The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)

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ilHaJtt ft i 3 teSi A7 at QUALITY is tho tinner most to bo desired in buying incdicinos and BpS -having proscriptions compounded i Jt is vcrv nnnormnt to sick nconle I--- fat to hnvc tho rs very tesc Drugs Such ate to be had at KENNEDYS Drug Store Ho keeps his goods tip to tho high Standard of excellence for which this store has always been noted Tou are invited to call and see Hum He will guarantee satisfaction Mr 0 6ravo9 wo aro tflad to note in very much itnprovod II Ss Griffith knives and razors all it guaranteed by Tipton sktikA Sf Tho ico that was gathered lst -week avoragod about 4 Inches thick 4r Big reduction on tit oiib knives aih forks at Precomas February 27 to March 4 Horn on the 22d inst to Capt John Carmichael and wife a kfJ Mr Gooruo Anderson cut an Ak tree at Oak Path which measured if actoas tho stump six foot and eleven niicuee dkl i 4 A Lightning Hot Drops What a Funnv Namel Very True but It Kills All Pain Sold Everywhere Every Day Without Roller There Is No Pav II Fizor of Knoxville Tonn formerly of tliis city lost a eon aged -about eighteen months months with pneumonia on last Sunday 8 Edgar better known asBillJ Nye died Saturday aftornoon at his fliome twelve miles from Ashville The White House of the Confederacy at Richmond was formally opened Saturday as a Con federate museum On last Wednesday night some unknown parties broke into the store room of Tulor in Frenchburg and took some merchandise and what money a small amount of change which was left in the cash drawer Tho rays havn been used with succoss at Lexington Profn Paul Anderson and JaineR IIowolls of tho A College conducted tho experiment successfully locating a buckshot that was some two years ninco lodged in the hand of a genllijman Che hand vas placed un nul iho poii pitizod plate and exposed for thirty minutes to tho rays Tho proof takon fom tho plate showed tho location of tho shot with gi eat distinctness LOUIS II LANDMAN AID OCCUUST -and OPTICIAN No 411 Ninth Street CINCINWATr OHIO 111 lie at Ith WA rIKKS Jtnlii St JIT STrlUlNG KV on THURSDAY MARCH 12 96 ONi DAY ONIiY jgtiunlng icvciy Second Tluuijdny In oacli niontli 0lii3fcsii opcilynljimtcil to ill forms of civ Icetho vision at iioimlirpilcuii ltefiiciicoa ieiy liliysiciiii lunvtloint nt 2U Sterling To The Public On February 1st I opened a Ileal Estate Oflice and will appreciate any business that you may entrust to me I will givo particular attention to the sale and rental of City Property I also havo 25000 that I would like to loan on first mortgogo at a lpv rates of interest Assuring you that any business entrusted to me will havo tho most careful attention -I am Yours very truly HOFFMAN Ofllco with Hoffmans Insurance Agency Traders Deposit Bank Building fl i miwuwmaixtmTamn0wmrmmMmsmmBmm IOOIO Io needed by poor tired mothers overworked and burdened with care debilitated and ruu down becnuso of poor thin and impoverished blood Help is needed by tho uorvoua sufferer tho men and women tortured with rheumatism neuralgia dyspop3la scrofula catarrh Help Comes Quickly When Hoods Sarsaparllla begins to enrich purify and vitalize tho blood and sends it in a healing nourishing invigorating stream to tho nerves muscles and organs of tho body Hoods Barsaparllla builds up tho weak and broken down system and cures all blood diseases because Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood rurlfler All druggists 81 Treparcd only by 0 1 Hood Co Lowell Mass are tho only pills to tako ji flOOd PlIlS wlthlloodsSarsaparllla AMUsem*nTS SHOltK ACUES This excellent attraction has been secured for a date here in March This attraction will be the iinest that has yet appeared here Hi Henrys 60000 doilur Minstrels is the next attraction at Opera House Gilbert Opera Co of forty people will be seen hero in March Sometimes thd most careful women are tho most careless Many a woman bundles herself up to keep out sickness when she is neglecting the very worst sickness that can como to a woman She allows slight disorder to become worse to slowly sap her vitality The little pain and the other slight indications of trouble seem to her unimportant She goes on with increasing suffering until life itself becomes a drag Nervousness sinking spells digestive disturbances and fifty other complications may arrive from the derangement Of the organs distinctly feminine Over thirty years ago tho need for a reliable icmedy for so called female complaints was recognized by Dr 1 Pierce then as now fhie consulting physician to the Worlds Dispensary and Invalids Hotel at Buffalo Ho prepared Dr Pierces Favorite Pre scription the most wonderfully effective remedy that has ever been used for such maladies Sond 21 cents in one cent stamps and receive Dr Pierces 1008 page Common Sonso Medical Adviser illustrated Try Bairds Horchouud candy at Tiptons corner drugstore I would like to second what Bro Gill said in last weeks paper We Presbyterians had such good time celebrating tho one hundredth anniversary of our church and felt so good after it was over that personally I would like to see Montgomery count- celebrate her centennial anniversary in some fitting manner There are several things to bo gained by it as it appears to mo chief among thorn are thoso suggested by Bro Gill but in addition to these it could bo matlo to porvo us a corrective of somo of the false impicssions that have gone abroad as to the character of our county It could also bu used as a means of advertising our county and increasing tho interest in it abroad and thus in a degree at least enhance tho value of property Montgomery is as good a county as there is in the State Let us by all means havo that celebration and let us make it such a one as will givo evidence to the people elsewhere of tho extent of our resources A AnnicK i Hon James A Harris opened his eompaign for Governor of Teunes aeo in a speech at Knoxville Saturday night Ho declared ho would run on State issues alone and deplored tho discussion of national issues ill State campaigns Illustrated papers and magazines at Tiptons I Tiiatvare sale at Fieomatid Feb- ruary 27 to Marphl ntxK MtMNMNWMrWMcMft JTWKW OttKHUPOtfDENOX Grassy Lick Dean Brofl sold to Grcon 18 lioutl of OOCf lb cattle at 325 Phil Jackson a respected colored man died on last Saturday at his home aged OS Henry Green attended tho Cincinnati tobacco market last week lie reports alow sales Dr David Bush who is attending school at Louisville is visiting iiis parents this week Green sold to II Hull three feeders at 1525 also to Clayton Howell one feeder at 1310 Dr George Savage of Winchester will preach at Grassy Lick Church on tho 5th Sunday in Mutch The third Quarterly Meeting will bo held at Grassy Lick on second Saturday and Sunday in March Kov Band will bo present MisXizzie Ramsey of Winchester Misses Gertrude and Dollie Yager of Bourbon count3 Miss Callic Eliottrof Kiddville and Mr Clarence Wright are visiting friends and relatives in tho neighborhood The past week was favorable on those who failed to fill thoir ico houses the first season but was a hard time on stock and small grain Wheat has tho worst prospect at this season than for 3ears Mrs A Ferguson will bratc her sovenry eecond birthday on next Saturday February 25 by giving her friends and neighbors big dinner She bus kept up this custom of entertuining her friends ever since she has been married and has fed more people at birthday dinners than any one in tho county although her birth days do not come but once in four years She says this one vSll be a double dinner as the next will not come for eight years There are more renters this year than was ever known in this neigh borhood Tlio lollowing is a partial list of the changes Green 1ms tented his farm to Chus Ball to cultivate on the shares II Fletcher rented his farm to Craycraft on shaic John Sump- hon rented of Allen Bros on Plum Lick pike 150 acres for 1000 25 acres for corn 8 for tobacco and balance in grass II Ramsey rented to Holly house and two acres of land at 75 Pool lias rented portion of tho Goodpastcr farm of Mr Todd on shares John Corbott has rented his farm to Tip Helvestine Uncle George Garrison has rented the John Benton farm All will move about Mnuch 1 Wades Mill Enoch Kincuid is on tho sick list Muster Frank Pendleton is sick with fever Albert Huydon of Mt Sterling was here Sunday Priest is visiting relatives at Greencnstle lnd Newton Johnsonof this place is preparing to move to Indian Territory James Elkin nnd wife of Iluck orvillo aro visiting lelativcs at this place Eugeno Priest of Greencnstle lnd is visiting lelativcs at this place Morgan McKinnoy of this place is visiting relatives in Madison county co*ckrell rented four nctes of t6bncco hind of Mack Evans at 25 per acre John Clinkcnbeard of near here has rented Mrs Ada Rices farm for tho ensuing year 15 Pendleton and wife of this place visited relatives in Montgomery county the past week David Brntton of tliis place bought a nice comhinod mare in Ml Sterling Court day for 05 Claronco Muir and Miller Clark bought King William at Kezin Scobeos sale Thursday for 100 Turley sr of Centorville routed his iaiin of sixty ilve acres at tliis place to William Vencli for 375 acres for cultivation Though an exceedingly cold day a fair crowd attended liczin boes Bale Thursday and horses cows cattle siieop nogs etc brought good prices Mrs Bosloy of Winchester who has been visiting relatives at i 1 ucsday February 25 1896 tMnmVKHniwiiii bon country whero she will visit relatives until the first of Maich John Henderson of this place who was charged Avith malicious shooting was acquitted He is the bad nigg*r with whom Winchesters police force had a lively chase a few weeks ago The following sale and tlio one mentioned below goes to show that Stoner ereck bottoms produced tho finest tobacco grown in the State Dooley and King sold three hogsheads in Louisville Wednesday at 21 Jc 17 1c and lfc Lnbc co*ckrell and John Burgin returned from Louisville Wednesday Mr co*ckrell sold eleven hogsheads of tobacco at an average of 1333 They told us that most of the tobacco on tho market was of very poor quality selling at nn average of about 4 but a better grade is expected in few days Burnett Hcddon On hist Thursday February 20 at A oclock Mr Burnett and Miss Mcddim wire joimd in the bonds of holy wedlock Rv II of Louisville performing a moat solemn and itnpiessive ceremony The marriage took place at tho hom*o of Mrs Susan Ileddon near Hemp Ridge wheio the many lelativcs and friends were assembled to witness the union oflheeo two of their well bo loved young friends They were indeed well lememborid lcceiving a most handsome collection of picsents Mrs Burnett is well known hers being a sister of Hodden editor of tho advocaik and has many friends who wiah tho young couple all happiness After a short bridal tour MY and Mrs Burnett will tako up their abode at Soulhvllle tho home of tho uiootu It is tho wish and earuost bopo of I Ins Advocate they may spend many long and happy yeais They wero the ue tM of the bridoij brother here fiotn Saturda until Monday ati rnoon The Shelby Sentinel in its last issue says young Tho bride is a charming lady Sno is tho daughter of the lato Jacob llyddon and lias a liont of friendr who mMi her and the man of her choice a world of happiness and piospirity Tho aroom a tneichunt and fanner at South- and is ono of tlo most popular youiijrmen i i ho county lie si brother of Mr Uurnott of the Citizens Dank 100 Reward 100 Tho rendu of thin paper will he pleaod lo learn llialtheio is at least ono dreaded diaoa that science lias hoou able to cure in all its stages and that Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cine is the only positivo euro known to the medical fraternity Caturih being a constitutional dKiane loquitvn a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Onto 5h taken intornnlly acting di lectly ttrcn the blood and mucous HtirfaciS of tho system thereby tioyintr tho foundation of the dUoano and uiving ihe patient Mrcugilt bj building tip tho constitution and as sihlinu natiiie in doing its work Tho proprietors havo so much faitli in its curative powers that they oiler Uno Ilundied Dollars for any caso that it fails to cure inonlaU Addrctts FJ Chknby Ss Co Toledo Ohio Sold by druggists 75c 2S4t For Rent- A nicu four room cottage on Queen street near lliii 31 2t Ch as Pints The Saddler II I I 0 Farm For Salo Wo offer for salo privntely our farm situated on Grassy Lick in Montgomery county Ky and known as the Hunt place containing 21 1 acres Will soil ns a whole or in parcels to suit purchasers Any one desiring to pur chns tliis land will call upon or Hunt on tho promises or the undersigned WI Stuodk Tas Wou i FOR SALE this place loft Saturday for Hour- tons corner drugstore Hunt Twenty shares preferred stock Farmers and Growers Tobacco Warohcuso Company Covington Ky and Cinciunati 0 Call on RHWINN 3l 2t i 0 ii i Only 50c Per Bushell boico northern grown irih talof 30 2t LlllIES TlI MlSON GltOOKIiY Co Special ttttontiou given to physician proscriptions at 13 Tip yf lfryiMwiffi iiimi linnmianMmTi 1fc I kj CO Thief ii yvy is pilfering in your bin tend you permit it A cooking stove that has to be overfed to be coaxed to cook at all and dumps its coal without digesting it is a downright robber MEKICAN SLlJixI CDITUR OESTINQUAUTV im Mx 1 mm WHITES 6EM ir i 2 VERMIFUGE 111 Eiia a 0 a Wduna FOR 20 YEARS ir Ue tn nil VJ09IVI Rnmnrilnf 9 EVERY BOTTLE GUanANTEEB Sena lor list of tcstt rrrpmi br men illlsn IlMMt IM nr iuiis rvsMliaJvJaLvarvii CTeffersorLvillo Iivdastrial School IIaviiiKfcionupmy woik at Craytou cntiduct an InduUiiiil solmol oi uij fall i ii mou IcuiUMimillis Kroi tliu Client Young Men and Women Vln mo not able to iv ninno for nil uiliicntinn Kh Inn them tho oppoi unit of pajlnjr boaid in woik School Commencing March 1st Voi fuithor particulars addiess mo ntJifler Fonxlile MontROineix County Ky Kuclose a two tent potiiKO stamp gukenwaim 2J3m Ilinclpal Public Sale By consent ot utockliolrtniB of Gmp Lick Turn IMUo Itoail 1 will Mll at public uiution on Ute promiO Friday Pob 28th 1S90 ton oclock a to the Toll houxo situated ono half mile north of Winchester piko on the laud of A Stoter TortiiK cash SU iit II Donohui Ticas NV Heed sells tho Koyal Horso and Cattle rowdor and Ground llono for cliickens 30 2t For Sale Two uood draft lioiaes Porccth jjoitlo andwill work anywlwre 2U Ouitis Lauiii ffMI 1JS4S Steel lange saves food and fuel enough in two years to pay for itself All parts unbreakable steel and malleable iron Its heat cant escape A quick and even baker You can learn all about the Majestic Cooking Range at our store The Majestic is Such a saver that it pays to discard a cast iron stove for one FOR SALE BY REED Dealer in Hardware Qneeusware Etc Ml Sterling Ky WEEKLY Original Progressive Prnclicnl TjhI iuofitlti3 nnl inako it a practical nccwsitj to every piogrcsslro farmer anil his family tho Amcuican Aobioultukist is now published ncckly instead of monthly at ONLY 100 A YEAR All the Leading Features that liuo mudo the monthly so popular aio letained and many new features added such as General and Local Mntket Price Crop Kcpoits in their Season Condensed Farm Now and Lettcis Among the Farmers Its Farm Features Such as TivoStocklDairying Hoiticultuic Poultry Maikct Gardening and other topics wrlttcnliy practical and successful farmcts supplemented with illustrations by able artists combine to maku it in aluablc to thoe ho faun it for a living The Local Maikets and Commercial Apiicultuicaic Leading Features In which the Agriculturist is not excelled Five Editions To better ndipt the Agriculturist totho special Interests of each section vcoiItlriii mt i HUCrt for iho dlflcrcnt sections of tho country They aro knoun as 11 istem Middle Central Western Southern Lach udtion contains special Local Features characUnlstlc of its section peifectly udaptlug it to tho wanUof the famiersof the ditfcicnt states In that 6cction Tims each edition becomes to tho fumeis as much their home iigriciiltiual paper as though published at thoir own statu capital The Family Features Short Stoiie Licst Fashions Fancy Woik Tho Jood Cool Talks with the Dpctor Iuzzlo Contests Libtai Coiner nnd Young Folks llagc combine to imiko this dcpnit ment of ii4 much value ami inlcicst no most of tho Special Family Papers Questions nnsueml on Lnw Medicine Vetetinary and other topics fieo of charpe TUB UtVISU FOltJl Kich issue tomci out bound in a neat eoer tho num ber of pnjca ai ln from 2S to 20 AN IDEAL FARM AND FAMILY WEEKLY FKin SAMlIi COlYsentomeuuest FOR 100 SENT 0V for tlio year 1MJ ill bend balancoot fiee AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST 52 Lafayette Place NEW YORK SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER Tin Advocatk 100 Ameiucax AonioujrcuiST Weelky 100 Our Price only 165 for both papers one year each Addmss THE ADVOCATE Mt Sterling Ky MOST IN QUANTITY sy U1 fHI 1T BSrH V7Hi ywmwn 11 Mil sra5gsixgOTffCTazraasttt3wj I 5 itlZZdiSiMtKiJIs EI NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition l8PagesaWeel 152 Papers a Tear IalaiK3r tlian any cekjy orbPiiiI cclly pa per published and la tlio only impoi taut Den emtio weekly imbll licd in New Yoik Jlty Tin tlnien an liujama tho leading ltoiiuliliinn weekly or Novv YoikCtty It will bo of isiiec iulmUantaeu to lurlnjf tlio ritKblDKNT 1AT VMlAIGS a it iiublUhril eeiy other daoccit Sundaj und liaa nil the fieh nssBiinil tliiiiliuininl ii daily Jt combines nil Urn nows Itlm lonlirit or intci IotliiK decart nieiits uuiqiiu foa tines cnitooiiH aiul iipUlo illiiRti atioiif tlio lnttei belnjr hpccialtj All thoo liiipuneiiiiMtK have been mndo niilmut an nu cim in tlio cost wlileli icmaltiB it One Dollai pm eai oiler tin unnjuiUd nowspnpor nnd It Slerlii AftTflcaie ToGETHEr One Year for 160 Ilio icihii8iilciiptioi mice of tlio two pa peiislNMl For Salo Forty tons of choice clover hay unci sovernl ricks of excellent timothy Will sell in rick or dc livor in city Apply to IJiiown 28 tf Agent for Dr Ii Drake Plov Gearing and Saddlery Of all doMuiptioiH Stock laryc and priccR low TarpiuliiiH currv cotiiba nul brushes A few hirco hizt collars at 75 cents eveh to closo tliem out CttAS llnis Tho Saddler Opposite Tubbs Peed Store 2S It You can find nt AV Reeds tho Royal Horse nnd Cattle Powder and Ground Rone for chickens 30 2t Ono odii fountain apparatus and Mali for sale cheap Latest Unproved apply to Hocknd jv 27 tf QlvinpiKy SVJ.

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The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.