The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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lit THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: SATURDAY NOVEMBER 22 19Z4 WEST SPRINGIELD CHICOPEE HAPGOOD WARNS HIGHER RATES Mr In the HAS DANCE ENIELD I ELECTION and Herbert i Much of This Polish at reat on the 305909 Rev him Is Helping Mr Bobbed Hair LONGMEADOW In a city like Sprin Count on CarlUit for The Roaster or That Bird! honor for tlie of has adopted of the school term to close term to open ebruary 20 and four CHURCHES WILL UNITE IN THANKSGIVING SERVICE MIX 1H13 C2J? trial! of the machine Belleville the late Dr A Agues Chapman was employed as by the Hartford is in home the life of time when when MILLINERY 360 Main Street 360 DONALD CHAPMAN IN ATAL COLLISION Soap 25c Ointment 25 and 50c Talcum 2Sc Sold everywhere Sample each free hy mail Address: "Cuticura Labora tories Dept MaMen Remnants of Linoleums and Congoleums One Half Price Bring in size of your rooms The Holiday Season has brought to us the better or rather the "nzv tints with many new conceits in their ornament ations "All rightly priced Hats our Specially or Young People $100 a box Take a Box Home to'Your Youngster Airs a sis of this Boss McClucr Mil1 Adds to girlish loveliness if the hair is thick and lus trous To get rid of dan druff which often follows cuttinff the hair and to keep the scalp clean and healthy frequent shampoos are necessary Before sham pooing anoint the scalp lightly with Cuticura Oint ment then cleanse with a suds of Cuticura Soap and hot water Rinse thoroughly Mrs Hugh Robinson of avenue have been enter mother Mrs A Dixon Ohio Mrs Robert Kellogg of expect to nave a house and they hope the patronage will help out their finances The harvest supper in the commun ity house on Thursday night was very successful The 20 turkeys scarcely went around among 350 guests Rev Dr Bailey sold the tickets and count ed the money President Dudley and Maxfield and Seybolt looked aftex seats at table and more than a score of table women served At the pie table Mrs and Mrs Burt Mrs Ross and Mrs Underwood eut th pies Mrs John" Harris and helpers looked after the candy Rev Dr Henry Lincoln Bailey has assisted the International college in observing education week by speak ing at five morning services and will also preach for the Sunday evening vesper service Mrs Rolland Guy lias returned from the Chapin hospital to her home and is better after an operation for ap pendicitis Miss Catherine Russell who is sec retary at the Cushing academy Ash burnham has returned to spend Thanksgiving with her parents Mr and Mrs Eugene Russell Mrs Harlow Raymond expects her daughter and her husband Mr and Mrs Smith of Kew Garden I to spend Thanksgiving with them Miss Irene Rebecca Sanders daugh ter of rank Sanders formerly of West Cummington and Howard I Balmer of this town were married here Dr Reilly Calls Sir Thomas IWore Example for Catholics of This Day AV Balloch gave a party night to some of the young of her son Josepn in 14th birthday Mary Strong and children being already 93 Imnlth tion of rhumatism which confines him to the house Mr and Mrs John Maxfield win entertain a family party for Thanks giving which will include theh daughter and husband Mr and Mrs Lubin Palmer and three children of Montclair and their younger daughter and husband Mr and Mrs John Davis and two sons Mrs Davis here Mrs riday friends of his Miss the The COMMUNITY CHEST aids in chanc ier building among boys and girls and lxelps thousands of sick in jured abused neglected poor and needy whom you and I never see or could help were it not for the COMMON fT CHEST Metropolitan urniture Co 538 Main St Springfield Mass A Good Place to Trade JUVENILE THIEVES PLUNDER HOMES AND STEAL GOODS Pdstors of ive Protestant Parishes to Conduct Special Services ive of the local churches will take part in service church ministers of all the churches will par ticipate in the service and there will be special music by members of the different congregations Rev Lombard of the irst Baptist church will preach the on The Boy Scouts and Giri Scouts will act as ushers The program will lie as follows: Prelude "Andante" (Beethoven) or gan violin and doxology in vocation and prayer hymn and responsive reading the Psalms anthem "Praise the Lord Jerusalem" (Maunder) scripture reading congregational prayer the general thanksgiving with by the choir Thanksgiving by organ violin and sentence and antbem Harvest Thee We Hail" and sermon by Rev by the benediction and "Sevenfold Amen" by the organ postlude Marcn oy uaiKin will consist of Adams Gerken rank Cummington zf this today tn his possession $4950 or 50 cents for his possession yesterday Denham librarians Bearilsell Stevenson The teacher in charge St Michael's a community Thanksgiving' at the irst Congregational tomorrow night at 7 The Let? Greet the Solicitor Bev Barnes The couple received his inves three treasurer to bond the town for $277 500 to pay for the new high school The Grays of this village will bat tle with the Clay Hills of Hartford one of the fastest semipro teams in Connecticut Sunday afternoon at 230 on the Park avenue grounds The Grays have been playing a fast game this season having defeated all of their opponents by large scores but the Clay Hills are also a speedy com bination and a grueling contest is an ticipated STAORD SPRINGS MANY PARENTS ATTEND PUBLIC SCHOOL ASSEMBLY The public assembly held at the senior high school yesterday was well attended by parents and others in terested in the schools The program follows: Opening selection by the school orchestra speech by George Black violin and piano duet by Dor othy Bullard and Rexford Smith: poem by Lawrence Corcoran vocal duet by Nettie Epstein and Margaret Powers story by Eleanor Price: a play entitled a Little Mis presented by Ruth Benstson Helen Nascimbeni Beatrice ales Gertrude Bissell Delina Ledoux and Irene Knight T8he school orchestra played the closing selection The duet by Misses Epstein ahd Powers was well rendered and was tlie cause of many encores The class in biology under the di rection of Miss Christine Locke is making blueprints of the common with the trees in their proper loca tion so that the members of the class will have occasion to become ac quainted with the different trees and learn about them The pupils of the science class of tho senior high school conducted a gasoline test in the windows of Till anin's store on Elm street yesterday The test was conducted by Charles Cowing under the direction of Leo Cummings instructor in the chemistry department The tests that are being taken of the different sam ples of gasoline will be the degree Beaumc test specific gravity vola tility test and the flash point i rii for some Pfempshado rest! who a A1V1 AC kv wt 1 1 1 iiiiivr'imiv 1 i live the 26th to remain for the Thanks giving recess Mrs John A MacMartin has been entertaining a friend from Bermuda Miss Antoinette rith and has just returned from accompanying her to New York where she spent a few ClRVfJ On Thanksgiving eve the Albert Wood post of the American Legion Carlisle Hardware 322 33 Maia St Company tneei John Mosher of 1 viiitzk nvpr battery niitv clini of la ferrod against him and his case tn Kridav One drunk brought in upon com Chamber of Commerce Sec retary Says Railroads Will Soon Charge Excessive Rates If No Action United and powerful opposition to the new freight rates as proposed by the railroads must be made by manu facturers and shippers of all classes at once if they are to escape exces sive charges Ben A Hapgood gen eral secretary of the Chamber of Commerce declared last night upon his return from New York city Mr returned yesterday from the annual meeting of the National In dustrial Traffic league general public apparently has not awakened to the fact that the proposed in freight rates mean higher charges and nothing else" said Mr Hapgood the Interstate Commerce act of 1920 the railroads were ordered to revise freight rates to a more even level for short and long hauls They have done so but instead of lowering high points in their tariff they have done the evening by raising the lower to meet the higher The result will cost shippers and consequently the public many thousands vf dollars was gone into thoroughly at the New York meeting and must now be taken up by Chambers of Com merce manufacturers and the sea eral public UnLss violent opposition is raised at once the new schedules may be placed in effect" Mr Hapgood said Springfield manu facturers will be notified of this im pending danger and urged to institute an organized opposition ATTACHMENTS ILED IN REGISTRY OICE the unfortunate out of their difficulties instead of helping them in their difficulties as indis criminate ways means 4 street who bcrarue involved in a over a battery pleaded rho West side Community A held a successful Thanksgiving dance last night at the gymnasium About 200 attended the guests being from all over West Springfield er rell's orchestra played and refresh ments were served Mlttineague Methodist Church Rev Chauffee of the Mittin eaguc Methodist church will conduct the Thanksgiving service at his church tomorrow His subject will be taken from the creed which is the third sermon of a series The subject will be Believe in Jesus Special music has been pre pared by the choir fo the evening services at 7 Herbert Osteyee of Springfield will address the Men's forum at 10 o'clock in the morning Schools io Close the 26th Tlie Longmeadow public schools will close Wednesday the 26th for a recess through the rest of the week The school committee 1 calendar for the rest year as follows: all December 19 winter 1 December 29 and close spring term tO' open 2 ana close April 24 summer term to open May 4 and close June 39 Mr and Hazelwood taining his of Marion Mr and Edgewood avenue expect to nave a family party for Thanksgiving which will include her mother Mrs Dana Buxton and Mrs Julia Buxton and her brother and wife Mr and Mrs Warner Buxton Mr and Mrs Stephen Hammond of ernleaf avenue expect their chil dren to come home to bserve Thanksgiving Mr Hammond will be the 21st of next montn is good with the excep Levisori The Leading Millinery House church after nhi be held at their vt rv nt been invited to the church and many will call at the house to bring their good wishes to the couple A guest at i tv ill 1 1 in with her husband and ruests at the Home Mr and Mrs the first Thoughts Expressed in 425 Years Ago Called Patterns or Modern Reform By Well Known Educator North Wilbraham Man Sued or $22000 Action of Tort An attachment for $20000 in an ac tion of tort was filed in the registry of deeds yesterday by Ludwik Mar helewicz administrator of the estate of Zophia Orluk late of Palmer against William Brackinsky of North Wlibraham Another attach ment was filed against the same de fendant in the sum of $2000 by Berni slaw Orluk The cases are said to grow out of an automobile accident William McKechnie is the attorney for the plaintiffs Other attachments filed were as fol lows: Rugg Manufacturing company of Greenfield against Edward Ben son of Greenfield $2000 action of contract Stoddard Bell Bartlett for plaintiff Marcella Black of this city against Henry Huettner $1000 action of contract or tort Arthur A Tyler for plaintiff: Simon Widlansky against Joseph Tetrault and Damase Tetrault $10000 action of tort Shepard Goldin for plain tiff Commercial Trust company against Helen McCarthy' $35000 action of contract Wooden Small for plaintiff TO START SERMON SERIES 'Rev Cecil Hayes pastor Of the Carew street Baptist church will start a series of sermons on world topics of interest tomorrow evening He has just returned from the World Alli ance peace conference at Buffalo golden wedding an home Sunday thanksgiving will beo at St Stanislaus's a reception will home on Bullens id relatives have of the Ccntei inn lee club organized ssey music su Thursdny The are President REEREE BOSWORTH" APPOINTS TRUSTEES Atty George Hughes was yester day appointed trustee in bankruptcy of the estate of Chapman Louis Co furnishing $2000 bond Other trustees appointed by Referee Charles Bos worth in the bankruptcy court were: Garvey in the estate of Mitchell Belkin bond $500 George Hughes estate of Saab Bros Co inc bond $2000 Charles Spellman estate of Chandler Motors of Springfield inc bond $1000 Red Cross first aid classes will open at the Girl Scout headquarters De cember 1 and 2 at 4 for high school girls Miss Irene Osborne will be the instructor The second course in swimming will begin' December 1 Get any Catholic who is confronted with the claim that his faith is look ing to the West and is nodding the downward path refute the statement with a reference to Sir Thomas More who with his great heart and his great mind was the exemplification of" the divine said Dr Joseph Reilly superintendent of the schools of Ware lecturing last night before the Catho lic Women club hall The lecture was Thomas who lived in a worlrt was in a ferment minds of men were open to reform ers He was born on the very thresh hpld of three great events the speak er stated the Renaissance tlie relig ious revolt and the discoyery of Amer ica and he lived in that great large throbbing center of Europe London Dr Reilly said he as one of the greatest lawyers diplomats and all round academic geniuses of the world More was a loyal Catholic said the speaker supporting the claim by pic turing his relations with King Henry IV According to the speaker More who was devoted to his faith refused to take oaths required of all Englisfi subjects that he sanctioned the mar musical director of West Springfield schools Among the guests were Town Clerk Henry Schmuck Ar thur Lamson A Pease Smith and Miss Hannah ox of the build ing committee POLICE CLEW WOMAN CHECK MAN $10 The at movement suffered a set back yesterday with Mrs May Brassard who conducts a grocery store at 26512 Main street A gentleman describing himself as Charles Curtis "traded at exchanging a check on the Spring field National bank for merchandise and legal tender totaling $10 The bank denied having any funds in its possession belonging to Mr Curtis The police have a clew Mrs Brassard has the check Mr Curtis has $10 plaint of his boarding mistress was fined $10 and another was probated for one year CITY CLERK GIVES OUT LIST CANDIDATES veie married in Richard Wright Ct assisted by of Ioiigmeadow Prominent Young Man is Thought to Have ainted at Wheel Stafford Springs Nov 21 Donald Chapman 29 died today at the rtford hospital from injuries 're ceived in an automobile accident on the East Hartford boulevard about 8 last night Dcrfth was due to a frac tured skull fThe body was brought here The accident cause is unknown but Chapman's machine collided head on with a trolly car He was treated at Hartford yesterday for teeth trouble During the treatment he fainted In the opinion of the doctors Chapman was weak when he started home and probably fainted again from the severe pain losing control He was born in in 1895 the son of Chapman and Mrs of this town He insnmnPA nclilintpr Accident and Indemnity company and previously had been a member of the Connecticut suite rum several months He was with division receiving a rani lieutenant He was a popular young man and had many friends in tlie town and state Mr Chapman leaves his mother Agnes McCluer Chapman and a ter mis luvutuu town and a bother of Baltimore uneral services will be held tomor row at 230 at" the Congregational chapel Rev Levi Rees will officiate The body will be taken to BclleviNe for burial 2 STORED 2 STORES 381 Main 366 Maia Walker Co 31 41 Market St Phone 995 Painters supplies Building materials rSundS in 3820 Over a Century Old Our storm window ventilator which we put on if you wish See it! Now Appreciate Some Storm Windows We carry a large stock and send a man REE Ao your house to tell you what cost save a lot of coal and that not only costs real but keeps right on1 costing real money Mtate storm windows cost but ONUfc Think this over and call us np Prompt service riage of Henry to Anne Boleyn and that he recognized Henry as the legal head of the Church of England Reilly portrayed with much feeling' the period when More was in prison an old man ravaged with tuberculosis dragged from the peace of his home and his family There he stayed and repeatedly refused to take the oaths saying that his conscience and God woud not sanction such a tiling He was beheaded but said Reilly the influence of his brilliant mind has not dulled with centuries Dr Reilly cited his hook Woodrow said: "Hereafter let us have open treaties openly ar rived at" found in years ago SICKIIVM Ult V1L1 tlfic agriculture were realities the Utopian land of More The modern man is just beginning to realize that these conceptions of More are not idle imagination but added the speaker even today we haven't the courage to build our lives upon the thoughts of More The lecturer held his audience with a review of the life of More which was filled with interesting sidelights of the great man's days Name Appears irst on Ballot or Munic ipal Election City Clerk Charles LaRivicre yes terday gave out the list of cartdidates for office at the coming municipal election December 2 according to the way they will appear on the ballot: Daniel Driscoll 4 Shtridan street independent Louis Dufault 897 ront street Repub lican and independent Clarence Sul livan 153 Main street independent Aldernien at largc Philip Beaure gard 7 Riverview terrace Republic an Dewy 127 Skeele street Republican Ernest Ducharme Britton street Independent Lawrence ortier 11 Ellen avenue independent nomination paper Nelson lx Galai nean Ludlow City road Republican Walter Grncki 12 Spring street in dependent: William Harris 8 Nash Street Republican: James McDonnell 43 Bell street independent John Reid Jr 61 Hilton street Republican and independent Michael Watson 126 Co lumba independent nomination paper: John Williams 406 ront street independent nomination paper Aldermen Ward 1 John Healey 49 West street independent rank Kedra 32 West stieet independent Ward 2 William Nesbitt 16 Wal ton street independent John Tou hill 23 Center street independent and Republican: George Webster 52 Lemuel avenue independent Ward 3 rank Godek 39 Clhco street independent: Archer Ne ven 60 Trilby avenue Republican ami independent Ward 4A and Anthony Stom na 527 Springfield street independent Louis Thompson 125 airview ave nue Republican Ward 5 Lawrence Beauchamp 9 Hilton street Republican Edmund Dowd 48 Alvord avenue independent: Patrick Peter Murphy 135 East street Independent: Arthur Ploufe 8 Cochran street independent Ward 6 Patrick Sullivan 0 Taylor stieet independent and Re Diihlican Ward 7A and Emile Boau dreau 42 Kaveney street independ ent Charles Gagne 30 Nassau street Republican: Henry Gmgras Adams avenue independent aul Ketterle 936 Grattan street: inde pendent William Morin 63 Olea street independent: Merton Hee'Wiley avenue independent: William Snvder 985 Chicopee street independ ent Oswald Trudeau 1 James street indr pendent Ward school committee Mjfird a George Benoit 68 Cochran street independent: WillDm Cartmill 27 Broadway Republican Ward 6 Peter Harty 107 Mam street independent: Mat'how A Hop kins 5 Garrity street independent and Republican Ward 7A and Telesphorc Lev reault orest street independent: Oliver Terrien 72 Skeele street in dependent and Republican licenses ho granted for the sale certain non intoxicating bever ages in this city?" a building be erected to be known as City Hall annex at a sum not to exceed MR AND MRS OLBRYSH WILL OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDlnu Mr and Mrs Wicenty Olbrych ill observe their niveisary nt A mass or WEDDING ANMVERSAKV Mr ami Mrs Herbert A ogg Married 21 Years Celebrate With Dinner Party Brimfield Nov 21 Mr and Mis Herbert A ogg celebrated their 2 hit wedding anniversary tonight by a dinner party out of town friends All of the guests present attended the wedding They were Mr and Mrs James Phelps ot Windsor Rocks Ct Mr ami Mrs rederick Hunter and Mr ami Mrs Tudor Gowdy of Thomp sonville Ct: Mr and Mrs AV James Preston AVorden of Aga wam and Miss Louise orden of Springfield Airs Gowdy who vas Miss Lilia Davis was the bridemaid Mr and Mrs ogg Springfield by of Windsor held club vice president ary Jean vn Shea Eileen Murphy Constance advertising board Ethel Esther Divine is Alary Cronan Perfection nil heaters $6 at Ten nelly's 'alls Hardware Store JT Bridge St Advertisem*nt THOMPSONVILLE Death of rank Tenerowkz Thompsonville Nov 21 rank Ten erowicz 47 who had been employed in the carpet mills the past 20 years or more died at his home on Alartin street this morning after a brief ill ness He was born in Poland and camo to this country and located in this village about 20 years ago He was a member of St parish Besides his widow he is survived by four children Stanley John Alexander and Julia all of this village The fu neral will be held at St Adelbert church Sunday afternoon Rev Stanis laus ederkiewicz will officiate Burial will be in St Patrick's cemetery New Holiday Schedule Peginning tomorrow the trolly bus will be operated from this village to Springfield every hour on Saturdays Sundays and holidays The bus will leave Mathewson's corner at 30 tnin iites past the hour from 930 a to 1030 and will leave the ter minal in Springfield for this village on the even hour from 10 a to 11 inclusive This service is ad dition to the regular Hartford and Springfield bus schedule now in effect Many from this village attended the community dance tonight at the Community house on EnfieW street under the auspices of the Enfield Com munity association The committee in charge was composed of Mrs Milo Horton Airs Thomas A Hartley and Miss Iva Prior athers and Sons Dine The third annual "father and son" banquet by the men and boys of the irst Presbyterian church held tomgnt at the chapel was attended by more than 100 The Aid society pre pared the dinner ollowing the din ner musical and literary exercises were held under direction of John A Best as toastmaster Among the fea ture numbers were vocal selections by Airs Richard Bishop readings by Miss Reta Welch an address by Dr William Brownell head rna te Suffleld school anl remarks by Wil liam Brainard and Richard Livingston Official notice was posted today by the selectmen for the special meeting to be held next riday night at the Higgins school auditorium to authorize the selectmen and town ik pected to give do Bflt live in the same neigifc borhood as the needy' we do hot see their naecl or hear their cry for help Because of this organized philanthropy becomes necessary I TALBOT WANTS ALL CANDIDATES AT OAMD MCCTIMf I 'I I lllll livpcu tllclt XI 1 mxbIvILi WHJW 1 ceived to furnish 500 dinners at tht 1 1 Would Have Mayoralty As i the community cnwi DI 1'antS boeak to Voters Uljnual Thanksgiving dinners 1 and come wholly from Auditorium McCormick kettles Defends King A mass meeting at the Auditorium when all of the candidates for mayor will have a chance to express their views on civic imatters was yesterday advocated by Richard Talbot in dependent in a letter sent to several of the clubs of the city He points out that the Auditorium can be secured for Saturday night and urges one of the clubs to sponsor such a meeting His letter says: am a candidate for mayor on the issues of principle above partisanship schools out of politics economy merit above pull and better transpor tation 1 "We engaged in the greatest mnnir innl namnaieii in the history of Springfield Issues of great impor tance are to be settled If the prin ciple of competition in transportation wins at the polls the effect will be that the people of Springfield will receive lasting benefits Other issues such as machine rule in politics tax economy doing away with the spoils system progressive development by the con struction of schools and sewers will also be settled "There should be a public discussion under nonpartisan auspices by all candidates for mayor The Audi torium has an open date for Saturday night November 29th 1924 The de bate before the League of Women Voters was attended by a small but interested audience "The entire campaign should end with a debate in the Auditorium at which all who desire could attend The debate under the auspices of one or more civic clubs would be of such a nature as to insure absolute fairness a clear discussion and logical con clusions None of the candidates would dare to refuse such an invita tion I therefore appeal to the civic 'clubs of Springfield to sponsor such a debate I suggest the Auditorium because it would be a splendid civic duty well performed to give an op portunity to the citizens to meet listen to all of the mayoralty candi dates Up to the present time they are receiving only such information about candidates and the issues as partisan newspapers care to give tfcl ormiek Makes Reply to Talbot John McCormick of 14 Everett street last night came to the defense of Atty Robert King the Demo cratic nominee who had been attacked bv Air Talbot for being a member of the firm of Ely Ely which handled the legal wqrk connected witu uc construction of the Hampden County Memorial bridge' He said in "Air Talbot states that he is op posed by the Democratic and Repub lican machines Air Talbot ought to go back a few years in his political uro ona recall the days that he was a staunch Republican machine man He ought to recall his failures as a candidate for public office on the Re publican ticket Unfortunately then for him at least and fortunately for the public he never received enough votes to make it possible for him to serve in an elective capacity He now possibly forgets that when the Re publican schism occurred during Teddy Roosevelt's last term in office that he then left the Republican party with a great many other disgruntled Re publicans and became a Bull Mooser ortunately for the Democratic party he has never joined it He found he could not play with the Republican or Bull Aloose machine so he has now organized a machine of his own an independent machine Air Talbot's issue is one of trans portation While many will agree with Air Talbot 'that the transportation fa cilities offered by the present agencies are inadequate it appears to me that Air Talbot is not the man to bring about a remedy for this situation He had his opportunity before the city council and his efforts were not crowned with success If the people of the city of Springfield want proper transportation facilities they had bet ter look elsewhere for them A man doesn't build up a reputation for do ing things by failures If Air Talbot expect that by reason of the failures which he already encountered with reference to transportation as the argument for his election by the same reasoning one might conclude that irpo is the heavyweight champion of the world for Dempsey gave him a sound thrashing Aii Talbot makes inquiry of King with reference to certain fees which the office of Ely Ely received in connection with services rendered to the county commissioners and in connection therewith he inquires what if any interest Mr King has in that particular firm The inquiry is typical of Mr Talgot Mr Talbot has been practicing law in the city of Springfield for a great many years I TX IdSlT'TI IHHi lie do knew there was such a concern doing business as Ely Ely I was of the impression that at least every lawyer in town knew who the members of that firm are Yet I am not sui prised that Mr Talbot know who they are This question aksed of Mr King shows the real Mr Talbot It is the little bits of things as repre sented in this particular question that are paramount in his specious cam paign' CITY NEWS NOTES i GoM'for Teeth Stolen Dr Samuel Cohen a dentist at 46a Main street reported Yesterday after noon to the police somebody had sto len $75 in old gold which he planned to use for filling teeth He thought a patient stole it because ihis office was not broken into The theft was dur ing the last three days Pnlih Tf Charles Cobb professor of mathematics at Amherst college since 1909 will speak on "Arbitration In" Monday evening at 8 Re freshments will be served Members are urged to bring friends The speaker served in the World war as a captain Since 1922 he has been arbitrator between labor and employ ers in the clothing industry at Rochester START SPREADING TAR ifteen street department employes began at midnight spreading hot tar on Main street cross walks and safety zones This is done every year on downtown wooden paving to make it less slippery The work is a three night job antisaloon league plans The Antisaloon league trying consolidate its gains made at the last election will lead a conference of pastors and laymen at the A on December 5 William of grave state superintendent and Rev rederick Smith superintendent of the Central Western district will outline the league's program tor next year IRST BAPTIST CHUMS 1 HAS CHORAL SOOEIY1 A Beets Elected Pieatfl dent pf New MusicalOrg A group of approximately 60 sons met last night at the irst BkP tist church and organized i the choralW society which has been proposed tof'M some time in the church oUvwtnK the business meeting and the newly formed body elected oBetnfejii and then entertained them at a sodaiD? in the church room where refresh ments were served and games played LEE METHODIST I'litsfield Nov 21 TheLee Aletho dist church is to receive $1000 as a specific bequest an! it is made one of the residuary legatees by the will of Charles A Childs of that town which was filed in probate court today by Judge Bart Bossidy of Lee Other bequests follow: To widow Alinnie Childs $5000 in bonds of the Douglas Shoe corporation to red Booth of Brooklyn $1000 to Rena Ingham of Lee to Mrs Bertha Moore of New Bedford to Mabe) daughter of Mrs Elyizabeth Cushing of Sloanville and to Mrs Rena Band of Provi dence each $500 To Judge Bossidy in trust are left $1000 in cash $1000 in bonds of the Tayford company five shares of Boston Al bany stock and $500 in bonds of the Douglas Shoe company the income from which is to be paid Mrs Childs so long as she remains a widow Upon her death the property reverts to the estate Carrie Pease of Becket is given the income from $1000 ana this principal also reverts to the es tate upon her death To Lucy Childs now Mrs Merwin was left nothing because the testator felt she had been suitably provided for The widow is given the use of tne balance of the estate Upon the termination of the trusts the residuary estate goes to the beneficiaries under the will Judge Bossidy is named execu tor The will was drawn January 10 last and the witnesses were Charles Pease Alexander axon and Judge Bossidy The will of Alargaret Claffie of Pittsfield was filed for probate this afternoon Bequests follow: To St cemetery $100 to brotheis rancis A William A and Claffie who are named executors each $o00 to brother John of Pittsfield $200 to brothers Joseph Dalton and Thomas of Lowell each $100 rank and William are named resid uary legatees The will was drawn September 23 1920 By the will of bred Lawrence of Lee filed this afternoon the wife niven all the property except $1 which goes to a daughter Mary Daniels The wife also gets the use of the real estate and upon her death it goes to a son Henrv 'A Lawrence on condition that he pay a son red $200 The will was drawn June 9 1919 The inventory in the estate of an riie Schiff of Adams shows real estate of SI 3000 and personal property of $7181 This includes savings bank deposits liberty bonds note and jewelry eu voL of 1 3 and Two Younger xn oil Brothers Said to Have BeenResponsible or Vandalism in Al juvenile crime wave swept through this week and on Its crest si rode a girl gang leader 13 anl her brother accomplices 11 and 9 who will arraigned In juvenile court Tues day The trio did not confine their'activities to burglary but took a littlo aide trip into van iiilism by entering 1 neighbor's house and ruining tho "all paper and curtains with well jahf'iuined pails of paint Joseph PatciTeau 809 Grattan street t'he victim and ARMY KETTLES lLL'iG SLOWLY Contributions to the Salvation Army Thanksgiving dinner kettles on un Ebusiness streets of the city are I equal in volume to last 11 I hoped that enough money will be re ceived to furnish 500 dinners at Army headquarters and 200 ba kets I to needy families Despite the fac I that the Army receives money from i Jhest yearly the an SA ti the street Annual Election of Officers Held Degrees Worked i 1 Xnv 21 Enfield gr met last night and the following offi cers were elected Master Edwin Howe overseer William Young lecturer Mi's Blanche Austin stew ard Roy Gage: assistant steward Ernest Smith chaplain Mrs Lillian Olds treasurer Mrs Hartwell Hill secretary annie Powers gatekeep er Jason Hill Cers Mrs Charles Pomona Mrs Harry Hanks lora Mrs Aniy Stone lady assistant steward Alice toting wi: committee for three years Mrs ting alternate to state grange Charles Smith The third fourth degrees were worked on candidates BRIMIELD tlie celebration A 1 tvhn I UL'lXd ii tlwir family are of Mr and Mrs Olbrych OlbY veh were amon settlers who camo to Chicopee have 15 grandchildren and 19 grandchildren Glee Club irst meetin iar high school hy Miss Isabel pervison was officers of the Lucille Rock Dufault sccroi This said the speaker is More's book written 425 lrx i xl flTA ll 111 zl 1 the old ege pension scion wagon and cargo 1 rtiu i5 rontiniiins of the careers of these youthful bandits win KM AN TOLD TO PAY $4950 ON BOTTLE COMPLAINT i'Sigi' Tttanlev G'erza of 66 Market street Charged with having registered bottles i was bottle in 1 4 III UlAt I rizlz KJ I Two vagrants had their cases the dis not pre was reUUUlSi LVUgiUfeauuMa congregation praying as the minister directs response offertory offertory of the Whitby): hymn Mr Lombard hymn and silent prayer followed by the Stainer's choir: rrim nkewivin Tlie choir will consist of: Miss Thelma Adams soprano Mrs lora Gerken contralto Mawson tenor ish bass The organist and choir director is avor the violinist Mrs Edith Toelken and rancis Regal The churches participating are: irst Congregational Rev Harry Old field irst Baptist Rev Mr Lombard Merrick Methodist Rev Bri'I gham Mittineaguc Congregational Dr red Morccombc Church of the Good Shepherd Rev A Brown WOMAN SAW SIGNAL TOO LATE MISHAP Slippery pavements caused a colli sion at Elm and Main streets early last night between automobiles op erated by Mi Maude Turner of 2 4 Keith street and Abe Lieberman of 24 Montmorenci strpet Nobody was hurt Alts Turner failed to see tlie signal of Traffic Officer William Harrington until too late She jammed on the brakes and skidded into Mr Lieberman's automobile NEW JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL INSPECTED BY 500 RESIDENTS The public inspection of the new junior high school from i to 9 last night proved a "remarkable success when about 500 residents of the town paid the school a visit Not onlv the parents of pupils at tending the school were present but a large number of others were among the visitors Many of the pupils came with their parents in order fo intro duce them to their teachers all of whom were present during the eve ning The school orchestra played se lections in the assembly under tlie direction of Miss Georgia Wathen of the society: Maurice Titus eon vener ot the men's group and Earl Wintley convener of the wonB group Carl A Smith churchlSaM organist and choir director is thegHB chosen leader of the society and he will call regular rehearsals starting a next week! 'ife According to Mr Smith 4t is plannee to have the society sing at the eve ning services and tor special meel OgB Ings Thirty five men and 25 youngH women comprise the group Mr Mrs Smith and 'Rev and Mrs rankM agerburg were the hosts at the social which followed SESSION CENTER AT END The "open at the Home In A formation center of 'the Eastern States league closed yesterday Thera were more than 125 in attendance at the teas ach afternoon and many more than that number at the lectures Tes terday those who poured at the tea were' Mrs A A Packard Miss Ida Blakesley Mrs A ranklin and Mrs Alfred Morrill Miss Myra Rob inson of the engineering department of the Hoover company lectured yes terday morning at the center on fty (3 pairing Minor Electrical Equlpmem in the Miss lorence Bugbea resident expert was given a bouyig by the women who are members her classes SPURIOUS $10 NOTES i SHOULD BE WATCHED OR Local aegnts of the department justice and police detectives are the watch for the spurious okAxb which are flooding Boston That Mty has been literally swamped with the counterfeit money and there semngz little doubt but what other dtiea wffl also find they too have been vietlm ized The bills are said to be or CMver workmanship and are all' drawn the ederal Reserve bank the number being A43703126A How many hnve been distributed is not known but is said that the Boston banks haws been accepting tnetn wr two months Springfield banks likely to have been victimized 3 'two bovs shndowin inuy UVIU twrt householder estimates the nniige to Ws live rooms nt more than $200 And 1 MO iiiHiiriMlt itr Bviuv unmiv'vu um ini niiietly on a lamp tho Pateneau parlor aroused theWYath of the invaders They cut it ribbons with a knife The three arrived by of the back entrance utter tne pane oi the door had been knocked out of Its casing But Mr as only one troubled by a visit I he zi homes of Ernest Dubois of 107 Mary street and of Thomas of 10o Marv street were also broken into than $100 worth of jew lry and nHioloc reuYmvriL Ucilt H'lllK Weight and Police Officer Michael Sul in tty? have recovered mvt of the The articles taken show a varied taste Tlie list includes two ntcims ATnby ring and a baby ring some go bl a watch chain Giiiattcoq Juzor some shaving reap an enamel book a manicure set a leather army smvimr kit and several fcPciher things equally diversified hi of the houses entered the young wters broke a pane of glass nt a Jsitchcn window and then unfastened jd tffe catch qj Up rThat they arc not at all bashful 9114 r'abnut their light fingered calling is w'VtiKrirtfHvvn bv an incident described by thepolice jesterday ollowed by two whom they did not see the thieeC4 'went nonchalantly into a neighbors oiMi yard Thursday took an express wagon ifti which they found there and continued Hj(i their way to tlie Aklenville school which is being repaired There Ihej entered the building and later emerged ic a carpenters vueav they placed on tlie cart Yhe r1rA 1 what i er in i vru nv AV They did nnt reply but went iteep iliimp nearby and rolled I vy JPretty I I 1l 1'" 1 KV IP I I wia are as 1 I i if 3 fl W' fl I I I 5 i I I I 4 4 i i I 1 I CAerroux a Ke CIPI.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.