The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)

i I I 4 '4 McDonald Brothers risn nrana i Fertilizer I X' For Tobacco and Corn Land. Increases Amount and Quality McDonald Bros. Phone 3 MT. STERLING, KY. i srr -r- take: time I TO 1 (7 tSMILl -i- TMH THAT APfk.

A WaaWmrteo nwn, white tMsg a friend's Hce In Virginia, teeaiM much interested in expqrimcnts in fruit culture. One day the visitor was mnkln the rounds of the place, being In charge of the friend's young daughter of tea, who acted as guide. "This treo socmH to be loaded with apples," observed the Wnshlngtonlnn, Indicating a particularly flno specimen. "Yes, sir," assented the llttlo girl "father says this Is a good year for apples." "I am Rind to hear that," said the visitor. "Arc all your trees as full of apples as this one?" "No, Blr," explained the girl, "only the apple trees." FILIBUSTER SUCCESSFUL (Continued from first page) .1 of the Senate would remain.

The purpose and the s-pirit of action arc not lacking now. The is more definitely united in thought and purppso at this moment, I venture to say, than it has been within the memory of nny man now in its membership. There i-. not only the most united patriotic purpose but the objects mcnihcr have in view are perfectly clear and definite, but the Senate can not act unless its leaders? can obtain unanimous con-sent. Its majority is powerless, hclpluss.

In the midst of a crisis of extraordinary peril, when only uciiiiitu and decided actiun can make the nation safe or shield it from war itself by the aggression of oth-ers, action is impossible. "Although; as a matter of fact, the nation and the reprc-entatives of tho nation stand back of the ex-ce'utive with unprecedented unanimity of spirit, the impreion mado abroad will, of course, be that it is not so and that other governments may act as they please without fear that this government can do anything at all. We can not explain. The explanation is incredible. "The Senate of the United States is the only legislative body in the world which can not act when its wcro the following Representatives, try from disaster." At the same time the President authorized the further statement that what rendered the situation even more grave than it had been supposed that it was, was the discovery that while the President under his geArul constitutional powers could do much of whnt he hnd naked the Congress to empower him to do, it had been found that there were certain old statutes as yet unrepealed which may raise insuperable practical obstacles and may nullify his power.

The President's statement followed a conference at the White House between Mr. Wilson, Secre-. tary McAdoo, Postmaster General Burleson, Colonel E. M. House, Vance McCormiek, chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

and Secretary Tumulty. lite isCunuis Oi a ndiiun The twelve who went on record with thirteen members of the House, against granting to President Wilson the authority he asked from Congress in the crisis were: Republicans Cl.ipp, Minnesota Cummins, Iowa; Grohna, North Dn-kota; Kenyon, Iowa; LaFollette, Wisconsin; Norris, Nebraska; Work-, California seven. Democrats Kirby, Arkansas Lane, Oregon; O'Gorman. New-York; Stone, Missouri; Vardaman, Mississippi five. Associated with them in opposition to the armed neutrality bill Facts and Figures.

"The old adage says," remarked tho man with the quotation hnblt, "that miss Is as good ns a mile." Tcs," rejoined the chap who reads the sclentlflc Items In patent medicine almnnncs, "and with the assistance of a 40-ccnt parasol, she's ns good as 05,000,000 miles." "What's the answer?" queried the party of the first part. "Simply this," answered the scientific student. "After a rny of sunshine has traveled tho distance mentioned the combination aforesaid a miss and a pnrasbl Is able to stop It seven feet from earth." The Ways of Women. Tom-VThe ways of women are past all Understanding. Jack What's the trouble now? Tom While I wns In tho parlor alone with Miss Plnklelgh last night she lowered the gas and, thinking It was a hint for me to propose, I did so and wns refused.

Jnck Huh! You ought to have known that negatives are nlwnys developed In darkroom. Does Very Well. "So you are going out West for the first time?" "Yes. All the knowledge I have of that part of tho country wns acquired at moving picture shows'." "Then you hnve pleasant surprise In store. The West Is not Inhabited chiefly by Impossible cowboys, spec tacular sheriffs and beauteous maidens who never get minute's rest from the unwelcome nttentlons of hnlfbrcd desperadoes." Expensive.

Great Surgeon The operation will cost you $500, sir. Old Skinner But do you think it is absolutely necessary? Great Surgeon It depends upon the way you look at It. You can't llvo without it. Old Skinner Say, Doc, this high cost of living Is something fierce, Isn't It? USE OF CLOTHES. me1 a Too Personal.

Little Cecil Mamma, tell story about fairies and witches' rfnd Imps. 4J Mother Very well. Once upon, a time there was a little Imp named Cecil, and Little Cecil Mamma, perhaps you bad better cut out the imps and stick trt vl(rhn nnrl fnlrloa Then She Relented. "JEIenry, can you look me In the eye and tell' me a falsehood?" i 1)1 uiiuiu Can, urur. "Oh, you brute "Could I ever have persuaded a woman like you to marry me If I hadn't exaggerated my good qualities?" -j I 8 majority is ready for action.

A little group of wilful men representing no opinion but their own, has rendered the great government of the United States helpless mid contemptible. "The remedy? There is one lomedy. The only remedy i tiiat the mles of the Reniito ulnill be so alteied that it can act. The coun try can bo lultcd tipto to draw the 1 moral. I believe that the Senate can be relied on to middIx the raeutin of action and save the coun- I who voted against the House bill Thursday night: Republicans Benedict, California: Cary, Wisconsin; Cooper, Wiscon- I sin; Daxis, Minnesota; Helgesen, North Dakota; Lindbergh, Minnesota; Wisconsin; Stafford, Wisconsin; Wilson, Illinois Democrats Decker, Missouri; Shackelford, Missouri; Sherwood, I Ohio three.

Socialist London, Nexv York I one. HE FEELS T. The Advocate for printing. Quiz Does a draft give you cold chills doxvn your back? Whiz It does xvhen my bank account Is overdraxvn. Hla Only Charm.

The dude's a walking fashion plate, With but a slnglo charm; Upon his watch chain It shows up. Where it can do no harm. I HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE The brick residence in Bigstaff Subdivision, nine lots fronting on Sycamore street, five lots fronting on Maysville street and nine lots fronting on Bigstaff Court, for sale privately. Proof of the Assertion. Her Husband If a man steals no matter what It Is he will live to regret it.

Ills Wife During our courtship you used to steal kisses from me. Her Husband Well, Isn't that proof of what I Just said? R. G. KERN Executor Mary E. Bigstaff Too Expensive.

Mnnnger of Dime Museum You'll have to flro that "glass-eater." Ho's too swelled up for this house. Assistant Manuger Why, hut's tho mutter? Manager He wont' eat anything else but cut glass. Had a Bum Dinner. Mrs. Wise Wo were at the Broxvns to dinner last xveek now, If we don't make a dinner call they won't ask us ugaln.

Mr. Wise Good. Then wo won't make tho call. Not Quite Clear. Wife (reading) They have captured a clever hotel robber at tho seashore, Tom.

Husband So? What hotel did he run? Ho Knew. Tommy Say, pop, is skin-grafting different from political grafting? Papa No; all grafting is a skin process. His Answer. -A. Willie Say, pop.

what's radium? Ills Father (absently) The stu Uix juaks rjwMatwa oat ttlttMwXMj I i hi I IIIMIIHIIHIIIHIIIMMIIHIMMIMIMM Small Farm for Sale We will sell to the highest bidder the best small farm ever offered in Montgomery County, Known the Mrs. Lizzie Wilson farm, one arid oneif prth miles south of Mt. Sterling on the Camargo'pikt containing 36 acres, on t. Monday, March 19 County Court day, at Court House door at Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, at 1:30 P.

M. Any one desiring to see same and for further in formation call on OLDHAM FRAZER Real Estate Agents CORRESPONDENCE Howard's Milt. (Py L( W. Mallory.) Mr. Hlckson It's getting very chilly.

Why don't you put on your coat? Mrs.Hlckson Then none xvould see my nw waist i A Philanthropist A certain type of citizen Deserves the highest praise; often lend you "five" or And no objections raise. ten" Seeing Double. "My dear," remarked the Jovial Jaggs the other evening, "you are getting better looking as you grow older. Your beauty appears to have doubled." "That will do, Mr. Jaggs," rejoined his better txvo-thlrds.

"You've been drinking again." Not Qualified. 'J axx- have a deslah to aw go on tho stage, doncher knoxv," said the callow youth. "Caxvn't you av make a place foh me?" I "Sorry I can't oblige you, old chap," replied the thentrlcal manager, "but I'm afraid most of our scenery Is too heavy for you to handle." Uncle's Advice. His Niece Uncle, we are getting up an amateur theatrical society. Can't you suggest nn appropriate name for it? Her Uncle Sure thing.

What's the matter xvlth "Think twice before you act?" HIS CHANCE. Ethel Tom won a hat betting with papa, and papa told him he could have Uraco If he'd call It square. Edxvard Is Is your father home tonight? His Colors, When the audience belted the speaker lie quite patriotic grew, Ills face got red, and then turned whit And the atmosphere was blue. Paw Always Knows. Llttlo Lemuel Say, paxx, what is ostentation? I'axx- According to your mother, son, it's the xvay the neighbors show off.

Confidential. He Are your affections really and trujy enguged? She Oh, not necessarily. IJut I Howards Mill news is almost snowed under. Fine wen'thcr if a fellow doesn't care for what he Brtys. Tlios.

Fitzpatrick bouglii of Jim Keller 7 shouts at 11 cents per pound. Jns. ScoT)ec sold to Wm. Board-man two Joads of for $5.50 per barrel. Report of Jim Keller sale, March 1st: Turkeys, $5.00 per head; 1 soxv and 9 pigs, 1 coxv, 1 'horse, chickens.

$5.00 per dozen. Mr. Keller going to move to Mt. Sterling. Wc Pro snrrv th'" Tioonlw iiro 1oavn our niid-H.

Black, of Morehcnd, filled tho pujplt 'at the BapHst church 'Saturday-night and Suilduy moriiing.1 On account of weather no sen-ices xvero held Sunday night. Mr. Mnrkland and family, of Stoops, moved hero Friday at the place M. P. Skidmore bought of W.

W. Stevenson. Espie Wyatt and wife visited her mother, Mrs. Jim Napier, and Mr. Napier, near Spencer, Thursday.

L. B. Reasqr and wife, of visited lier fcistcr, Mrs. Espie Wyatt and Mr. Wyatt one day last xveek.

There is considerable kicking on this Rural Route of every fcllovr. who has to move has to buy a nctt mail box. I think this is an unreasonable rule for it just cntche? the poor class of people thntTiioves every year, or probably two or three times a year. There xvill bo some on this route who will get their mail at 'the Post Office Violin, Cello-Cornet Prof. Schick, teacher of violin, cello, will teach at student's hom*o.

To insure satisfaction will teach in presence of parents. I use the famous Sevrick studies. Phone 24 for terms. (34-4t) DECLAMATORY CONTEST The declnmatqry contest given by the pupils of ihv- colored schools last week wns attended by a. good croxvd and all the contestants deserve credit foi; their efforts, Prof.

Adams will shortly announce' a contest to take plage between representatives from se-eral Central Kentucky cities. Wanted to Buy Country ham or shoulder. Apply at this office. The Advocate for printing. WE ARE RIGHT ON RUGS To those who realize the conditions in the rug manufacturing business afc this time the scarcity of wool and dyes, the frequent price advances, the certainty that future prices will be at least 20 per cent; higher these prices should prove of extraordinary interest.

Buy now and save the difference. BRUSSELS RUQS Good heavy lirusselsRugs, seamless, 9x12, splendid designs and unusually good colotiug Spoclal $14.98 VELYET RUGS 9x12 Seamless, neat Persian effects, rich patterns Special $18.50 Shades, Linoleums, Mattings AXMINStER RUGS 9x12 feet, thlck high-pile, durable rugs. Oriental and Floral Pat-terns. Mill cost today $24,50. Special $22.50 SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS 9x12 feet, seamless, woven In one piece, made o( best worsted, all new patterns, wonderful values Special $25.00 Dry Goods J.

H. KELLER Rugs IMMt a I UGt UCIINIILG FCft iron $1 5.00 Do not get a substitute when you can get a Genuine Victor for $15.00 Ji Lek Far the lag Tra4k Bryan Robinson, Jewelers 1 1 -H- -H-! j.f..; j.fl r'H'H tH it trii-ff Vlf frHH 1 1 Ht 5i i Hi i )1 4.

The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.