, or that it should make a dozen humaii beings enormously rich that they don't know what do; with their taoney, or, in fact, how to five it away? Is it better for the United States to naive a quarter or a million steel work ers wiell paua, euucuiD ineir cDijoren, feeding their xammes properly 7 or it better to have Mr. Carnegie scatter-lna- millions. Mr. Morgan buying fine nicturea and yachts and bric-a-brac, 7 1 i. te AAA AAA Mr.
scnau urawmg ii.uuu.wu a vrl! IT 1 I. A- Fori our pari, kb are oouna to say that we think a great national industry ehould be made to support in comfort and In plenty a 1 great section of the American people, that it should munificently reward organising genius butjl that it should not be distorted Into ait instrument or manufacturing- a few fmuiu-miiuonairea regardless thosd who actually work, rf the founders of this nation could return, which would please them more To see a munuu iiomes made happy by ajgreat American Industry? i Or ito see a few individuals rendered cynical. Intolerant and wunjj t-vast. nselest wealth? j. WALKER, nniPS OF THE unfix riwruiw Brother Dickey's PWlosopfcy, From the Atlanta rtlhitloW.
I dunno whether hell Is a bujlln lake or des a (low flre. All I does know is- hit's too hot fer me. Dey ain't no' sense In borrowin One-half de bridges you come trouble. ker ain't got no toll-gate. Ef ever I gets to heaven I dob want no harp tex play? fll be satUsfled wld des a front seat in de gallery wliar I kin see de star performers.
Papa's Tanlna; Fork. From Tlt-Bit. WifeWhat on earth are you pinching the batty for, John? TTiiahsnd tuning his fiddle) Sleep etill, darling: He was Just up to high when you interruptea. A Desirable Compaalon i 7rmn TnAtananolia SuaJ "So you think Major 8cabbordls a de- UVl -W9 COlWIUi waa "Decidedly so. He's without a peer as a teller of run stories that makes, your blood Aa Explanation.
From 'the Chicago News, He What beautiful chestnut Tellerton. has? SheNo wonder: she uses papers to do her hair up in. His Lazineaa. Jhaix Miss the comio rrom the Phlladelohia Preaa. "Ton don't'llke walking very much, do you?" i inaiured the farmer's horse, who was sxaalng near the canal.
I' don't mind It under certain con dltions." re-olled the canal boat inule "You. don't appear to like your exercise "No. That's where I draw thte line." Bourgeoia From the PhlladelDhla Pre! Blugore But they are very fash lonable, are they not? Mrs -SweHman Fns.hlonable? Moat A suredly not. Why. they permit the care of their children to interfere with their social obligations.
He Went Dawa, "Well, that's the end of flynte." bid $kin "Yes, he's considerably lower today. "Liower? wny, he dead. "Yes, I know." The Shoe Pitted, From Tlt-Blt. "How do you manage to get rid of botes?" asked Snodgrass. as he came in ana tooa a seat ty tne editors desk.
"Oh. easily enoueb." reolled the editor. "I begin to tell them stories about my smart youngster. Now, only the other day he said- What! Must you. go? Well, uiui nu.a I AX.ISSCK DISPOSED OP.
From the New Yoifk Journal. New that the census returns by race ana eaucation are becoming to come In It is evident that the possiblie reduc tlon of Southern representation onac count of the disfranchisement bf Ignor ant colored voters would be tjoo small to make it worth while to raise the issue. The only Southern States from which returns are at hand as yet are Alabama Qenulne Carter' Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of 5m Fac-Siaaii Wrapper Beta. Tsry asmall aad as aaaT take sagaa.
F0I IUBACIEL FBI OIZZINEU; rot Biuousias. FOnTCnPIDLiytl. rciccmiPATioj. FCI XaUOWSUI. rOI TBEC8MPUXI0I xxxsob mm mmm ttmmittmt.
ajataaaaySft Jt-r wC CURE SICK HEAD AC Hi rOrXTY COURT. ERIE OOUNTTf Maria KJi Lothrop against the Rapid Tranalt at al. In purauanc ct a Judgment ana; decree of foracloaure and sale Julr aranted by i thla Court, mA entered In the Erie County Clerk's Offip on the Uh ilay of July. 1901: 0. th nn-deraismd rrttrf duly appointed la this ae-ttoa fo rrsrh purpo wlU pc fdrfcaia arn ell at public auction to the higheat bidder iuenlun a.
tat buSuo tiKtU Katauj Excbaes Roam. No. il Stret. In tHa City ot Buffalo County of Erie and gtai of. New York, on the day ot Auguat.1 101, at tea o'clock In the forenoon ot that aajt, the real ertt ar.d inorl(trl prtml olreeted ia and by said Judgment to be sold hd tbertla fie-cribed aa-fol)owr.
or as much thertof as win be Bufflclent to pay the amount dual upon aald iudaamt. to-wit: -i I All trset or parol of land I altmita lti at ViufTaWi. County ot i KrUj and si. of Hew -York, being- part of lo4 Nuibcn rairteen ami fourteen, in tne inaio craek Subdivision t-ot Nmbera Ave. I swan.
eaervaon. ana winf ibtoiw wnown mm elgkt, nine, ten, twelve, thirteen, foirtaen, si. teen, seventeen, eig-nieeir, iwn.iw aoa twsntv.four the tarns in laid flown on a map or sorvey of a part of Mid Lots Numbers thirteen and fourtef madsl ly E. Batxmek. Surveyor, and 11 in i Krie County Clerk'a Office, under Cover in, Jtlf th, Excepting and reaervlns therefrojm the lota heretofore releeeed.
to wit: IxXa Nambera ana, two. four. nine. tan. eleven, twelve, fourteen.
fifteen, sixteen, aeverteen and i nineteen to twenty-four, both Incluatvc, aa laiaioowa apoa a map above referred to.i Bated, Buffalo, N. Juiy iz, vm. i SPENCER 0. TTjATSON, THOMAS W. PELHAM.
efr. Plaintiffs Attorn Address, 01- BiilTalo, N. SEND YOUR WANT ADS TO THE TIMES ABSOLUTE SECURITY. CARTER'S JIM5- tion. It may be assumed that the ex ecutive committee fairly represents the feeling of.
the party in the State regarding McLaurin as in other matters. If so it is very clear that the erratic Senator's views are supported by a very small minority of the Democrats of South Carolina, The obviously proper thing for him to do is? to get out of the party and. if he wishes to remain in public life, make1 his cam-' paigns as a Republican, which he plainly is In all' essential respects. AN EXAMPLE IS NEEDED That a New Jork Central railway train was not wrecked at La Salle the other day is no fault of a mischievous lad of that place, who turned a switch admitting it to a side track. The train was running at a high rate of speed and was filled with passengers.
The possible consequences of the boy's action are terrible to contemplate. The -vigilance of the engineer fortunately prevented a wreck, aithough many persons were severely shaken up In "bringing the cars to a qui.ck stop. La Salle has many youths who have caused various lines that pass through the village no end of annoyance. for several months these lads persisted in embarrassing the Traction Company toy grounding the electric current. After considerable effort a number were captured and taken before a local police justice.
After a sharp reprimand they were let off with a warning. It appears the punishment meted out was not effective as the action 'of the lad on Monday afternoon "indicates. The company owes it to itself and to those who patronize it to make some sort of an example of this youth, else some day a terrible fatality will occur in that village. It is no part of humanity to show leniency, to auch mala- factors as this youth has proved him self to be. Now It Is to be hoped that the real slayer of May Fosburg wm be ap prehended.
Yesterday's scene in Pitts-fields courtroom shows that times have indeed changed in New England, and that there is more genuine rejoic ing over a man's acquittal than over an unjust conviction. Those persons who are complaining of the good treatment accorded the insane wards of New Tork would do well to read of the awful state of affairs prevailing in Pennsylvania, and then thank God that our, own State has not such crimes to answer for. Five persons who committed suicide in New Tork lately are believed to have done so on account of the heat. The orthodox will probably contend that they merely jumped out of the fry ing pan into the fire. The Appellate Division has decided in favor of Miss Abigail Roberson, a hand some young woman, who sued a company who used her portrait for adver tising purposes.
'My face is my for tune." sir, she said." The unexpected action of the National Tube Company, in compelling its em ployes to sign individual contracts. Is aimed at the heart of unionized labor. The outcome will be awaited with in terest. The Czar of Russia has relaxed the rigorous regulations under which the press of his country has been held since the murder of Alexander but there seems to be no change in Massachusetts. The Express comes out with an itorial this morning.
announcing Knight Boom Launched." We have been under the impression that vessel Slid off the ways several days ago. The Hon. William J. Bryan again hit the nail on the head at Chicago yester day, when he said: "Imperialism is still the. great issue between the two political parties." TALK OF TODAY The expulsion of an American! author from Russia Temlnds us that the truth is hateful to many people.
Today is Wisconsin Day, but that is no -reason wny our fan-American visitors should be "Badgered." Another man has jumped off the NeH York and Brooklyn hridge. But he will not open a saloon on Main Street Is there a booby prise to be awarded by the Eastern. League? If bo. it will come to Buffalo, all right, all right. It Is reported that one Paternb is organising a new political party in the Philippines.
Its object Is probably a Paternal government The florist convention, which will meet in Buffalo next month) will doubtless be a sweet-scented affair, embellished with flowery speeches. A Baltimore woman, who gave birth to quadruplets twenty years ago, just' died. If there is any moral in this, we leave the reader to discover it. The world's trotting record has' been again lowered, and Cresceus has made a mile in 2:03 3-4. We may expiet to see it done in 2 minutes Sat before Ions.
li ii'T lt3iJ-tues-S4t i.