The Standard from London, Greater London, England (2024)

THE "STANDARD, THURSDAY, MAT 13, 187T. Wll- 17 AU DE SUEZ. nmt INDIA OFFICE. 11th May. 1879.

HE SECRETARY of STATE for INDIA in COUNCIL hereby GJves Notice, that the amount for which TENDERS for BILLS of EXCHANGE on Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay will I toMilnd tb Kai.k of Kiurlau.l an thn ROYALTY. Vanager, Mr. Edgar Bruce. THIS EVEN lift at 7.20. TRYING IT ON.

At 8.0, A WILL WITH A VENGEANCE. At 9.0, CRUTCH AND TOOTHPICK. Musars. Edgar Bruce, Lytton Sothern. Grove.

Peuloy. Doughs Cox, Soker, Solomon, Desmond, Dalton Mesdaraes Lottie Venne, Rose CuUen, Hastlngg, Vane, Ac. COURT. Lessee and Manager. Mr.

Hare. TlTIr EYENTNG. at 7.45, COUSIN DICK MUs Eate PattUrm, Miss C. Grohame; Mr. T.

N. Wenman. At 8. 30, THE LADIES BATTLE Mr. KendaL Miss C.

Grahame Mr. Kendal. Mr. W. Herbert, Mr.

Chevalier, and Mr. Hare. At 10.30. UNCLE'S WILL Mr. Kendal Mr.

Kendal, Mr. T. N. Wenman. CRITERION.

waiter, Mr. Clioriita Wyndhom. Tins EVENINtJ, at 7.30, MEG'S DIVER8ION: Meaw. Carton, Trittoii. FrnncU, White, and Geo.

Chilians: Mesdaroes Kdgeworth. Hewitt, and M. Rnrke. At 9.0. TRUTH: Mr.

Charles Wyudhom Messrs. IL Standing. Carton. anUW. J.

Hill; Mesdome Mory Borke, Rose Egon. A. Delia, N. Phillips, L. inning, Emily Vining.

GLOBE. THIS EVENINO, at 7.15, DON IJUIXOTE JUNIOR: Messrs. J. Howson ond L. Miilumes Dnjiron oud Grahsme.

At S.5, LES CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE: Measr. Shie Barry. John Howion, Knight ABton, Harry Panlton, ond C. Ashford Mesdnmes Kate Santley, Annie Poole, Tudor, Grahame, Duggan Hodges, Lloyd. Lewis, AUialston, named Alfred Child, at the Marylebone Poli court.

It was stated that whilst acting London City Missionary in the neigh bourhoodot Lisson-grove, he embezzled nearly three hundm pounds paid in by a large number of the poor ot his district to a penny bank and benefit societyj" the Little Church-street Mission Hall. Prisoner, who had been arrested on a warrant, remanded without bail. Yesterday on the Stock Exchange there vras tendency in several descriptions to dulness. Conac for money fell to 98 and for the account 3-Wi to 08 11-10 93 13-10. Home Railways varied in gularly.

Caledonian improved 1J, and Metropo" tan 1, while Creat Northern and the Stock receded. In the Foreign Government Department Egyptian, Russian, and Turkish were stationary but Buenos Ayres rose 2, while Chilian fell Gold to the value of 250,000. was withdrawn from the Bank, making a total efflux oF 300,000,. for week. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION.

A PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION for MEN CLERKSHIPS in the LOWER DIVISION will be held In Indon. Edinburgh. Dublin. Bristol, Leeds, Cork, aud Belfast on Tuesday, June 3d. For regulations and forms of application, address the Secretary, London, S.W.

C1IVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. FORTH-J COMING COMPETITIONS Royal Indian Engineering College- lago 17 to 19 Supplementary Clerk, Treasury Solicitor's Department (age IS to 30): Assistants of Excise (ace 19 to 22). For Regulations and Forms of Application address the Secretory, London. S.W. ESTABLISHED HALF A CENTURY.

MITCHELL and C. GENERAL ADVERTISING OFFICES. 12 and 13, Red Lion-court. Fleet-street 1-ondon, ADVERTISEM ENTSin serted in all NEWSPAPERS.MAGAZINES, Ac, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE, securing prompt and ocourate insertion. Contracts entereil into witblargetiivertisersonliberalterms.

FOREIGN ADVERTISING. Free Translation. NEWSPAPER PKKSS DIRECTORY for 1879 NOW READY, post free 2. containing full particulars of every Newspaper, Magazine, and Periodical published in the United Kingdom. THE STANDARD (Mobnino and "Spsoial" Evkkino KnmoK) con be PURCHASED at the KIOSQUES on the BOULEVARDS and at tbe ditferent RAILWAY STATIONS in PARIS.

Price 25 centimes. ONN ON-THE RHINE. Tho STANDARD may be PURCHASED at the RAILWAY-STATION BOOKSTALL BRUSSELS. The STANDARD may he PURCHASED at the Office de Publicity 413, RUE DE LA MADELEINE. Price 25 centime.



ALEXANDRIA. STANDARD may he PURCHASED at ST. MARK'S-BUILDINGS. United states of America. The STANDARD sent to all part of the United States direct from the OBiee.

on payment In advauce of 12b. for three months, 2Cs. for six months, and 52s. for twelve month. Greenbacks will be received at their market value.


RACING. BETTING, kc. To suit the convenience of person leaving town Subscription are received in London for Two Week or more. Post- olhce ruder should be made payable at Ludgate-circus to tbe order of W. G.

THAME. 23. St. Bride-street, London, to whom all Letters nuu advertisem*nts sbnuM be audreseea. HE NEW FODDER PLANT, (Syniphltuni Aspcjrriicum).

True. (Hymphltu See "Sta Apru ii, iss. 10. per Hundred. per Thousand.

SMALLER SETS, 6. per Hundred. 2 10s. per Thousand. CARRIACE FREE.


IESSHUBLER -I MILDLY ALKALINE, uml forms a very agreeable beverage. "-Dr. A RROD, io his Treatise on Gout ond Rheumatic Gout rjIESSHUBLER "I tbe HEALTHIEST POSSIBLE BEVERAGE." Professor VON LIE BIG. sQ IESSHUBLER. It difficult to suppose that It doe not MEET a REAL WANT, for It is one of tbe bet of the Alkaline Table Water." Iuipector General MACPHERSON.M.D.

sQIESSHUBLER MILD ALKALINE WATER, agreeable in taste and well Lancet QIESSHUBLER, Which we ued ti think no DTJXIOTOTJB DIjKING the BLAZING WEATHER of the Vienna Exhibition year, i now regularly aocllmatised among ua." The World. PRICES .100 Glass Pints, A'J. 5 Glass Pints, 22. Cd. 0 (Haas Quarts, 32s.

No charge for cases. The bottles urc included and allowed for when returned. All kind of Foreign Mineral Waters Sold at duced lVices. Mesan. E.

GALLAI3 ond 27. Margaret-treet Regent-rtreet, London. OYAL HUNGARIAN BITTER WATER. The BEST NATURAL APERIENT known. AWARDED SILVER MEDAL at PARIS EXHIBITION, 1878, and MEDAL of MERIT at VIENNA EXHIBITION, 1873, lor It superiority over oil other natural Aperient.

An aperient of real power." Laaoet Never causes intestinal irritation or griping. 7. T-T Higldy rcoommended for mild action and power. Said Everywhere, 18. per dozen bottles Half bottle.

12. FRANZENBAD IMPERIAL SALT. The MOST AGREEABLE APERIENT HALT Price E. GALEA IS and 27. Margaret street Regent-street Indou.


17LLIS RUTHIN TEKS. 12i SODA. 1TAS8, SELTZER, LEMONADE, LI Till A. alio water without alkali. ELLIS'S RUTHIN WATERS.


and fON. Ilutbin London AgenU W. BEST and SONS, Wales. Ua-sL, rULVERMACHER'S PATENT GALVANIC CHAIN BANDS are pre-eminently efflcncious In all cases of nervous exhaustion, wont of power, sic. as is shown by the maH of testimonial, which ore too numerous to be published, except In tbe pamphlet mentioned below.

ULVERM ACH Elt'S PATENT GALVANIC CHAIN BATTERIES have reoeived during the post the highest encomium from tbe greatest sciantit! and medical authorities in England and abroad. For extracts) see pamihlet entitled GALVANISM, NATURE'S CHIEF RESTORER Of IMPAIRED VITAL ENERGY. Thi little work is pecially important to patient who have In vain sought the use of other remedies, and i sent post free for two stamps, on application to J. X. PDLVKRMACIIE RS CALVANIO ESTABLISHMENT.



EATING'S INSECT POWDER 4, K1IXS BUGS, KILLS FLEAS, KILLS MOTHS. KILLS BEETLES. EATING'S INSECT POWDER KILLS BUGS. KILLS FLEAS, KILLS MOTHS, KILLS BEETLES. HIS POWDER is QUITE HARMLESS to AMMAJ. but is unrivoiieu in de.itro)m Hom. Bugs. Cookroache. Beetle, Moths in Furs, and every other species of Insect Sportsmen will find thU an invaluable remedy for destroying fleas in their dogs, as also ladles for their pet dog. THIS ARTICLE has found bo GREAT a SALE that it has teuinted others to vend a so-called article In imitation the PUBLIC are therefore CAUTIONED to observe that tho Tins of the Genuine Powder bear tho autograph of THOMAS KEATING rjpo GET RID OP BUGS, OYAL ITALIAN OPERA, Ma PROPHETE will be (riven, for the Second Time tbfl 8pa.iEu THIS JBVXHUUI (Thursday), May )- EIDKS.

fladarne SCALCHI. DLLE. ZUCCHIwill make her First Appearance Thl Season TniH EVENING (Thfttsslay). MADAME ADELINA PATTI will Sin IL BARBIERE. for the first Time tLis Beusoii, TO MORROW FriJoi).

May IS, am! will on MONDAY NKXTu ZERLIN A. to lON CIloVANNL OHEHTi Time will be performed for tbe Second in on TUESDAY NEXT, May 20-Mdlle. sjaqvi. MADAME ADKLINA PATTI will Sing DINuRAH (for tbo Fiist Time thi Season) on THURSDAY EXT, May 22. rES AMANTS DE VERONE.

The Marquis dlnry's EES AMANTS DE VERONE. will be ro- dnrM on t-i ATI KDAY, MayW. Principal Characters bv Millie. HeUbrtm and M. Oapoul.

-ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA COVENT- LORAL HALL CONCERTS. PROGRAMME of the SECOND FLORAL HALL CONCERT tbe SEASON, SATURDAY. May 24, 179. Dour open at 1.30 Coiii inenr at 2 clock, and emi about 4.30. Paat Coro, "Son oul le fancfnllc iht PropUete) Meyerbeer.

By tbe CUORUS of the ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, Duetto, rival I Puriunw BellinL Blfnor UUHETJT and Sijpior SILVESTRL Swedish Song Mdlle. SCHOU. Cavatlna. "Ernanl. Invilarot' (Ertianl).

TerdL Mdlle. ARK THALBERO. Romania, licto dl" iEtoUe du Nord) Meyerbeer. Sicnor VI DAL. Ari.i.

Selva opaea" (Guelivlmo Tell) RoitinL Mdlle. TUROLLA. Aila, "Tecllaido Inibrlle" (Bntro) Mercadante. rla M. OAIXUARD.

Cavjitina, "Cotn'i bello (Lncrnia Borgia) DonlettL Madame CEPEDA. Romanza. "Salve dltnnra" tKanst Gonnod. 1 Ror OAYARRE. Arin.

Ardon gV inoini (Luc-ln ili Lammermoor) DoniretU. Madame ADELINA PA'ITL Flute Obblipsto. Mr. KADCLIFP. Part II.

rrefblera, Splendor le utelle Favorita). Donizetti SUjnur SILVESTRL And tbe CHORUS of the IK YAL ITALIAN OPERA. Aria, An i tnlo alioJ iLe Jfeyarteer. BaUad, "Once Ajraio fcuiltvan. SUnrnr NICOIJNL Duo, Giarao d' orrciro iSuuiiramide) Rossini.

MatLimi! ADELINA PATTI awl Madame SCALCHI. Rnmuxua, "lo t' atnero" Btasziert. Signer ORAZIANI. Miivnurufss Crouch. Madame ADELINA PATTL Cavatina, Largo al lai'totum" (II RosiinL filgoor COTOGNL Mdlle.

LOUISE PYK. Dnetto, Voca, Yoga" ManzoccbL Madiane SCALCHI and Signer OOTOONI. Qntutetto, nrherro (Ua BaUo In Maachrra) Veidl. Mdllu. SCHOl'.

Mdlle. r.illOTTI. Bljinor CORSI. Slgnor SCOLARA. Slgnor 8ILYESTRI.

Sigtior YIANE8I, Mr. W. KUHE, Mr. W. GANZ, and Signer BEYIONANI.

The Concert Oraod Pianofortes used are by Messrs. Collard and Collard. Stalls 10s- 6d. (Entrance In Bow-treet). Balcony Seati, First Ron-s.

Reserved 7s. Other Rows Ss. njitrance in Bow -street). Reserved Seats Si. (Entrance under the Piazza in Coveut-gardeu).

Gallery 6d. (Entrance under the Piazza in Curent-gardcii). Application for tickets to be made to Mr. E. Hall, at the Box-office tinder the Portico of the Tbuatre also to Mr.

Mitehell, Mr. Bubb, Itiestre, Charjpi'll, Mewrs, l.acon and OUIer, Mr.OUlvir. Bond-street Mr. Hayes. Regent dtreet Mesnrn.

Keith Prowse and Co. Cbeiip-Ido Mr. Alfred Hay. 4. Royal Exchange-buildings i and to Mr.

Austin. St. James's HalL 28, Piccadilly. YOEUMTL AD ()F LYONS. Mr.

IRVING respectfully announoes that in rewpoose to the exprenslonS of r-rtthnslusm and delight with wbioh the public haa rreeWed tbe -eenUtlutiB of THE LADY OF LYONS at the Lyceum Theatre It will REPEATED EVERY EVENING (excepting at LYCEUMT -LADY OP LYONS. TO-NIGHT. 8. IS. CLAUDE MELNOTTK.






Bux-oOice open 10. 0 till 5.0. AMLET. MORNING PERFORMANCE I SM I NEXT. May 17, and EVERY SATURDAY ORNINO DURING MAY, at 2.0 o'cl-ck.

-LYCEUM. 4 DELPHI. SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. Misi J. NEHjSON as I-AJ3Y TEAZLE Till EVENING at 8.O.-t tc-e Lirt snspended.

DELPHL SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL, at 8.0 THIS EVENING. -Miss BELLA PATEMAN. in order to rrtvier the Cast comidete, baa consented to play the part of LADY SNEER WELL FOR SCANDAL, at 80 THIS EVENING. -Misa LYDIA FOOTE, In order to render the Cat most complete. ha consented to play the part of MARIA.






SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. Mr. F. 'EI, LI as Sir HARRY HI MPER (with Uie Sudk). and ir R.

PATEMAN as MOSES, at 6.0 THIS EVENING. A DELPHI. SCHOOL FOR 8CANDAL. Misa NEILSON as LADY TEAZLE, THIS KVENING and on Alternate Nights with THE HUNCHBACK: Miss Ncllson as Julia. Doors open at S.

JO perfonnancos commence at 7.0. Box-oflico open 10 .0 to 5.0. No booking fees. A DELPHL MORNING PERFORMANCES. -A SATURDAY NEXT, May 17, THE HUNCHBACK, at Z0.

Doore open at 1.30. Boi-orlice open from 10.0 to 5.0. No booking fees. Stage Managtir. O.



THIS EVENING. Grand RoviTel of Cbju. Rendes powerful Oram. IT8 NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND: 2dri. Charles Warner.

Bonarri Russell. John C. Oowper, William Redmund, B. Calhaem, F. W.

Irish. le Belleville, Dulman, Beau-ehamp. Strickland. Halsman, ani Henry Sinclair; Meadames Maud Milton, Stewart, and Rose LecJerco. Preceded by FAMILY JARS at 7.0, lfoxffici open dally from 10.0 to 5.0.


will be produced Sensational Drama, written by Charles Reade. (milled DRINK. Adapted from the French Play L'AaaommoIr Tbe Drama will be mounted with all tbe Sceneryami surprising Effects that have characterlaed its production at the de l'Amblgu, Paris. Full cast aud further particular in future advtrtlnements. WHIT MONDAY.

June 2 Box office now open. PRINCESS'S OTICE. SEATS ALREADY BOOKED-for ill MONDAY, May 26, will be RESERVED for WHIT MONDAY. June 2. or ti.e MONEY wUl be RETURNED uuon application at the Box-office before SATURDAY.

May ffggg THEATRE. INTERNATIONAL MORALITY. Tbe RIGHT to A I) All' LASSOMMOIR has been PURCHASED of tbe French Authors, through Mr. Murer, for a large Bum of money. ANY ATTEMPT t-PIRATE th 8URJKCT will be most discreditable and wUl bu SEVERE'.


MARRIED, NOT MATED, a New Corned y-Drania, TO-NlcHT (Thursday). May 15. Preceded, at 7.45. a i l' OF TEA. Prices as usuaL -x hours 11.0 to S.0.

No bcxjklng fee Free llBt entirely suspended. Doors open at 7.15 commence at 7.45. al i ss VLYMPIC. MARRIED, NOT MATED, TO-J NIGHT (Thursday). May 15 Mlat Marion Terry, Miss barlotts Saunders, and Miss Sonhle Young Mr.

J. C. Edwards, Mr. T. B.

Appleby, and Mr. Frank Harvey. rWXTLO VAR. GENERAL FUND. The IRRA MJ TIONAL- AMATEUR DRAMATIC CLUB will give a PER-FoltMANCE TO-MORROW the 16tb Inst at the THEATRE, nn'ler Roral Patroniwe.

in AIDof the ZULU fi-verl well known Idy and Gentleman Amateurs (Wtiiv llcMita to had at MllOsfls Library, Old Boudtrcec tbe Theatre. YAL STRAND THEATRE MADAME FA ART TONIGHT, at 8.0. will be ix-rformivl this eale- Lmted Opera Condone, by Offenbach, snppurtwlby tollowlnjruori-liiiled cu.t MeRr. Ashley, Harry IVix.Lewcna, F. Mcrvln, IreLanje, and M.

Marios. Mewlaines Florence Ht. John, Kandolpli. Weathersby. AtigcL Borrlngton, Dawson, and Violet Cameron.

Increased Orchestra and Chorus. Ci'-nduetur. Mr. John Fitzerald. 1'roccdcd.

at ROMANCE, by F. W. Broughtou. Boi-offioa oMa 1.0 till 5.0. The doors open at 7.0.

D. MADAME FA VART MORN ING I Ul I 1-SJ CUV I 1 1 1 ium Ul 'PI I Ax NEX'I. and Every SatuRlay. at 2.0 precisely. Doors AIETY.

BOULOGNE. TO-NIGHT. 14th VT Time, at 7.30, an English rerafon of "Nloiche," by F. C. Rurnand, Muse Farreu, Leigh, Wadman, Ac.

Messrs Terry, Ruyce, Elton, Ac. Pnsceded by OperetU. 1 AIETY. PRETTY ESMERALDA and CAPTAIN PIPI'llUS OF OTnm. New BurleaquD by Btou.

4lt rime, TO-NIGHT, at 9.30 Whole Gaiety Companr. Open J.O; begin 7.10i close 11.0. Prices from fid. Nu fees. Kole Iese tLil iragr, Mr.

JOHN OLLI NOSH BAD. -G A1ET TUEATKE, Strand. lr AIETY. SATURDAY AFTERNOON NEXT, IT tin- New HurliiS-iut- of THE LADY OF LYONS, preceded by M', IS NUT fill (' from the Imperial Theatre. Mr.

LIONEL BBOUGU and Mis LYDIA 'iHOMPSON aa CLAUDE aud FAU L2NF-Dpen 2 0 begin 2.30 close 5.0. 408th Matinee. ti R. ETWARb TERRY'S ANNUAL BENEFIT 11 MONDAY EVENING. May 19.

-Burnaud's Farcical Pieee, i nn Onginal Atldreai, written by 0 Burnatid; and Ry ion celebrate UTTLE DR. FAUST Iterniuiatlugwilh Third Sestne) A I ET HE ATRE. XTAUDEVTLLE THEATRE THIS EVENING, at 7.30. ONCE AGAIN. After which, at 8.0.24th lime ul an Original Modem Comedy, In Throe Acta, entitled THE GIRLS.

iy Henry J. Byron. Concluding with A HIGHLAND FLI NO. SvriJPOttesl by Measr. William Farreu, Thomas Tburne.

A. Austin, tarthome. J. VY. Bradbury, Frederlolot.

W. Hanrrettves, and Darld James Marie lltlngton. Kate BUhop. Myra Holme. Cicely Rlchardu, and Sophie Larkta.


The "Times" The dialogue baa been polished till it shines with wit. lbe execution i ncurir perfect. -VAUPEVrLLH. HE GIRLS. The Daily Telegraph" aays "And In fundamental Idea and Utt-rary execution, perhaps tbebestofMr Byrou's comodiee.

Sufficient to plea all who an with a ure and wholesome story told by a witty fJUINCE" jf WALES'S ROYAL THEATRE. JL UAHT WEEKS of the revival of CASTE, which will be acted THUS EVENING, at SO (Mrs. Bancroft's Inst apjvar-and as Polly EeeJeal: Mr. Oeorffr Honey, Mr. John Clayton.

Mr. Arthur Cecil anil Mr Bancroft: Visa Amy Roselle. Miss LeTbiere. mnsl Mr. Bancroft -Box-office homn 11.0 till 5.0.

No few. -fTLo'BE THEATRE THI8 EVENING, at 7.15, DOMjUXoTK ilni'gR Mean John Howon and Vlu cent; Durftcan and Grajiunie At 8.5. LKH CLOCHES DE OORNEVIU.E (Vitu ReureMtiituUon) Measni. Shlel lianr, John Howson, Knight AsUn. H.

Poulton, C. Ariiford Meadames Kate Duggau ItoUges, suoyu, MRS DE CORNE- OYAJ.TY THEATRE. -Mr, EDGAR BRUCE, 31 unager -T -NIGHT, at 0. Oil Ti A TOOT G. nm: preded, at a Farce, and.

at 2.0. by tlio Connc pera, a uj un bhuk ajsce. s'iRUTCH AND SUC- CESS. KioelvuJ wltli roais of sJda.sT.Hili.B I at 9.0 clock. No booking ieea.

For Cast see Lessee and r. AIMDTI.H GLOVER OPKV KWMV I Nv Popular prk-M. bATl RDA V. Mm 31, Orund Revival SIS T0 ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE HIS EVENING (Thursday), May 15. FAUST.

(oe particulars neiow). (Tbun ADA ME CHRISTINE NILSSON will mako her First Appearance these Two Yean, THIS EVENING (Thursday) May 15 HEli MAJESTY'S Til A 1 It K. MADAME ETELKA GERSTER will positively make her First Aprearance on MONDAY NEXT. and per ft -rni tbe part of AMINA. lu LA SONNAMBL'LA.


on SATURDAY EXT. May MAJESTY'S THEATRE. HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. The FIRST GRAND MORNING PERFORMANCE will take plaooon SATURDAY NEXT, May 17, on which occasion will be performed CABMEN: Don Jom-. Slenor Caiupanlni: EscaruUlo, Slgnor Del Puente and Carmen.

Mdlle. Minnie Hank. Conductor, Slgnor ARDITI. Doors open at 1.30 commence at 20. Orchestra stalls.

15s. pit stalls, 10. private bores (according to location), to hold four persons, from 10s. od. to three guineas dress circle seats, 10.

upper boxes, 5s. gallery staiLi. 3s. gallery, 2a. FIDELIO will be Performed, for the First Time This Season, on SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, May MAJESTY'S THEATRE.

OYAL ALBERT HALL. Mr. MA PERSON has the honour to announce a GRAND AFTERNOON CONCERT, on WEDNESDAY', Juno 4, at Half-past Two o'clock, which lie PRINCIPAL ARTISTS of HER MAJESTY'S OPERA will take part. Full particulars shortly. THE RIVALS.


THE Comedy of THE RIVALS, at 7.45 Lydia Lungidsli, Mrs. Bernard Been Jidla, Miss B. Henri Mrs. Malaprop, Miss E. Thome Lucy, M1m Kate Phillips Maid, Miss J.

Ros lie Hlr Anthony Absolute, Mr. Howe OnpUiu Absolute. Mr. W. Terrisa; Sir Lucliu OTrigger.

Mr. Cliarlos Kelly Fault-land, Mr. Weathers! David. Mr. D.

Fisher, jun. Fa. Mr. H. Crouch; Coaclimari.

Mr. N. Forbes; and Bob Acrvs. Mr. John H.

i larke. To be followed, at 10.15, by tne Farce of TOODLES. -THIS EVENING. Bux ottioe open 10.0 to 5.0. HAYMARKET THEATRE.

THE HAVING BEEN MADE for the REVIVAL of this very success! 1 play, it will 1 REPRODUCED on SATURDAY NEXT, May 17 Miss East lake (having recovered from her serious Indlsposit.iunl, Miss Louise Moodle, and Mrs. John Wood Messrs. Howe, Terrisa, Kelly, and Fisher, iun wUl reappear In their original parta HAYMARKET THEATRE. JMPERIAL THEATRE MPERIAL THEATRE. Miss LITTON, Manager.

gHE STOOPS TO IMPERIAL TH (Roral Aauarium). A EVERY NIGHT, at 7 SHE STooiS TO CONQUER; and at 10.0, New Burlesque of LADY OF LYONS. Mm. STIRLING. Miss LITTON, I Miss MEYRICK.

Misi LYDIA THOMPSON. MUs Novere, Miss Miller. MUs Paton. Mfsslhmbar, MisA Knowles. Miss Garrick, Miss Darey.

Miss Davis, ic Mr. LIONEL BRoUGH. Mr. J. RYDER.

I Mr. E. F. EDGAR. Mr.

H.PITT. Mr. C. STEYNB. And full Company.

Doors open nt 7.0 Overture. 7.30 She Ktoop9 to Conquer at 7.40 precisely Burlesque, lwly of Lyons at S.45 rarriages al 10.45. IMPERIAL. Miss LYDIA PAULINE. wiU SING NEW SONti THOMPSON, as trulile encore, EVERY NIGHT.

l'va beon photographed like this I've bevn photographed like that I'vu been pbotogTitphol mid falling www a large furry hat; Tbey have photograplied me standing with my hnnds behind my back, But I have leen taken as a raving muuiac." IMPERIAL THEATRE. EVERY NIGHT. IMPERIAL. Mr. LIONEL BROUGH, its A CLAUDE MELNoTTE.



Miss M. LITTON. -llie ONLY AFTERNOON THEATRE in LONDON. BRILLIANT SUCCESS of the YOKES FAMILY, who are received with peals of laughter and applause in their celebrated entertainments, supported by Messrs. C.

Harrourt, W. Balford, and H. Warren-Wnght. LAST PERFORMANCES of A ROUGH DIAMOND and FUN IN A FOG. which must give place to an ntlr- change of programme.

In ACTIVE RED EARSAL, mid will shortly be produced, A MUSICAL COMEDY, in Two Acta, In which Mm Victoria Vokea and Mr. Fred Yokes will appear, supported by an increased company of operatic and dramatic artisto and chorus. On the same occasion, ALL the YOKES FAMILY will appear In one of their most popular and celebrated Extravaganzas. Bur-oftlce open from 11.0 to 5.0. heat and boxes at all the Libraries.

Doors open at 2.30. curtain risnsat 3.0 p.m. carriages at 5.30. Manager for the Yokes Family. Mr.

WARDLE co*kBYN. IMPERIAL AFTERNOON THEATRE (late AquarlurL.l.-Miss LITTON has the PLEASURE to ANNOUNCE that CONSEQUENT on the SUCCESS of the YOKES FAMILY, a MUSICAL COMEDY Is in ACTIVE PREPARATION specially adapted to their acknowledged talent ROYAL Mr. HARE, Lessee and THIS EVENING, punctually at B.1S, the cole brated Comedy. Tn Threo Acts, THE LADIES' WATTLE (adapted by the late T. W.

Robertson from Die French of MM. Scribe and 1-egouve). Character by Mrs. Kendal, Misa C. Kendal, Mr.

W. Herbert, Mr. Clievallur. Mr. De Verney.

aud Mr. Hare. Preceded by, at 7.45, Mr. Vol Prinsup's New Comedietta, COUSIN DICK aud oouclnding with the favourite One Act Play, UNCLES WIIJU: Mr. ami Mrs.

Kendal and Mr. T. N. Wonman. Doors open at 7.15.

Box oliico open from 1L0 to 5.0. No fees lor booking. Acting Manager, Mr. Buy. sf CRITERION THEATRE.

TRUTH. At 9.0, the New Comedy, tn Three Acts, by Bmnsou Howard, in which Mr. CbarleB Wyndiinni will appear, supported by Messrs. H. Standing, Carton, and W.

J. Hill Mesdatnet M. Itorke, L. Vinmug, R. Egan.

E. Vlnlatf, A. Delia, N. Phillips, and Mr-. Stephens.

Pro-ceded by Mi CS DIVEEsX.iN ti i.t 7.0; (ntumrtiiv at 7.30. Seats should be secured in advance. No booking; fee. Box-oflicc open from 10.0 til) 5.0 dally. IQUE, H.M.S.

PINAFORE. 5, 295th Repreat-ntation rids successful Gi)lrt and Arthur Sullivau, at 8.30. For DOYLY CARTE, Manager. NatiUcal Opera, Artistes see under HM.8. PINAFORE.

MORNING PERFORM ANCE of Uu popular Opera, SATURDAY NEXT, May 17. Z30. At 4 30, Mr. G. Gtommiith's Drawing room Sketch, A SILVER DDINO.

-OPERA COMHJUK. FfiOLLY. 1313," TO-NIGHT, at 7.45 (Seventh Time), an Extravagant Eccentricity, (n Two Acta, translated from the French by Frank Destirez represented by Mr. Harry ixiunous. ir.

r. mr. r. wysn, nu. juacKrn7ie.

Ynunge, Mr. E. G. Osboru, Followed, at 9X1 o'clock, by B-m. Miss Alma Stanley.




Leslie, Mr. F. Wyatt, Mr. W. Mackcuriu.

Miss M. Marshall, Mins Linda Vernev. Miss Nellie Maxwell, ice NKiHT 1 OLLY. LA PERICHOLE, Offenbach's Opera Bouffe, TO-NIGHT, at 9.0. GREAT SUCCESS, IOLLY.

THIS EVENING the performance will 1 commence ut 7.45. with au Extravagant Ecccntriolty. In Two Acts, entitled 1313." Followed by. at 9.0. Offenbach's Opera Bouflp, LA PERICHOLE (for cast see under clouk).

Conductor. Mr. II. SIMMON US. Poors open at 7.30.

Carriages at 11.0. Box office open dairy from 11.0 toj.0. Acting Manager, Mr. SAMUEL HAYES. LHA BRA THEATRE VENICE, Operatic Spectacle: Madame Mathilde Ziinerl, Misses Emms Chambers, K.

T. Gui-rt. and (onstauoe I.os:by Mesan. Herbert Campbell. Arthur Williams, G.

Conqneat, A. Colhni, C. l'ower, Kellebcr. Rene WIngrove. and George Conquest.

TO-NIGHT, at 8.20. A LHAMBRA. Madame MATHILDE ZIMERI Jl. as CATARINA; Mdlle. CIHfrt as Adri.stico.

the Dumb 'roudolicr Miss Emu Lone by as Angelo TV XlhambRa. A REAPPEAR lha Comtcil of Ten, in lhambrX Ballet Lyrique ssctne-nt la Ute i Cjtvullazri Mdlle. (ii MdUes. Anna Taylor, 1 arranged by M. Bertrai as Bianci und Mlfj CunsUuioe at 120.

VENICE. -Mr. GEORGE CONQUEST will i TRAPPLSTINO IL DIAVOLO, Frcsiileiit ol the New Ojieratla Extravaganza, To-NIGHT -LE CARNAvAL DE VENISE, et Action, Cortege ilea Naides, and Diver-ic Gondotiers. Principal artistes: Signorm ilert and Rosa Mons. E.

Josaet assisted by hlllipa, and the whule uf the Corps de BlUet. Music by G. Jacobi TO NIGHT. aUO.30. A CARNAVAL DE VENISE J.

OPINIONS of the PRESS. Was not only a good specimen of the ballet master's art, but a splendid example of stage effe Morning Advertiser. fittingly concludes an exceptionally brilliant pet tacit." Sportsman. "The whole forms a spectacle worthy of being seen." Morning Post. "The extravaganza closes with a Caruaval 4 la Yenise," one of those elaborate spectacles for which tbe Alhambra Is so celebrated." Dally Chronicle.

A LHAMBRA. VENICE-PRESS OPINIONS. It Is. there! ore, likely that, with ail the several and united iUtractluns. the house will be filled for many weeks to come.

Morning Post "Afforded infinite arciinetcmt to aa uudlence crowded from chosen and exe Invariably gay less prove one "The music Is well i dresses, always in the best taste, are ly radiant." Standard. "WiU ever Hornet. SURREY Hat aMaai HE. THIS EVENING, or known, G. W.

Wills. grnat xich Miss HEATH will sustam her Drama. JANE sHcKE character, supported by W. Rignoid. J.

Carden, E. Price. Miss Mars ton Leigh, fcc This noble ploy Is eupcrbly mounted. Entirely New Scenery, bj C. Brooke.

Gallery, dl pit. Is. boxes. drees circle, 3a stalls, aa. private boxes from Via.

Doors open 7.0. Commence with Farce at 7.30. CANTERBURY THEATRE of VARIETIES, under Royal Patronage. VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT, at 8.0, Arthur Lloyd, A. Roberta, J.

U. Rudolph, Mills Reeve. The Living Marionettes, 4c. Prices to 2L 2a. ANTERBURY.

-PAT'S PARADISE, at 9.0; aa entirely New Hlbtniiuu Sketch, io which Miss Nelly Power UI appear, supported by Mdlles. Ada. Broughtou. Powell.and Hie He ttallet. CANTERBURY.

TROUPE, at 10.30, evrr seen. The sensation millions of people at the Hip MARQUEZ DE GONZA lasts the world haa patronised by three Exhibition. mHEATRE ROYAL. BRIGHTON Proprietress, J. Mrs.

H. NYE CHART, THIS EVENING, and during the week, at 7.30. Jarrott and Palmer UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, with hosts of Freed Khives and Jubilee Singers. STREETER, 18, New Bond-street, JEWELLER. 18 -CARAT GOLD Jewellery Articles from 2.

quality Guaranteed. JJIAMOND and GEM ORNAMENTS at Specially Low Prices. MR STREETER, 18. New Bond -street, W. Sole Introducer of 18CARAT COLD JEWELLERY, and tbe only JeweUer in England whose Stock oousUta exclusively of that Quality.

BENSON'S WATCHES. Watch and Clock Maker to the Ouevn and Royal Family, and by Kpedal AppolntingnU to the Prince of and Emperor ol Russia. SUiam Factory, 08 and 60, I.iidgiit-hRI. and Ki. Old Bond street.

London BENSON'S PAMPHLETS on WATCHES, CLOCKS. TURRET LOCKS, PLATE and JEWELLERY, Illustrated, sent post free lor two stamps each Watches sent afo by Post 1 sf BEN ETT'S a 10 Note, JrVLvfT" lUul 'l OIi BENNETT LADY'S GOLD WATCHEM porfjvt for tlnie. beauty, and workmanship, with koylew n'P-lf111! "Mid dustrtikht-eb. Cheat-aide, London. Ould CliaUu at uufaurers- prlcea.

Post-otttce order John Bennett. BENN KPT. and 64, Cheapside. rpilE 'CHRY 50CARP," an ALUMINI UMGOLD TlifiHj Medals aud the Unit Priae lu 1867 and 1878. i.ric..

UK tsl. and IS. Slie for Ladles, 17s. 6d. CVirb ALBERTS, 7s.

Cd. Watch, or Watch and haln by WlSrt CLOCKS from Is. BoClETl (to hnoi pay crossed P.O. orders), 248a. Great Portland-street (opposite Jitntion and Cuffte Tavcin).


Also Shipping Warehouse, 75, I7AU DE SUEZ. This water contains neither acid, 24 narcotic, nor any poisonous ubstance whatever, and Is so innocuous that In many cose it will produce a good effect If taken mixed with a little sweetened water. There are three sorts of Eau Suez, distinguished from each other by a Yellow, Green, or Red Silk Thread. EAU DE SUEZ. YELLOW THREAD instantly removes Toothache, however violent It may be, without the slightest Inconvenience.

EAU DE SUEZ. GREEN THREAD, employed as a daily Dentifrice, prevent for ever the return of tho pain, arrests decay, im an excellent disinfecta odours, that of tobacco it all ulcerations of the mouth. Being weeteus the breath and remove all bad led EAU DE SUEZ. -RED THREAD is specially adapted for the use of children and those horin? aound teeth, who wish to preserve them and be for ever free from toothache. SUEZ TOOTHBRUSH ia made of the finest Badper Hair.

A hard toothbrush Is not ouly a foolish, but alto a criminal ins-run. et, t. so to Hpeak for by rubbhig a suit substance like the gum with hard brush the former will boeorue sponKy and weakened, thus bemg no longer of on? uao In protecting the root of the teeth, which naturally become exposed, and Impart an offensive smell to the breath. PRICES. Green Thread, 4s.

6d. Yellow Thread, 2s. 9d. Red Thread, 3a. 6d.

Orange Tooth Paste. Ss. Concentrated Toilet Vinegar, 4s. Sd. Omnge Tooth Powder.

2. Sne. Tooth Brushes, la. 6cL Carringe free to any part of the United Kingdom on recc pt of stamp or (lice order to Wilcox and Co. One packet of either of these preparations given gratl upon order of half dozou of one sort, thus effecting a saving of more than IS per cent Prospectus post tree, SOLE AGENTS for GREAT BRITAIN and the COLONIES.

WILCOX and English. French, and German Chemists, 330, oxford street (corner of Argyll-itreet). London. May also be obtained through all Chemist and Patent Mt Heine Vendor. SILVER and ELECTRO F.LKINCTON and Manufacturing Silversmiths and Patentee of tbe Electro Plate.

Revised Illustrated Pattern Book of Design in Table Plate of all kind, and new qtmliUes in Spoons and Fi-rl-s forwarded free by post on application. Testimonial Plate in Bolid Silver, lu great variety, alwuys in stock, ond Committee provided with Design and Photographs to suit ail occasions. Address ELKINGTON and Reyent-atreet London; or 42, oont te-street City. BARRY'S FOOD IS THE BEST OF ALL for INVALIDS AND INFANTS. Under It Influence many women and children afflicted with atrophy and marked debility hove completely re covered.

F. Roirrrt. Physician to the Snniaritan Hospital tor Women and Children. London. EALTH WITHOUT MEDICINE.

COSTIVENESS, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Nervou. Bilious, Pulmonary, and Liver Complaints, Debility, Coughs, Asthma. Conaur-ption. Fevnrs. Atrophy, Nausea, Vomiting, Wasting.

CURED by BARRY'S REVALENTA ARAB1CA FOOD, wnicn KKfciuuiiu-i viiai, and SOUND SLEEP to tbe most Enfeebled 32 years' invariable succea. 90,000 Cure. No. 49,832, of SO year' Indescribable agony from DyspepMa, Nervousness, Asthma, Cough, Constlpattuu, Flatulency. Spasms, Sickness and Vomiting, by DU BARRY FOOD.

-Maria Joilt." It saves fifty time its cost In Medicines. -DU BARRY and Co. Limited), No. 77. Rngent-street, London, W.

and all Grocer ond Chemists. Avoid Imitation. (LINGER ALE. SCHWEPPE'S. Sold by aU Chemists.

GINGER ALE. -SCHWEPPE'S Wine Merchants and Grocer. JCHWEPPE'S NEW LABEL. 3 In oonaeouence of ne continued imitation of the Red Label used over the cork of SCHWEPPE'S KODA WATER a new one ha hero adopted, which is affixed on aide of i i the bottle, in addition to the one over the cork. SCHWEPPE'S TRADE MARK is a FOUNTAIN.

Highest award Mineral Waters, Pari Exhibition, 1878. ILLS' THREE CASTLES TOBACCO. and 4-oz. PACKETS, LINED with TINFOIL ILLS' THREE CASTLES TOBACCO. "There's no Bweeter Totmcco come from Virginia, and no better Brand thou the THREE Vide "The Virginians." Only iu Packets aud Cigarettes, protected by the Name and Trade Mark.

ILLS, W. D. and H. O. 1 0UN DRY'S CONSOLIDATED TEA soya: jf Consolidated or Compressed Tea I about of Three Pound of loose Tea A to is of compression restore that virgin fresh-loli is agreeable to oil tastes." The Dally Telegraph 'Two Pound equal to the yiel flavour the prc nes of aroma la atao'lard says: "It is a saving of 40 to 50 per cent to every Tea Consumer." 8old by Agents Everywhere.

WHOLESALE. 181. UPPER THAMES-STREET, LONDON. 7 ALKER'S MARVELLOUS EXTRACT." From tbe KANDELION, Certified by Dr. Wolloce, City Analyst Glasgow, to be of excellent quality." 60 CUPS for la Sample bottle, 12 stamp.

Proprietor, WALKER and 3. George-laue, Botolph-lane, London. EXTRACT of and HICORY. RIDGWAY and COMPANY'S TEAS. Price List and Sample ent Fort frie on application.

aad King William-street, City, London, E.C. "By thorough knowledge of the natural laws wiiich goveru the operation of digestion and nutrition, and bv careful Ainllt(nn COCOA. of tiie fine propertio of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Eiips ho provided our breakfnst tables with a Uellcateiy-tlavriurort tieverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may GRATEFUL and COMFORTING.

lie gradually built up until enmiEii to resist indreds of subtle reoly to attack We may escape missives well for-loperiy-nnuriilied every tendency to dise maladies are floating ar wherever there Is a wei marry a fatal shaft by tided with pure Idood frame." Civil Servfci JAMES EPFS and UOM CHEMISTS. Makehs of Br-w's Glvcerisje Jcjcdeh (Tukoat lunrrATios). TIIE STANDARD. ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA. CO VENT GARDEN.

Madame Scalchi THIS EVENING (Tliurday, May 15 (in lieu of the Subscription for Saturday, Auguit '-j. w.ill be irfiiTned Meyerbeer Croud Opera, LE PROPHETE: Fides. Madame Scalchi Bertha, Mdlle. Smeroschl Count d'Ober-thai, Slgnor Carbone; Jonas. Slgnor SaboteT' Mothfsen, Hlguor Scolaro Zacltorlo, Signer Capponl and Jean of Leyden, Siguor Cayarre.

Conductor, Slgnor VIANESI. Pas de Patlneurs (orrontod by M. Hausen): Mdlle. Zucchi, Mdlle. H.

Reuters, Mdlle. L. Reuters, Miss PhiUiju, M. Hansen, aud the Corp de Ballet Madame Adelina Pottl. TO-MORROW IFridayl.

May 16, Rcsisini Opera. IL BARBIERE DI K1VIGLLA: Roeina, Mjwlomc Adelina Pattl (her first appearance lu that character this season); Fivaro, Siguor Cotogni Bartolo, Slgnor Ciauipi Botillo, Signor Silvcstri and Almaviva, Slgnor NicolinL Mdlle. TnroUa. Saturday Next, May 17, Weber's Opera, Agata, Mdlle. Turolla Auiietta.

Mdlle. Smeroschl Caspar, M. Galihord; aud Max, Signor Guyan-e, LsgnmsDn muiior diihojiiuh. Madame Adeb'no I'atli Monday Next, May 19, Moatart Opera, DON GIOVANNI: Zerlina, Madame Adelina Patti Donna Anno. Madame Cepeua; Donna Elvira, Moilume Vallerla Don Slgnor NouveJU Leporello, M.

Goilhard and Dou Ciovanni, M. Maurel. MademoiBelle Heilbron. Tuesday Nett, May 20 (second time tbl season). Wagner Oners, LOHENGRIN: Els di Brabante, Mdlle.

Heilbron: Ortruda, Mdlle. Mantlllo Federico di Telruuoodo, Signer Cotogni aud Lohengrin, Signor Gayarro. Mndame Adelina Patti. In lieu of the Subacription for Tuesday. August S.

Thnrvdav. May 22. D1NORAH Dlnorah, Madame Adelina Patti Coreutino, ralglior Nouvelll. JssU Doors open at Eight o'ciock, the Opera commence at Half-past. The Box-office under the Portico of the Theatre 1 open from 10.0 till 5.0.

Orchestra stalls. II. Is. aide boxes on the first tier, 3f. 3s.

upper boxes. 2f. 12. 6d. pit ticket, 7s.

amphitheatre 10. 6d. and 5. amphitheatre, 2s. 6d.

MAJESTY'S TOE ATRE. iliico of Madame Christino Nilfsnn. Night, in lieu of Tuesday, July 29. lUMdoy), May 15. will bu uerformed ftnnnnd't First THIS EVENU Opera, FAUST Faust.

Signor Compound Siguor Foil: Valontlno, Siror Voselll Siebel, Modoine Trebelil Martha, Madame Lab-loche and MarKbrrita. Madame Christine NDssou (her Firvt Appearance these Two earH). Director of the Music and Conductor, Sir MICHAEL COSTA SPECIAL NOTICE. The First Grand Morning Performance will take place on Saturday Next, May 17 (commencing at Two o'clock), on which occasion will be presented CARMEN. (See Special AdvertWtnent obovni.

Saturday Evening Next, May 17. Beethoven Opera, FIDELIO Florestono. M. Candldus Don Pizarro, Slgnor Oalaasi; Roooo. Slgnor FoU Marcelltua, Madame Slnlco and Leonora (Fldelio), Madame Eugeule lappenhelm.

Between the Flrrt and Second Acts, the "Leonora" Overture will be performed by tbe Orchestra. First Appearance This Season of Madame Eteika Center. Monday Next, May 19. LA Ambia, by MaUome Etelku Gtmter (her First Appearance since her return to Europe). Second Appearonco these Two Voar of Madame Christine Niloson.

Tuesday Next, May 20. FAUST Valentino, Madame Christine 2ffljHJ. Sulcri prion Night. Modoine Eteika Gerster. Thursday Next, May 22, RIGOLETTO Gilda, Madame Eteika Grand Extra Night Madome Christine Slltson.

Friday, May 23, LESHUOUKNOT8: Chrisline MuaMtt SECOND GRAND MATINEE. Madame Etelko Cerater. Saturday, May 24 (commencing ot Two p.m.), LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR Lucia. Madame Eteika Center. The Opera will commence at 8.30.

Stalls, 21s. dress circle seats (first two rows), other rows, 10a. 6d. amphitheatre tolls (first two rows), 10. other rows.

7s 6d sollery stall. 5. Rllery. 2. 6d.

Bux-ohico of Her Majesty Thi-atre, under tne Colonnade, open doily from 10,0 Ull 5.0, tinder the directlou of Mr, Bailey. LYCEUM. THIS EVENING, ot 8.15, THE LADY OF LYONS: Mr. Irving. Memu-J.

Forrester, K. Bellew. C. Cooper, S. Johnson, Tyars.

Elwood. Cartwriglit, Andrews. Tapping. Bronscombe. Holland, und Woiter Lacy: Mr.

Chippoudolt, Misaes Paunecfort, May Sedlcy, Harwnod, and Ellen Terry, Irecoded, at 7.30, by Ooniedletto, BOOK CHAP. I. Mr. Teesdoie. Mr.

Elwood Mi Button. ADELPHL Proprietor. B. Webnter. Iiesaees and Managers, A.

and S. GattL THIS EVENING, ot 8.0. SCHfJOL FOR SCAN DAI. Miss Neilson, Mr. bum Pateman, Foote, Melbm, Jects Messrs.

Ve'ln. Flockton, Cnmpton, Wigun. Celll, Charle. and Neville. At 7.0 A btt HA YM ARK ET.

THIS EVENINO, at 7.45, THE RIVALS Mr. John S. Clarke, Messrs. C. Kelly.

Howe, Crouch, Wentlieraby, N. Koriie. D. Fisher, and W. Terriss Mrs.

Bemard-Beere. Miss B. Henri. Mis Kate Phillis. Miss J.

Roaelle, aud Miss E. Thome. At 10.15, I'OODLES Timothy Toodles, lr. John S. Clarke.

PRINCESS'S. Manager, Mr. Walter Gooeh. THIS EVENING, at 7.45. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND: Jnesnrs.

C. Warner, Howard Russell, J. C. Cowper, W. Redmund, F.

W. Irish, Calliaetn, Dolman. Beouchamp, Parkes, and H. Sinclair; Middsmm Maud Milton ond Roce Leclcrcq. Prveeded by, a i i A.

Mil JARS Mr. T. P. Hayne. OLYMPIC.

Sole Lessee and MonoKer, Mis Fanny Joseph. TIUS EVENING, at 8.30, MARRIED. NOT MATED Mr. Jame Carter Edward. Mr.

Cbarle Horsinan. Mr T. B. Appleby. Mr.

Frank lliuvey Miss Supliie, Young. Mlfi Charlotte Saunders, MUs Morion Terry. Preceded, at 7.45, by A Cirp OF TEA Mr. Andrew. Miss Baldwin.

STRAND. Sole Lessee and Mannirercf, Mra. Swanborough. TOIS EVENING, ot 7.15. RUTHS ROMANCE: Misa Drnmati rtn.1 Mr.

H. Parry. At8.0, New Opero Coiniquc. MADA ME FAY ART, by Oflenbacb. character- by Messrs.

A.ibley, Iwens. U. Cox, De Longe, and Marius Meadames F. John, Violet Cameron, Randolph, Harrington, GAIETV. Sole lessee ana Manager, Mr.

John Iiolllngahead. THIS EVENING, at 7.10, A PAIR OF THEM: Mis Wadman and Mr. Fawcett; 7.30. BOULOGNE Mlasrs Forren. Leigh, tc MeAr.

T4Try. Royce. Elton, tic. At 9.30, PRETTY ESMERALDA: Misses Foircn, Vaughon. GllchrUt, Atnollo, Wadman, Leigh, Messrs.

Terry. Squire, Koyce. Sc. VAUDEVILLE. Sole Leasees and Manoann.

Mn.wr. I). James and T. Tborne. THIS EVENING, at 7.3fJ, ONCE AGAIN.

At 8.0. TIIE GIRLS Concluding with A HIGHLAND FLING Messrs. Win. Forreo Dot id W. Hargrraves, A.

Austin, C. W. Garthorne. L. Frede' ricks, J.

W. Bradbury, ond Tbonms Thome; Mesdouie Murie IUlnKton, Kate BUhop. Myra Holme, Cicely Richards, Sophie Larkin. PRINCE OF WALES'S. Lessee and Manager.

Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft (MUs MarleWIUon) THIS EVENING, at SO, T. W. lioliertson Original Comedy, CASTE: Mr.

Bancroft. Mr. John Clayton. Mr. Arthur Cfcil, and Mr.

George Honey Mis Amy Roselie, Miss Le Thiere, and Mr Roncruft. 21st instant, on tbe terms stated In the advertisem*nt Issued from this offlce en the 23d August. IffiS, will b- Rupees 25,00,000, of which not more than Rupees 12,50,000 will be drawn on the Government of Bombay. EDWARD STANHOPE. SUBMARINE CABLES TRUST.

Certiiicate Holders who have not yet communicated their NAMES. ADDRESSES. and PARTICULARS or their holdings to the Secretary, are requested to do so forthwith. In order that the Trustees may apply to the Court for authority to pay the overdue Coupon. More than two thirds of the Certificate Holders have acreed to accent Sbtrii lu the new Limited Liability Company, in exchange lor meit inNs IJJ orner.

60. Old Bruod-streot, May 9, 18791 LEWIS WELLS. Secretary. ARMY and" NAVY PROVISION MARKET (Llnritefll. -APPLICATIONS for RHARB8 most sent in on or before Thursday Next, the 22d Instant.

25, Risen street, Watertoo-plaoe, May IS. ARMY and NAVY PROVISIONHMARKET aimitedi Capital, (fl.w0. in Share of 5 each. First Issue. 10.000 Sham, one liulf to be paid up on Allotment and the remainder three months aftsr Allotment, Interest at tbe rate of 6 per cent, per annum will be on tbe capital, out of tbe profits, whloh will be further augmented by an allocation of one-fourth of the remainder of tbe prorita.

after providing for a Reserve Fund. The remaining tiuye fourths will be applied En reduction of the purchases of tbe Shareholders during tire current year, in proportion to the amount of their several purchases. Patrons. His Serene Highness Count Captain Sir Francis Blackwood. Glolcben N.

His Grace the Duke of Rutland, K.G. The Most Noble Marquis Conyryj-ham. The Kiht nots. tbe Earl of Mar. The Right Hod.

the Earl of Lanesborough. late EN The Right Hon. Lord Do Ros. The Right Hon. Lord Ashley, late RN.

Tim Right Hon. Lord Alexander George Russell. C.B. Sir William Tyrone Power, K.C.B.. late Commissary General tn Chief.

Major General Saunden A. Abbott Colonel Frederick Bobertaon Aiknian, V.C. Colonel C. M. Barrow, O.B.

CapUIn Sir Francis Blackwood, Bart, RN. Major General Charles Blunt, B. Rear Admiral Hubert Campion, a. an Viscount Rane- Major General Charlea Camphell. usiliera. Hon. Lord De General Orfur The la Cuj Rlaanlata it v. Colomd Chimwrs General Sir A. T.

Cunynghame, Colonel Alexander co*ckburn. late o.C.B. 11th Regiment. Ad.ntral Sir A. Cooper Key, Major General W.

T. Dickson. K.C.B.. F.RS. Major General Arthur Good- Gentiral 8ir James Alexander, enough, C.B.

K.A.. K.C.B. Major General A. B. Hautiev.

General Sir E. Lechmere Russell, Major General Webber D. Harris. K. C.S.I.

General Sir Edward Holdich, General Sir George Brooke, K.C.B. R.H.A., K.C.B. Lieut General Sir Archibald Knar Admiral i eaey llamil LlttK K.C.B. C.B Colonel James Macadam.

CapUin E. St John Mildmay. Major J. H. Preadervllle.

Captain A. Rowley. RN. I Major General G. E.

Thomaa. c. Lieut General Sir James E. Alexander, C.B. Captain the Hon.

John Manners Yorke, RN. fcc CowiTrr.r. or Directioh. Colonel H. B.

Chalmers, lato Major-Ueneral E. Kyrle Money, Assistant (Jiunnussary Oenonu. Captain the Hon. Jain, T. Fltx- maurtee.

Royal Nary, Capuin Arthur H.Gllmure. Royal Nav v. Cosmo G. Logie, M.D F.RS.E.. late Surgeon-Major Royal Horse lato A.

Lieut. Colonel C. D. Rich, late 9tb I i i. Lieut.

Colonel Edmund Snow, late RM. LI. Colonel F. G. Steuort, lata Indian Stalf Corns.

iiiirtU Colonel Wilkinson Taylor The Army and Navy Provision Market (Limited) is established to extend the benefits of the Co-operative principle to tin- supply of Provision)), and will bo conducted, as far as may be found practicable, upon the plan adopted by tbe Army and Navy Society and the lunior Amy and Navy Stores (Limited). A Vatuablo Site In the most Central pari of tbe West-end of Lundou, known as Newman and Co. Premises situate at 121, Regent street, embracing a superficial area of about 12.000 feet has been vlsioiially acquired for the purpose) of the Society, and it is Intended to offer Prbio fur the best plan tor adapting tbe present Building with Ice Houses and Refrigerating Chambers, and suitable In every way for the requirements of tbe undertaking. It is estimated that through the means of this Society a saving will be effected to the Hhareboldera upon their purchases of from 15 to 30 per cent.

Tbe onginal Shareholders will be entitled to nominate one Life Member, Tree of Subscription, for every Five Shares subscribed, in addition to nominating ellirible Ticket Holders on the usual terms of payment. Applications for Shares may be sent by letter addressed to the Committee of IKrectiua. briefly stating the nmulier of Shares required, with full Name, Rank or Dcriptiu. and Address, but no payment rill be received until after the Allotmeit, of which each applicant will recelvo due notice. A obtain Form Regent-streel and NAVY PROVJSION MARKET d).

Persons desirous of applying for SHARES, can fur this purpose on application to tho Secretary, 25, Waterloo-place. A RMY ami NAVY PROVISION MARKET for SHARES most bo sent in on or before Thursday Next, the 22d Instant 25, Regent street, Waterloo-place, May IS. 'i ARMY and NAVY PROVISION MARKET (limited), (or the Supply of Meat, Fish. Poultry. Game.

Dairy Produce, Fruit Vegetables, Flowers, Seeds, Corn. Flour. Hay, Straw, abd Provisions, not otherwise supplied by either the Army and Navy Co-operative Society or the Junior Army and Nary Htoree. ABRIDGED 1 OS ECTUH. 10 per Cent.

Dividend and Bonos. rilHE ANGLO-AMERICAN CATTLE COMPAN JL incorporated under the Companies Acta of 12. 1B67, and 1877, whereby tbe liability of each subscriber is limited to the amount of his shares. Capital 70.0.W. In 3S00 Shares o( 20 each, wlthimwer to lucreose.

(I pwards of 6000 is already subscribed, and 10,000 reserved for I Payablo 2 per Shore on Application, 3 on Allotment, 5 on June 1st, 5 on July 1st, aud on August 1st. Djkectoks. Sir Wiiford Brett, K.C.M.G Esher. Director of the Chelsea Water Works Company. Thomas Maruus Brownrigg, late Assistant Inspector General of Royal Irish Constabulary.

Arlington House, GuUdford. Colonel F. N. Miles. Elgin-road, Nottlng-bill.

and Belmont, Jersey. Colonel Sclwyu New, The IureU, Lee, Kent T. H. Bartlett F.s., Wbitehall-gardeus. BAslu*trts.

London Joint Stock Banx. Chartcrhouse-strect Branch. Solicitors. Messrs. Pawle.

Fearon, ondColdbani, it. New-Inn, W.C Minaui'Ji in Asii iik -Ben. B. Esi. ChUd, K1.

Temporary Oillene- 110, Cannon-street, London, B.C. America being now recognised as the country from which Great Britain must iook for its principal Foreign Meat Supply, this Company has been formed for tbe purpose of carrying on the highly protituble business of breeding and fattening cattle on the Western Piattt.t. The large increase In the cuttle importations to this country alone may bo gathered from the following figures Total LMi'oitTATioNt most the Un'itkd States astd CaxaxiA. 1975.....,....,.,, 1,511 Beaata, 1976.. 3,047 1877 19.187 1878 86,589 The land upon which It Is pruposed to feud the cattle belongs to the United States Government, who allow and encourage It to be occupied in the manner proposed by this Compauy rent free.

The etimato through the winter in of such a character as never to necessitate the uu- lug of attic jfwrCi Mr. J. W. lUsf, the celebrated cattle breeder, remarked "The cost of both summering and intering is aimply the cost of herding, aa no feed or shelter is required. 1 consider the summer grass uf the plains and valleys as superior to any hay.

My cuttle have not only kept in good order on this grass through right wiuters, but many of them thin in the tall have beoorne fine beef by spring." GeueralL. P. Bradley says "The charactsir of all tho Western country is rolling pruirle, very well watered, and abounding In good grasses to such an extent, that the assertion may be safely mode that the supply of gtaxfiig is unlimited. HLVa Professor Strahorn, his Report of 1878 on the Plains of Wyoming, says The breedlug of cattle ou this vast free range is as sure, and probably as short a road to wealth aa Is offered by any legitimate enterprise under the sun." 1 Jl Governor Campbell, of Wyoming, in a Message to tbe Legislature of the territory, said In a climate so mild that homes, cattle, sheep, and goats can live in the open air througu all tho winter mouths, and fatten on the dry aud apparently withered grasst-s of tho soil, there would appear to be scarcely a limit to the uumber that oould be raised." a It Is proposed to commence operations by purchasing young heifers and well-bred shorthorn Kentucky bulls, fur breeding purposes, also lean steer for fattening, which operation is to be repeated each sue eceding year to such au extent as may be deemed desirable, thus enabling the Company to keep up a continnous supply of such cattle as are most saleable In the English markets, both fat and for fattening. Tbe annexed estimates on a capital uf show tbe proposed plan of proceeding for six yuurs.

and being baaed upon statistics taken from the beat authorities, are not likely Vj vary very much. Tbe selling price utiuted is the value at the nearest market, and if cattle are forwarded direct to England, the difference between that price and tbe English value, after paying all expense! of carriage, will produce a still larger profit. Each year the lean steers become fat and saleable, and are sold at double what they originally cost the proceeda being shown in the account, leaving on the balance uf each year's transactions a large profit. From calculations made and based upon tho opinions of the most competent judge In this country and the United State uf America it lias been thought detiiublo not to make any actual division uf profits until the expiration of sli years, but that in lieu thereof the shareholders should receive Mil. per cent in each year as a dividend, so euabliog tbe management to main au accumulating capital to carry out the enclosed statement of proceedings, aud to repay the capital as follow: At tbe end of tbe 1th year.

20 per cent, of Original Capital. 8itto $th do. 30 ditto ditto. Itto fth do. 50 ditto ditto.

ts Intended at the expiration of tno clxth year (the original capital having then beeti repaid to the shareholders with dividt-ndsl that the Company be dissolved, and all the asset realised, which It Is Detailed prospectus estimates atid pamphlet of the Company's plan of operations will be aont on application: and copies of the agreements and of the Memorandum and Articles of AssuclAtlon. wiiich have been duly registered, cau be seen al tho Temporary Oihcee of the Company. 110, Cuuuon-stieet London, E.C., where any other information can be obtained. JUNIOR ARMY and NAVV STORES (Limited). STATEMENT of ACCOUNT from 6th January to 30th AprU, Dr.

Ctt To Capital Account 100.000 Shore of 1Z. each 100,000 0 0 First Issne, 50,000 Share of 11. each 50.000 0 0 Allotted, 12,344 fully paid np 4,311 0 0 42,344 0 0 Balance unallotted 7,65 0 0 To Debenture Account Four-and-o-HaJf per Cent To Mortgage- For amount outataouing To Reserve Fund' Premiums received on 922 Shares To Interest and Discount For balance to credit of this account To Advertisem*nt Account Advertisem*nt charge In price list To Sunilries Traustcr fees, stomp. Ac 50.000 0 0 43.650 0 0 230 10 0 124 1 10 232 11 0 22 9 1 136.633 11 11 B. KYRLE MONEY, WEBBER HARRIS, ARTHUR H.

G1LMORK, WILLIAM S. Bon.BAU, JAMES W. GAMBIEB, EMIl'NU CLENCH 1 Committee of Direction. May 3, 1879. F.

WEMYS8, Secretory, Since this Account was made np the Reserve Fund baa been increased by tbe sum of 20001. UR. By Investment Account 10,000 Three per Cent Cooaola By Caah Uu deposit account 0 0 On current account. 5.944 16 6 Inotnce By lKbeutnre Account-Amount receivable By Fnrnituw Aceount By Sundry De'itors On capital account Oo other accounts By By Preliminary Eriue Advertising Printing Postage, receipt, and allotment stamp Rent of Petty expenses Registration and law erpeuae By EitabiUhment Expenac Direct on' remuneration, salarie and wage Account hooks, stationer, and priating Miscelloueou extie ses Postage and receipt stamp 2 10 11 1.040 0 0 301 11 0 1,140 413 237 19 70 0 200 0 71 3 2,152 12 2 649 1 7 141 107 17 917 11 0 136,633 11 11 J. T.

BOTLEAU, inMtnr. JAMES COOPER, Auditor. Examined and found correct. 7 EST LONDON DISTRICT SCHOOL, ASH- r-ouu, near mama. vuuaicer xtUKiw for and TEN! 11ING Tho Alauagt tared to RECEIVE rtaln Pointing ar.d Buildings.

Full pa washing required to be in may in obtained, and Superintendent at the seen at the ottice of is, St George Union, ni-t besoaled. addrc-cd iter than Twelve o'clock le Contraotor or tbelr 3 Managers do not bind Tenders. to the MunagLTs. ami sent to the School not 1 noon, on Friday, the 30th instant when agent! are. to be in atteuiUncc.

Th themselves to accept tho lowest or any of tile By Order, Aabford. near Staines, Mldaliesei. itU May, CnAS. D. HUME, Clerk to tbe Manager.

rpO FEMALE COOKS. The Guardians of the I Poor of the IVanrtaworth aud Clapham I 'nlmi will, at tl.etr Meeting to be ldd May int, proceed Vj tho APPOINTMENT of a FEMALE COOK, at a ualary of 0 per aunum, with rations, washing, and apartments lu the TnUrmar'. Appltcal ious must be made unou a form to he obtained of me at the L'ulun Others. St John' hill. New Wandsworth, to be returned not later than Tuesday.

27th Inst Helveted candldatea will hare hoti! to attend JOUN S.UfDERS, Clerk. May 13. 1879. CAUTION. BO DS CR VST A PA LACE GOLD MEDAL MARKING INK.

THREE GOLD. FIVE SILVER, and other MEDALS home chemists and stationer, for i lira profit deceive you Ueniuno Label, "Daughter vf brtn John Bond Wurk 75, Soutbgate rood. N. NO HEATING REQUIRED. IX.

Reward oncnniinalcouictionforcousiimcy. mistepreaentatJon, or colourable Uuiutlon. To Trustee Hit of House Property fur Sale (free). $54 0 0 9,812 10 0 25,947 5 6 2 6 FOLLY. Tins EVENING, at 7.45, Forclcol Comwly, Mesr.

H. NicholU, G. Osbt to, F. Leslie. F.

Wyatt, W. Mackenzie, ond W. Younge Miss Lucy Watson, MLu Alma Stanley, At 9.0, LA PERICHOLE Messrs. C. J.

Campbell, H. NicholU, F. Wyatt, F. lieslie, W. Mackenzie Mesiiame Linda Vemer.

M. Marshal), N. Maxwell, and Madame Dolaro. Conductor, Mr. B.

Slmmond. OPERA COMIQUE. Manager, Mr. R. D'Oyly Carte, for tbe Comedy Opera Company (Limited), Tins EVENING, at 7.45, CUPS AND SAUCERS.

At 8.30. H.M.S. PINAFORE: Measr. Geo. Grcssmlth, (un Barrineton.

Power. Temple, Clifton. Thornton, Dyruott MUses A. Burville, Bond, Everard. At 10 30.

AFTER ALL. by Despre and A. Collier. IMPERIAL, (late Aquarium). TO-DAY.

at 3.0, A ROUGH DIAMOND: followed by FUN IN A FOG The Vokea Fomiiy. TO-NIGHT, at 7.40, SHE STOOPS TO CuNoUER: Mrs. Stirling, Misa LRton: Mr. Lionel Bnmgh. Mr.

-I M- E. I EU ir, Mr. H. M. Pitt, Sto, At 9.45.

THE LADY OF LYONS (Burieue) Mia Lydia Thompson; Mr. Lionel Brough. 8TJRREY. THIS EVENING, of, 7.30. A PHENOMENON TN A SMOCK FROCK.

Followed by JANE SHORE: MUs Heath. Mesdome Montou Leigh, E. Orinaby, Mrs. Ormsby, Ml Eugenie Edwards, Ac. Moikis.

W. Rignoid. Conlen, E. Price. W.

cl*theroe, Lawrence, Cathcart, Harry Taylor, 4o. ALHAMBRA THIS EVENING, at 8.20, VENICE, Operatic Spectacle. ArtUtea Misses M. Zlnu-ri. E.

Chambers, Th. de Gillert, and Constance Loseby Messrs. H. Campbell, A. Williams.

A. nllini, R. WIngrove. L. Kelleher, C.

Power. i. Conquest, and AD. George Conquest. LE CARNAVAL DE VENISE.

Ballet d' Action MdUes. CavolWri, Gillert, Itosa M. Josaet, aud Corps de Ballet. Force at 7.45. DUKE'S.

Managers, Meiwrn. Holt and Wilmot. THIS EVENING, 7.30. MY WIFE'S OUT. At 8.1S.

NEW BABYLON: Mesdouiea Caroline HID, Thoma, May Holt Dudley, Roe Dole, Sophie Eyre. Kean. Messrs. J. Arnold, Sinclair.

Percy Bell, Day, Jones Finnh, H. Vernon, G. L. (Jordon, O. Glenney, J.

Wilton, Fredericks, Clorouce Holt, Charles Wllwot. to. PARK. Lessees and Mortager. Messrs.

John and Ricbard Douglass. THIS EVENING, at 7.15. THOM 'SON VISIT. At 8.0. CNDF.R TW REIGNS.

10.15, FAMILY JARS Mesilames Fanny AddUon, Amy Steinberg, Cutbbert, and Stella Breretnn Messrs. Mclntyre, Byrne, Swan, Emmerson, Howell, Young. Balfour, c. STANDARD. Proprietors and Managers, Measr.

John and Richard Douglass. THIS EVENING, at 7.15, THE LADY' OF LYONS: Messrs. Mucklln, Royner, Cbomberloiu, Walton, F. Perctval, Heard MesUrae Enistone, Neville, Rayner. e.

Conclude with THE POOR ENGINEER Messrs. Walton and A. Royner. BRITANNIA. Sole Proprietress, Air.

S. Lane. THIS EVENING, at 6.4a, THE LIFE OF A WEAVER Messrs. Reynold. Charlton.

ons, Blwood. Lewis, Tower Mdlle. Bntwcr. Royuer. Mrs.

ond Miss Itrian Karl Llnd. Conclude with THE RABBI'S SON. by MonueL Eaq. Measr. Howe, New-bound, Drayton; Mdlle.

Adams, Bel lair. TO CORPvESPONDENTS. No notice can be taken of anonymous communication. Whatever is intended for insertion must be authenticated by the name and address of the writer; not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. We cannot undertake to return rejected communications, and to this rule we can make no exception, with regard either to letters or enclosures.

HIGH WATER AT LONDON BRIDGE THIS DAY-M Or rung 23 after 3 Afternoon 59 after 3 LONDON, THURSDAY, MAY 15. In the House of Commons yesterday, Mr. Shaw moved the second reading of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) (No. 2) Bill, the object of which was to extend the Ulster Tenant Right to the whole of Ireland. The Bill waa opposed by the Government The debate occupied the entire sitting, and upen a division the Bill waa thrown out by 203 against 91, Our Correspondent at Lahore telegraphs that the arrangements for the relief of the famine in Cashmere have failed, owing to the cattle disease having carried off bo many of the transport bullocks.

The sufferings of the people in Cashmere are terrible, and in the whole valley there is not one week's provisions. Further destructive conflagrations in Russia are reported. Two fresh outbreaks have taken place at Orenburg, in the latter of which one-half of the Cossack quarter of the town was consumed and on Sunday a fire broke out at Uralsk, which was still raging when the telegram from the military governor was despatched. Tbe fire at lrbit is reported to have caused damage to the extent of upwards ot two hundred thousand roubles. The Duke of Medina-CiELI, the premier peer and grandee of Spain, wliile on Tuesday strolling over the mountains on his estate with Jus wife, accidentally stumbled, and the gun which he carried going off, the contents were lodged in his body.

He died yesterday morning. The students who have successfully passed the examination during the past academic year were presented with their prizes and certificates yesterday in the theatre of the London University, Burlington House, by the Chancellor, Earl Gbanville, Amongst the prize-takers were two young ladies, who were loudly cheered. Addresses were delivered by the Chancellor and Mr. Lowe, the member for the University. The annual dinner of the Railway Benevolent Institution was held at Willis's Rooms last night.

The Marquis of Hartincton, who presided, in advocating the claims of the Society to continued and increased support, referred to the great enterprise which distinguished the railway service of this country, and to the care and skill with which it was conducted. Lord Aberdare presided at a public meeting last night at the Athenieum, Camden Town, for the purpose of establishing a branch of the London Society for the Extension of University Education, and arranging for a course of lectures, open to both sexes, of a high-class educational character. A Committee was appointed to carry out the objects of the meeting. An influential meeting of the representatives of Limited Liability Companies waB held at the Westminster Palace Hotel yesterday to consider the Government Banking Bill. Ihirty-one banks were represented.

Resolutions were adopted expressing a strong feeling in opposition to the establishment, as the Chancellor of the Exchequer proposed, of banks with the qualifying title Reserved Liability." A Committee was appointed to take steps in furtherance of the views of the meeting. Tiie Chancellor of tho Exchequer, speaking at the annual dinner of the Association of English County Bankers, at Willis's Rooms, referred to the Banking Bill brought before the House by him. It had been delayed, he said, until the excitement occasioned by recent events should have passed away but he hoped to be able to pass a measure this Session which would be of benefit to the banking community. At a dinner of the members of the Conservative Association given last evening at Croydon, Sir M. W.

Ridley, M.P., in acknowledging the toast of her Majesty's Ministers, said he regarded the presence of the company as an assurance not only that the Government had faithfully discharged the duties cast upon them, but that at the approaching general election their lease of power would be renewed. The Derby Trial Handicap, at Newmarket, was won by Mr. D. Milnee's St. Cutbbert, the Two-year-Uld Stakes by Mr.

C. BrsH Belfry, the Two-year-Old Selling Stakes by Mr. D. Milner's Magdalene, the Selling Plate by Mr. Owen's Paramatta, the Juveuile Plate by Lord Hartinqton's colt by Reverberation Fairy Form, the Handicap Sweepstakes by Prince Batthyany's Episcopus and the Ditch Mile Handicap by Mr.

Alexander's Thnnderstone. The Duke of Hamilton's Lollypop walked over for the Roub Stakes. An extraordinary case of libel is at trial in the Exchequer Division. The Plaintiffs are the wife a City mercliant, named duch*esne, and the Rev. (Jeo.

Vasey, curate of St. Saviour's Church, Highbury the Defendants are two young ladies of that neighbourhood, named Cooper. The curate married a daughter of Mrs. duch*esne, after Miss LiUcy (Jooi'FR, one ot the Defendants, had, during hia bachelorhood, expressed for him an attachment, which was not reciprocated. The libels, wiiich were written subsequently to the marriage, are alleged to be the production of the Defendants, and they contain insinuations against Mrs.

duch*esne and comments upon the rev. gentleman. The case will be continued to-day. Miss Angelina Magnus, daughter of a wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer in the north-east district of Lundon, was awarded in the Exchequer Division yesterday one hundred and fifty pounds aa damages against the son of a publican, who had refused to marry her, after having promised to do so. i At the Greenwich Police-court Miss Addlscott, who has for some years conducted a Home for Friendless Girls'' in High-street, Deptford, was summoned at the instance of tho Board of Guardians on a charge of ill-treating one of the children under her care.

All the children had been removed from the Home to the workhouse on a medical certificate that they were not properly cared for. After some evidence as to assaults and threats had been given, the case was adjourned, but it was stated that the Defendant was prepared to meet the charge against her. 1S h3 A serious charge waa brought acainat a man The world must be content to accept the op tions of the Committee constituted under Presidency of Lord Rosebery to promote the teffi' torial aggrandisem*nt of Greece, as part of th general dispensation of restlessness which appf to annertAin thn ncrn in whinh vra ivi should be obliged to have recourse to a well known nursery rhyme to find a precedent for generation which, though, on tho whole, not vdj badly off, will apparently never consent to quiet. It would be unjust to oppose the claims of tb Greek Kingdom to obtain that increase of tern tory whicli waa indicated by the Congress conveniently duo to it, but we have yet learn that the recommendations of the Con gress have been set aside, or will not be carrieo" out. Yet nine months, says the Committed have already elapsed, and nothing has be done.

The Committee would not do amiss apply to themselves the advice tendered by tb Prime Minister to their client, and learn be patient. Are nine montha so insufferably long an interval, seeing that European diplomat lias meanwhile had its hands full and has not yet concluded matters which with much deference to Sir Charles Dilke ami his fervent associates, we must pronounce to even more important and pressing than the caused has pleased them to take up 1 We might almost disposed to suspect, at least if Lord Beaconsfielp dictum be correct, that the present age has no luiure. bu lmuntienr is ir inr win rnare uca i be wanting uncharitable persons to insinuate tne members of this Greek Committee are solicitous about their own future than about that Greece. It is one of the Balieut peculiarities of Liberalism that it must always be agitating for sonio thiug. It seems to have taken a hint from the pot who calls upon his fellow-men to be up and doinfr with a heart for any fate.

But it forgets that tb" exhortation ends with the reminder, "Learn labour and to wait. Liberalism cannot wait. anl the Greek Committee is in a stupendous hurr Do those who compose it really believe that ti speeches they promise us the day after to-morro will expedite the solution of the Greek boundary question, or modify its terms to the extent of a single parasang It is notoriously difficult to persuade politicians who are always buzzing th they are only flies on the wheel, not the horses, much less the driver. They will hold their meeting, the will pass resolutions, and they will perhaps for ward these to the Treasury and the Foreign OffB Some day the Greek Question will be settled an they will then persuade themselves they settled it' The co*ck in the fable fancied he called up tho dawn, quite unconscious that it was the dawn whick called up him. The Greek Question has brougb Lord Rosebery's Committee into existence.

But there is very little doubt that the noble Lord, Sit Charles Dilke, and a crowd of other unrestful gentlemen will persuade themselves they hav some kinship with those that at Salami's and Leuctra bled." The general public will not be worked into frenzy about Greece and the Hellenic idea. Mr Gladstone tried the theme, and found thath was wasting his energy. There is cream that wi not whip, and wo believe none will whip twice ovof The greatest Englishman of this century, rath from want of something to do than from a coa' dent conviction that his work would survive inspired Europe in general, and this country particular, with a generous enthusiasm for tha Greek cause. Byron would be the first, were olive, to confess that his Greece is a failure. It impossible for any sane person to feel eager for the addition of territory to the Greeks, seeing to what sorry account they have turned the territory given them fifty years ago.

They are a nation politicians and speculators. They have shown no talent for statesmanship, no steadiness of purposes no lofty integrity, nothing, in fact, tliat command respect, or compels confidence. They are clever some say they are shifty. They have never been anything but clamorous beggars, asking Europe fo more Provinces, and at the aame time shamelessly refusing to pay their debts. This is the plain truth about the Greek Kingdom, It has fulfilled none of the hopes originally formed concerning it.

To ask the public to work itself into a fever because such claimants as these have had to wait nine months i only to make us smile. That the Greeks will obtain an increase of ten i tory is certain, and seeing front whom it will be taken, we cannot pretend to lament the circ*mstance. The Peter that is robbed in thi instance is at least aa bad as the Paul for whose benefit he is defrauded and he happens to be less interesting. When Dr. Johnson remonstrated witn the man whom he saw raking the stones off his own ground, and tlirowing them over the wall into the land of his neighbour, the answer was that the neighbour was only a Dissenter." Wait a moment," cried Johnson, and I will come and help you." Most persons are shocked when they hear that on State claims the territory of another State.

In this ease, however, the other State is "only Turkey," so we are all more or less glad to assist Greece to pilfer. But when we are asked to sympathise greatly with Greece, and to burn with impatience to enlarge its boundaries, we are unable to comply. What Turkey loses may be no loss but will what Greece gains really be a gain Only on the assumption that the recommendations of the Congress are in danger of boing ignored, and that the enlargement of the Hellenic Kingdom will prove a great benefit to a gallant and improving race, can Greek Committees and noisy meetings to further the Greek cause be justified. Europe has experienced a good many illusions this century and the Hellenic idea stands conspicuously among them. Bad Greece really responded to the hopes of ita founders, the politics of the East would have taken a very different course from the one with which we are all familiar.

Enthusiasts for Turkey are difficult to find, and when they are found, one suspects the soundness of their political understanding. Apparently there still are Philhelienes, and perhaps they are not politically much wiser. The future of Greece has been seriously overcast by recent events. The enmity of the Greeks to the Turks is well known but this exceedingly clever people has been outwitted by the course of events. The stupid Bnlgar has had a powerful patron, and while the coffee-house politicians of Athena were declaiming in choice modern Attic about the reversion their country claimed to the moribund Ottoman Empire, the semi-inarticulate Slav was cutting the Mahometan's throat and appropriating the Mahometan's property.

Sophia may have Greek sound; but it is to be the Bulgarian capital. It is sometimes asked why Western Europe, and England more especially, does not sot up the Greek against the Slav. The reason is that no responsible statesman can wish to see confusion worse confounded in the East. Yet we can entertain little doubt that, now the only race in the East which had any capacity for ruling has been disinherited, the remaining raoes will devote most of their energy to hating each other. Having lost so much, the Porte might, perhaps, lose more with advantage.

A smaller territory with more hom*ogeneous population would be easier to rule, and likewise to defend, than a larger expanse filled with quarrelsome people, perpetually appealing to this or that patron. The Ottoman Empire might have been left alone, and, in our opinion, ought to have been left alone. Another course was adopted, and European statesmanship has now to mo GET RID OF FLEAS, JL i rjpo GET BID OF BEETLES, rjO GET BID OF MOTHS, GBT RU AKTS GET RID of co*ckROACHES, fpo GET RID of INSECT PESTS, JJSE HEATING'S INSECT POWDER ia perfectly useless to insert here any Test unonials a to tne vaiue Of Uie preparation it spenw lor nseu an who me It, and the sale rapidly increase year by year. Purchaser are iiarticularly cautioned, however, to see they get my Powder If tbey do I am positive they will be thoroughly satisfied. A IR: "SALLY IN OUR ALLEY." Of atl the powders made by art There none tike that of KEATING.

From Bugs or Flea 'twill free each part Of Blankets, Rug, or Sheeting. And when in bed 1 lay my head His praise I'll be repeating. There I uo man in all the world Who down on Fleas like EATING. JEATING'S INSECT POWDER. EATING'S INSECT POWDER.

WOLD by ALL DRUGGISTS, in TINS, Is. and 2 6d each. Free by pot 14 ond 33 etaaipa, from THOMAS KEATING, Chemiit, St Paul's Churchyard, London. JOHN BRINSMEAD and SON'S GOLD MEDAL PIANOS are LENT on HIRE forThroo Year, after which time they become the pnipenyof the hirer without further jiayment 18, Wlgniore- stp-et, London, W. HiustrotW lists free.

ISHER'S GLADSTONE BAG. 'I'tio l'trfect, irreMtntf Bug. Tbe Perfect 'Travelling Bag. Catalogues free. LOR SPRING CL1 HUDSON'S NO, Ac.

ICTof SCAT gained the GRAND ri. end Uie Highest Medal, Paris ALL WASUl.NO aud CLEAN- 1LARK and COMPANY, Silver Mwial, Pari Exhibition. PATENT NOISELESS STEEL SHUTTERS, Klllll VSllK'TM I 1 It, 1 1 Ratlibone-plaee. Oxfutd-Wteet. W.

and Paris, Vienna, ke. UNN ETT'S PATENT SAFETY HOISTS. Potent. Vr.n.l n.nd Bronze ond Iron Coatings. BUNNETT aad Co.


The Standard from London, Greater London, England (2024)


What neighborhood is the Standard London in? ›

The Standard, London hotel | Euston and King's Cross, London | England | Smith Hotels.

What is the nearest train station to the Standard London? ›

Kings Cross and St Pancras station are across the road so the hotel is very well located and easily accessible.

What did the standard hotel London used to be? ›

Housed in the former Camden Town Hall Annexe, a 1974 Brutalist structure overlooking King's Cross, the 266-room hotel marks the first in Standard International company's global growth ambitions.

When did the standard London Open? ›

New London hotel The Standard is gearing up to open in Kings Cross on July 11. It is the first Standard hotel in the UK, which currently has properties in New York, Miami and Los Angeles.

What is the rough neighborhood in London? ›

Most Dangerous Areas in London
  • Brixton. Crime Rate: 274 Crimes Per 1000 People.
  • Peckham. Crime Rate: 238 Crimes Per 1000 People.
  • Tottenham. Crime Rate: 216 Crimes Per 1000 People.
  • Bethnal Green to Cambridge Heath Metro Stations Area. Crime Rate: 153 Crimes Per 1000 People.
  • Elephant and Castle. ...
  • Hackney. ...
  • Lewisham. ...
  • Tower Hamlets.
Jul 5, 2024

What is the safest neighborhood to live in London? ›

Richmond, located on the river in the southwest of the city, is one of the most attractive and safest areas to live in.
  • No. 2 Bexley. Crime Rate: 56 Crimes Per 1000 People. ...
  • No. 3 Kingston upon Thames. Crime Rate: 57 Crimes Per 1000 People. ...
  • No. 4 Sutton. ...
  • No. 5 Harrow. ...
  • No. 6 Maida Vale. ...
  • No. 7 Bromley. ...
  • No. 8 Merton. ...
  • No. 9 Havering.
Jul 2, 2024

Can you work from the standard hotel? ›

Looking for a space to work from The Standard, London? The Library Lounge is perfect for remote working before 6 PM.

What is the most beautiful train station in London? ›

St Pancras International, London, England

What is the most beautiful train station in London? St Pancras International gets loads of love for being such a magical-looking train station. Its Victorian Gothic design, though nearly 200-years-old, never looks old or tired no matter how many times you see it.

What is the most used train station in London? ›

London Liverpool Street

What hotel did Queen Elizabeth stay in? ›

The Queen visited countless times, and Her Majesty often opted to stay in a Fairmont hotel such as the Fairmont Royal York in Toronto or the Fairmont Empress in Victoria. But to escape the bustling city life, she visited Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge in Jasper National Park.

What is the standard hotel known for? ›

Propped up above the elevated High Line park, this high-design hotel is popular for its panoramic views and uber-trendy bars and restaurants.

What is England's oldest hotel? ›

The Maids Head Hotel claims to be the oldest hotel in the UK. It certainly has a long and rich history. The first Norman Bishop of Norwich, Herbert de Losinga had his original palace here, so we base our claim on the site's continuous use for hospitality since the middle of the 1090s.

Why is the evening standard free? ›

In October 2009, after being purchased by Russian businessman Alexander Lebedev, the paper ended a 180-year history of paid circulation and multiple editions every day, and became a free newspaper publishing a single print edition every weekday, doubling its circulation as part of a change in its business plan.

What has happened to the evening standard? ›

The Evening Standard is set to begin phasing out its daily print newspaper within a month as it prepares to go down to a weekly print edition. The free London newspaper will stop publishing on Mondays and Fridays from 2 August, as a precursor to going weekly.

When did the London sink? ›

History of the 'London'

The London played a significant role in British history. The ship formed part of a convoy sent in 1660 to collect Charles II from the Netherlands and restore him to the throne. The London sank in March 1665, following a gun powder explosion.


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 6312

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.