The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)

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i mtw rfralBHBlAan0HBUHinflnHMM vw IV 1 v7 foil i A jd I ii Li ADYOtHTE PUBLISHING 60MPA3Y Tuesday July 21 1896 TERMS OF ANNOUNCEMENT For County Offices 5 5 ForDlstrlct 10 Cash must accompary order No announcement Inserted until paid for DEMOCRATIC TICKET Presidential For Iicftilcnt of tlio United States BRYAN of Nebraska For Vlco Pieldcnt of the United States ARTHUR SEWALL of Maine Congressional For Cangiowinn Tenth Disttict FITZPATRICK Of Flojd County ANNOUNCEMENTS For Circuit Judge- arc authorized to annoanco JUDGE DAY as a candid We for Circuit Conn Judge of till dUttict subject lo tlio action of the Deuiociatic Iuty Wnnrn nutlmilcd to announce TYLER Atnciuiirii nfo Mvnt Cmrt of this tlio 2Nt lulieil Pun lot subject to tlio action of the i titj For Commonwealths Attorney Wo nic nuthoilzed to announce 1 II Wlf MAMS of Moncfcannflwo fir fomnionwoiHY Attoinor or this 21t Iudic1 il IHiirictcnmpo eri of the count of li i Montiiouierr nrfce and Rowan subject to tlio action of the Democratic iiarty Wonienutliotlzcd to announce WILL A YOUNG of Rowan ein lidite for ComminwenHir Attorney ho 2 I id i il Di Trwt Mencfee hiUjotum ind ISntli Mr on submits lm eliim to tio uc onot iieDin ciatlc paity The Populist National Couventiou assembles at St Lou 1b to morrow Ex Gov JJoics has announced that he won 111 not accept a nomination for Congress if ho know it would result in his election State officials have decided to try to collect a franchise tax Irom the Southern Pacific railway aud if they fail will attempt to havo its Kentucky charter appotled The single standard clement of the State of Now York which iguoro the action of the Chicago Convention headed by a few of the kind who will work only in the lead will wait until alter their State Convention beforo taking action Scuator Teller ha written Zl Bryan a letter congratulating him on his nomination for Piosident Sein tor Teller pledges Mr Bryan his support and gives assurance that the silver Republicans generally will be found voting for tho Democratic nominee Tho inimitable and invincible Ilonry Watterson a would bo boss in politics has cracked his whip from across the waters and demanded a revolt iu Democratic ranks Tho party which he thought was legion and would bo obediont to his will is composed of only a foW disorganized bolters who arc crying aloud aud tho responses are tho echoes of their wild vociferations for a causo which has proven itself disastrous ill fated and calitmctous to our couutrys cause Mr Watterson will bo without au organized following aud his demand for another ticket will in our opinion go unheeded Mr Watterson is not touch with his people aud is ignorant of tho real condition of affairs under our present monetary syetom Tho Philadelphia Times suggests to Mr Bryan that ho overlooked a script urul allusion in hiB groat speech at Chicago Au iucident in tho career of another brilliant young man who rose to tho chief place iu his nation might be presently pertinent It is recorded in tho first book of Samuel vl David therefore departed thenco and escaped to tho cavo of Adullum and when his brethren and all his fathers house hoaid it they went down thither to him And every ono that was in distress and every ono that was iu debt and every ono that was dlscontontcl gathered themselves unto him and lie became a captain over thorn Daily Capital Tho Times and the Capital both overlooked tho fact that David soon afterwards became king and that his country under him reached a height of prosperity uovor equaled bofore Selah MEN WHO KNOW BRYAN As Told to the New York World He Will Bo Elected ABLE HONEST CONSCIENTIOUS Richmond Va July 13 A good one Bryan is able honest and conscientious Geo Wise Dom the country need not peak Hillsboro Tex July 13 Bryan would make snfo Prcsidont While I would prefer a man of more experience I think the coun try need not fear Bryan Joe Abbott Deni as uke as a woman Staunton Vn July 13 I served two terms in Congress with Mr Bryan We wore deskmates for two years and I know him intimately I believe him to be a man of loftiest patriotism and the highest ideals I know hhn to bo a man of superb intellect and of a personal character as pure as a woman I doubt not that he will make a great President St Geo Tucker Dem A Democrat of the Old School Judge James Flanagan of Winchester in a private letter he has written ue has some things to say about the Chicago platform and the nominees We take the liberty to quote from mm The Judge has uist returned to his home from a visit to Tennessee He savs I do not know the state of public sentiment here as to the Chicago platform and as to tho nominees of the convention Where I have been in Sumner and Maury counties the rank and tile of the Dsm ocratic party there wiil ardently support the platform and tho nominees the politicians will follow suit This is a peoples ticket and will if the signs do not fail be elected triumph antlv Mr Ilenry Watterson who is stay ing at Geneva Switzerland has allowed himself to be interviewed by a New Yprk Herald representative in which he says of tho ticket nominated at Chicago Personally it is an exceptional ticket Mr Bryan is a most worthy and woll oducated young man with a talent for what passes for oratory He is fervid sincere poor and honest Mr Sowall is a Democrat of long standing and cicdit In anawer to a question for his opinion of tho platform ho said Monstrous It not only means national repudiation and spoliation but is an open door to revolution If the leaders of this movemeut could come into power those of thom who havo any sense of accountability any conception of oiderly government would bo quickly set aside by tho wild ulumeuts behind Iu this way civil war as foreshadowed by tho Chicago out break last year conld bo precipitated upon tho ceuntry When asked about a third ticket ho expressed himself as strougly in favor of tho talked of dopartnron the part of the gold Democrats Mr Watterson is long way from hom*o to bo free in his expressions of opinion on political matters hero Ho has boon away from this country and out of touch with its politico a sufficient length of time for his opinions and advice to loso much of thoir old timo weight Another Expression- lion Bookwalter ot Springfield Ohio a leading Domocrat and millionaire manufacturer on his return from a visit to tho oast iu an intor viow ho said Bryan will bo elected without a doubt His declaration that the convention would not allow a crown of thorns pressed down upon tho brow of labor and not permit mankind to becrusitlcd upon a golden cross organized the couventiou It was tho real sentiment of tho people Tho eastern papers sound gold only but outside of tho largest cities tho silver peoplo aro as plenty as they aro hero and tho gold men aro as scarce Robort Loughllu was found guilty at Brooksville of tho murder of his wifo and njeco and his puuishment was fixed at death ifft Mt Sterling Advocate Tuesday July 21 1896 4111m mmmtmmw WILLIiVM JENNINGS IJUYAN Thi is tho now faco of Wiliam Jeuniug3 Bryan Democratic nominoo for President It will uot bo recognixui very readily by those who know him when ho was not as famous as he is to day It is not the faco lie wore as a Congressman It is uot tho faco ho wore as editor It is tho laco that came to him when ho stood up in tho Coliseum and knew that tho climax oi his life was at baud Tho old time smilo left William Jointings Bryan forever whou ho began to make that speech Tho soft lines of his kindly coun tenance were wiped out aud in their place came those that are there to day thoso that mean tragedy eoriousness and an entirely now life Stern unrelenting and almost fierce aro tho different expressions mingled in this new face There is nothing loft of tho boy orator of the Platte Tho man who has seen hi3 fate has corao and the now face aiits him Tho famous man was just starting out to faco tho mou and women over whom he wants to rule He sat in the galley and this is tho picture that was developed Compare it with tho old time portraits of tho nominee taken only a few weeks ago Years have beon added to the face but they aro not as timo counts thom Rather they aro tho years that aro added to a mans life when he is faced by such a crisis as that which came to William Jennings Bryan in tho ColUcum when ho lought a battle and won CfSHMMFEAT Sustained by Spanish Troops Commanded by General Juarez The Leader Himself Said to Have Been Captured Key West Fla The Spaniards under Gen Juarez Iuclau have sub tained a crushing defeat at the hands of tho hiMirgents under Antonio Maceo according to advices received by tho Cubau revolutionary leaders in this city Not only was Inclans column dofeated with heavy loss but tho Cubian leaders aic informed that it is currently reported In Havana that the Spanish General himself was captured and is now held as a prisoner by Maceo The battlo is said to havo occurred on July 15 near Maceos strong hold in tho proviuco of Pinar del Rio For the last two weeks tho insurgents havo been very aggrossivo aud small parties havo repeatedly attacked the Troacha causing he Spaniards much annoyance Gou Iuclau was ordered to drive back thoso detached bands of insurgents and for this purpose took with him 2000 men Maceo seems to havo expected such a movement aud arrauged to ambush the Spaniards Tho Spaniards followed tho insurgent skirmishers incautiously and fell into the ambush Then the insurgents opened flro from all sides which threw tho Spaniards into confusion While tho Spaniards wore thus disordered tho Cubans charged complotely routing thoir foos Geu Incian mado a dosporato effort to rally his demoralized forces but was surrounded by the Cubans and compelled to surrondor It is reported in Havana according to tho revolution ists here that tho Spaniards woio pursued almost to Trocha aud lost moic than 300 men killed aud wounded Thoro woro fourteen officers among the killed Cubans hero also say Maceo will hold Iuclau as hostago to Bavo tho lives of prominont insurgent officers who havo beon captured by tho Spaniards Ono day last weok workmen at Lux Talbotts quarries found a number of live lizards imbedded iu solid rock fifteen feet below the surface Somo of these woro put in bottles and lived several hours Thoy woro about threp inches long copper colored aud had no oyos Logansporf Iudiaua Daily Reporter Olympics vs Sterling The Olympicp a well trained ball team from Louisville played tho hom*o team hero last Friday and were defeated by the 6core of 8 to 3 Both clubs played a pretty game Not being satisfied with their defeat thoy arranged with Manager Lola to play two games here this week The first game will tako place this afternoon at Call Park and second game Wednesday afternoon Thoso who attend will bo highly entertained as theso two clubs aro ovon lv matched and aro capable of furnishing for their audieuces a contest Tho hom*o team will dot the diamond as follows Punch Apper son Levorono 1 Boswol 2 Becknor 3 Trumbo Davie Cornoli6ou Nugent 1 Wants It Pure Judge Phelps has been in tho habit every afternoon of coming by our offico with a copy of tho Courier Journal fu his hand taking it to his hom*o in tho country Ho camo by a fow ovening8 ago but minus his favorite newspaper in tho stead of which ho had a copy of tho Louisville Commercial Remarking tho change Wo asked tho rcasou He replied that ho proforred to tako his puro That as ho had to tako republicanism ho would tako it straight aud not di lutcdas tho gives it Lexington Gazette Excursion to Niagara Falls On Wednesday July 22 tho Big Four Route will run a popular excursion to Niagara Falls and return with uido trip to Toronto Tho rato for tho round trip from Clucinuati will bo 10 from Dayton 9 Spriugfiokt 850 Columbus 8 corresponding rates from intormodiato stations Tho rato to Toronto is only 1 more than rato to Niagara Falls The Big Four excursion Niagara Falls aud Toronto on July 22ud will bo of tho usual excollout quallity which this lino has given its patroue in formor years Souator Vilas and Gon Bragg havo soparatoly prepared addresses to tho Democrats of Wisconsin urging them to ropudlato tho Chicago ticket I i Tho Hon Holmanof Aurora Iud was nominated for Congress by tho Domoorats of the Fourth district at North Vernon on tho soventh ballot wmmwsi Court Day Report- There was about 100 cattle on tho market No good cattle for sale the bulk of tho offerings were cows and heifers Over 1000 sheep were brought to the county but more than half of thom were sold last Saturday Trade was good at the prices but cattle sold low Sheep wore brisk and sold readily Cattle sold at from lo for heifers to 3 cts for 800 pound steers Sheep brought from 225 to 240 per hundred Tho following stockmen were at the Mt Sterling stockyards Rose Downing Allen fc Trimble A Clark Floyd Hortoif Roo Chase Bayze and Sulyers Co SALES Oldham of Madison bought of Rose sonic 450- pound heifers at 2 cts Bajzo sold two 850 pound cows to Sayre of Lexington at 2 cts FJoyd Horton sold to Daniel of Bourbon county eight 450 pound heifers at 2 cts Jones of Bourbon count3 bought a lot of 600 pound steers of Lyons at 2 cts It Bayze sold three 900 pound steers to Humphrey Oldham at 3 cts Bayze Allen sold twenty two 900 pound cows to Sayro nt 2 cts Clark it McNabb sold fourteen 000 pound heifers at 2G0 to Owens of Nicholas count Lyons Sample sold twenty one 700 pound hoifeis to Sid Hart at 2 cts Lyons Sample sold a lot of 500 pound heifers to John Todd of Clark county at 2 cts Rose sold eight 750 pound cows to Kears of Moorefiold at 12 cts Lyons fe Sample sold six 500 pound heifers to Daniel of Bourbon county at 2 cts Moss Bros bought eight 600 pound heifers of Johnson Rice at 1 cts Oldham of Madison county bought fifteen 500 pound steers at an average of 2 cts Rose sold about 35 steers cows and heifers at from 1 to 3 cts II Bryan of North Middle town bought sixteen 600 pound steers at from 2 to 3 cts SHEEP Sheep were in demand and sold quickly Cass GolT bought 450 sheep for James Clay of Bourbon county at 2A cts Salyer Co sold 264 sheep to Capt Gilhspic at 240 Boyzo Allen sold Sam Stone of Bath county 160 sheep at 225 The same party sold to Jno Crouch 50 sheep at 240 and to2 Mr Talbott 70 sheep at 225 Trade seemed to be better than last court da HOUSES AND MUXES It was the dullest day in the horse and mule market that we hnvc seen in a long time There was really nothing done at all Only one horse buyer Mr Davis on the market and he did not buy any stock Mr Joel Feslcf of this place is corresponding with some English gentlemen in regard to some saddle norsos it Mr Feslcr makes the deal ho will likely make the trip with the stock NATIONAL MEET Of thoLoaguo of Amoricau Wlieel meu Louisville Ky For tho occasion of tho National Meet of tho League of American Wheolmon which meets at Louisville from August 10 to 15 1800 Southern Railway will soil tickets to Louisville toLouisvilloand return at rato ono faro for tho round trip Tickets will bo Bold August 8 to 9 good for return passago uutil August 17 Call on any agent of tho Southern Railway for information A ranch in California was sold to au English syndicate for 1000000 wtmnwma 3 Why Do people buy Hoods Sarsoparllln In pioforonco to any other in fact almost to tho exclusion of nil others cause Thoy know from actual use that Hooda Is tho best i it cures when others fall Hoods Sarsaparilla is still made under tho porsonal supervision of tho educated pharmacists who originated it Tho question of best Is Just as positively flecldod In favor of Hoods as tho question of compel Bales- Another Every advcrtlsomont Hoods SaiaapatlUa la true is honest ma me myj am 1 nooas Sarsaparilla Is tho Ono True Blood Purifier All druggists rrepnrcdonly byC I IloodCo Lowell Mass Ww arethoontyplllsto talto nOOQ FIIlS wiUiHoods Sarsaparilla GOODWIflS lale ijK School WILL BEGIN SEPTEMBER 2 18 For catalogues apply to IlJGOODfallPriiY LOUIS LANDMAN JII OCGULIST and OPTICIAN No 411 Ninth stmi CINCINNATI OHIO 111 bent Al US OID1I AMH Main St MT T1ZKMNG KY on THURSDAY AUGUST 13 1896 ONE DAY ONM returning every Second Thursday in oncli month Glasses jironcily adjusted to all forms of defective vision nt iMjpular i ices Itcfurtnces Ey phjgiclan practicing at Mt btcillng MT STERLING Collegiate School THIS SCHOOL OFFERS A COMlLETK COURSE OF STUDY FOU GIULS Opens September 2 96 Knliancoionny of tho Eastern College in stiled picnided a MilUcient time he gicn for pjepaiatiou lVns who aro well bchacd will bo taken in the ll imiii and InU nncdlate Dtpni tments Noexttas except Music and Elocution The School of Music will be in chaige of Mns him AKD Gm nnivnee Miss Allie Giaes In addition tothu icgular school oik Mrs uiubba will hae her usual piivato class In music A few gills will boiccoived as members of tho famllyof tho Ilineiphl OIIioih otin bo accommodated in hotnei near to tho school Addiesg for Catalogue MISS HELEN CI1KNAUET 61- inincipil NELSONS Hawiian Hair Elixir Wonderful Hair Forcer A NEW DISCOVKKV KOK TIIE Life Growth and Beauty of the HAIR and BEARD Doing a wondeiful woik hercver used Causing tho hair to grow on 11ALD HEADS and 11EAUI on SMOOTH FACES Uls a egetnble compound cntiiely hannlcss tic ted loin flowers fuilts nnd plants collected from the tcmpci ate and tropical regions Tlio only Hair Tonic known that has ccr been oileicd tothu public fully endowed by all wlioliiirensetl it It inlKoiates tho scalp ro um es dnmli ufl btops tlio linlr fiom falling out 1 ll nnu in many cases Teswrw hoii to bald heads A icllablo lcincdy for ill scalp diseases Itisnsupcib hnlr drusscr im piuts gloss and beauty to tlio tialr and beard and forces a i apid grow th Gi es comfoi to all whouso it Discooied nnd Munufnctuied by ZfcTelsoix JKXINGTON KENTUCKY StcnJncnK X0sUcy hy 8 LLOYD Mt Price 100 Per Bottle UfanfQrAn iAnn Who can tnmic of some simple nil lilUU thins to patentr Kfotwt your Ideas thoy mar brim you wealta rftihlwon D- or their 8 800 pr to offer ana list or two hundred Inventions wanted For Rent Threo nice rooms corner of High and Sycamoro Btroots 42 tf Mrs Minervia Wiliiiams For Rent Four nico rooms suitaolo housekeeping Apply to Mrs Richart.

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The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.